Chereads / Its ya boi, Emisyl / Chapter 134 - A new beginning

Chapter 134 - A new beginning

"Hello what's up it's your boy Emi" says a man with ponytail as he looks at the camera.

In third person, we see him hold it.

"We cannot start this adventure without friends" he says to himself as he looks at the camera again.

He then starts to wander around and sees a blonde girl with blue eyes.

He comes closer and approaches the girl by starting it with a tap then he talks as she turns around.

"Hey, can you be my friend?" he asks.

"Wait, that was so sudden. What?" the girl answered.

"Just say yes or no" Emisyl says.

"Is that a camera right there?" the girl noticed.

"Shut up, just say yes or no" Emisyl replied.

The girl didn't even answer and yet Emisyl grabs her by the shoulder and forced together

in a pose as if they were friends.

"Ok, we're friends now. Adventure soon" Emisyl says at the camera.

"I haven't even introduced myself. Did I even say yes?" the girl says.

"Ok what's your name?" Emisyl asks without looking at the girl as he keeps staring at the camera.

"My name's Nana" she replied.

"Ok, welcome to the team. My name's Emisyl" he adds.

"What is this for?" Nana asks.

"I didn't get a job so I'm planning of applying to Adventurer's Club which is the building right there" Emisyl points.

"aka. Home of unemployed people who don't even dare to try again" Emisyl adds.

"Phew, that's kind of long name" he ends.

"Alright, how do we do this adventure thingy?" Nana asks.

"We need weapons" Emisyl answers.

Nana starts to whistle.

"Yes, madame. What do you need?" a man in black suit suddenly appears.

"Give us inventory and weapons" she asks.

"Alright" the man answered.

"Are we going modern or medieval?" the man asks a question.

"I want a spear" Emisyl asks.

"Give him a spear" Nana instructs.

"Understood" the man in suit then hands over a spear.

There were nearby policemen who sees what they are doing.

"You can't just hand over deadly weapons on the street, people" he says.

On the nameplate it says "Haken Lazarus"

Another policeman followed up, he looks intimidating.

On the nameplate it says "Chiffe Nori"

"Pay a fine. This is illegal" says Chiffe as he handcuffs all of them.

Fast forward, they managed to pay the fine and they are now on Nana's home.

"That was kind of a time waste" Nana says.

"Oh yeah. Now let's continue the story" Emisyl replied.

"I don't know why I trust you but I can see in your eyes that you should be trusted" Nana says.

"Yeah you should. I'm gonna blow up on Twotube" says Emisyl then he waves at the camera.

They then stood up.

"We're gonna register to Adventurer's Club and it's gonna be a great story" he says.

"All of them will be recorded" he massages the camera.

Not so long they reached the club and the line was very long.

"I can't believe there's a lot of bored people here" Emisyl says.

He then sat beside Nana and there's another person beside them.

It seems like he's a short boy, fitting for an adventure story.

"Hey, do you wanna join our club?" Emisyl asks.

"Wait. Emi?" It was Murasyl.

"Wait. Why do I feel like I know you? This is supposed to be our first episode" Emisyl says.

"Someone is robbing your store, stop sleeping" suddenly Emisyl woke up after hearing that from Mura.

He sees his money being stolen.

"What the heck. Did you even know who you are stealing to" Emisyl chases the thief.

As Moonlin passes by, she saw Emisyl running as if he's chasing something.

Moonlin is supposed to use her powers but noticed civilians looking around and then she stopped.

However, the fact that she released darkness on her palms won't leave from their memory.

They were all stunned.

"Fuck it" Moonlin chases whoever Emisyl is chasing.

They are now on a stair and the thief reached up then jumps down.

Emisyl was outplayed, it's as if they are on a parkour show.

"Stay away!" Moonlin pushes a civilian.

The thief sees an open window and climbs on another house.

The thief then looses it's grip then right on time, she grips on the open window and enters.

Emi decided to destroy the house by blasting it.

We see the thief surprised on what Emi can do.

"Our house!" a woman was screaming.

"Mommy... what's happening" a male child hugs his mom.

Now Emi can clearly see the thief's masked face.

He dragged it by the hoodie and slams it down on the floor.

It rolls and coughs.

Emisyl then chases, picks up the thief and performs a gut punch.

Now that the thief is immobile, he removes the mask.

It was a girl with brown hair and a few strands of green hair up front.

"What is your name?" he asks.

"Aengsari. I'm so sorry" she replied.

"I just need the money bro" she adds.

Emisyl then slaps her on the face.

"Same" Emisyl answers.

As Aengsari lies on the floor, Emisyl takes his money back.

Suddenly, he remembers that he just destroyed a house.

"I'm screwed" he tells to himself.

Finally, Moonlin catches up and sees Aengsari lying on the floor knocked out and her clothes were ripped due

to all the incidents.

Emisyl decides to call Nana.

"Hey. My lovable friend I need money" He immediately says.

"What? I've missed you and this is all that I get?" Nana replied.

"Wait what did you just said?" Emisyl asks.

"How much?" Nana suddenly asks.

"About..." Emisyl says a value.

"Alright. Coins. No problem" Nana then drops the call.

Emisyl smiles as he only has to wait for his bank account to receive it.

Aengsari was shaking. The attack she received is too much.

Cops arrive and both Emisyl and Moonlin were gone.

"You almost killed that girl" Moonlin tells Emisyl as they walk.

"She deserves it. I just want to sell hotdogs" Emisyl answers.

"I mean. I've killed someone before, a lot of someone" Moonlin says.

"It doesn't worry me. Just wanna say it" she adds.

Suddenly a woman appears from the woods and approaches them.

Her name is Aubrey.

And she's not alone.

Behind her was a group of light bearers as Moonlin senses.

"It's not as harmful as it looks. I'll get every single of you covered for what you just did today" Aubrey says.

"At what cost?" Emisyl asks.

"Just let madame Moonlin come over with me" Aubrey says.

(How did she know my name?) Moonlin was curious.

"We've been spying on you for a long time and now we got a confirmation" Aubrey says.

"I'm pretty sure you are the void mistress and we have a gift for you as pardon for what happened thousand of years ago" she adds.

"Once you are in reach, please accept our resolve" Aubrey kneels.

Moonlin was surprised and her eyes starts to glow as if she felt loved.

Fast forward, Aubrey escorted Moonlin to the crystal cave.

They were welcomed with beautiful crystal view and a cavern.

After they enter, Moonlin was welcomed by people and one was holding a sphagetti plate.

It was Lux.

Moonlin looks around and sees a stage with a ball she was familiar with.

At the top of the ball, there was a tarpaulin that says "We're very sorry"

The group of people spreads out as they smile and Moonlin had a clear view of what's in there.


A lot of them.

"We plead for your forgiveness. We are the current generation of light bearers that did awful to your fellows" Lux says.

"This is the only thing we could give that we feel it could matter"

"We tried our best to get it and advanced our techlogy just to find out one was on our home all along" he adds.

"Oh my gosh... I missed this..." Moonlin looks really happy and she slowly starts to walk closer to the sphere.

We see Agatha and Mrivia eating a spaghetti.

Now we see Moonlin juggling the sphere.

She's giggling and laughing.

She was really happy.

"This feels like home..." Moonlin says on her sweetest voice.

The light bearers smiled as they noticed Moonlin was trully happy about it.

"Do you guys know how to play this?" Moonlin asks as her eyes sparkle.

Agatha got interrupted by that question.

Everyone is nervous as they might destroy the moment with one single wrong move.

Agatha suddenly remembers the scene where she met Maelstrom and Nairu and what they did to the sphere.

"I know! I know!" Agatha tosses her spaghetti plate.

Mrivia catches it and she looks satisfied that the food didn't go to waste.

Moonlin purifies the ball and it became a shadow ball.

The gravity now starts to shift and everyone felt it.

In their surprise, someone out there could manipulate gravity.

Mrivia channels her powers and interrupts the switch and it felt like nothing happened.

Eventually, she continued eating spaghetti.

"Catch!" Moonlin says as she tosses the purified shadow ball.

As Agatha catches, they were moved to another realm.

She felt a powerful force on the left and right side.

It was so strong that she felt like she must unleash her full power.

She did.

(What the heck is this place?) Agatha asks herself.

"Let's play a game" Moonlin says.

"There are 2 blackholes and one of us must send this ball at the center" Moonlin says.

The vacuum is getting stronger, it's not normal to get up on a blackhole this close.

Moonlin then changes form.

Agatha suddenly interrupts.

"If you mind. My body is not meant to withstood things like this" she says.

"May I..." Moonlin doesn't look like she likes what she is hearing.

"I mean, let's go!" Agatha forces herself and dribbles the shadow ball.

She's fast and could keep up with Moonlin.

She performs an ankle breaker and managed to get through Moonlin's defenses.

She then shoots it inside the blackhole and it's energy immediately takes it to the horizon.

"2 Points!" Moonlin happily says then she enters the blackhole.

Not even a minute, she returns with it.

"How do you get it so fast?" Agatha asks.

"I am the darkness and I could freely move inside a blackhole wherever I want, instantly" Moonlin replied.

"Let's continue the game and I hope your body could keep up!" Moonlin was excited.

It was a great play and they took a few minutes.

Not so long, Agatha's power is weakening and she starts to feel the need of oxygen as well the vacuum taking her in.

The score ended up at 102 - 86 at Moonlin's advantage.

"I can't keep up anymore mistress" Agatha says.

"It's fine. I had a good time" Moonlin returns to her human form and disables the realm.

They returned to the Crystal Cave and everyone was happy to see them back.

"We're happy that you are back Ms. Moonlin" Lux says.

Agatha faints but the nearby men and women catches her.

"You did a great job" Aubrey says.

"Do you accept our apology" A light bearer asks.

"Yes. You are all forgiven" Moonlin looks at everyone.

They all cheered.

(Just all of you) Moonlin speaks on herself as she smiles.

"Hey, can I have a spaghetti too?" Moonlin asks.

Everyone starts to offer theirs.

"Here's mine mistress I haven't touched them"

"Here mistress"

"Please take mine mistress"

"Please take me along with the spaghetti please mistress"

"Please take this spaghetti, I haven't ate it"

Day ends with us looking at nice crystal formations of the cavern.

Khanzen was in tears.