Aunt Uka fell heavily on the same couch I had sex with Philomena for the first time and began sobbing softly, regret and anguish present in her voice.
"I said that because when her problem had not started, I got an eyeful of all the signs and blow it off as nothing".
"You blow what off?" her husband challenged.
"One night, I slept off in Nono's room while comforting her. I'm a heavy sleeper but I tend to wake up several times and fall straight back to sleep after finding a better position. That night at about 1 am I woke up, slowly opened my eyes to see a little girl standing beside the bed.
She should be around eight or nine, I'm not sure. She was on a white nightgown. Her black long hair was packed together behind with a pink ribbon. She had pink socks to knee level with white stripes. She was staring straight into my eyes like a child would to a parent. There was sadness in her eyes, a hunger for love and attention.