Chereads / Its ya boi, Emisyl / Chapter 129 - What's the plan

Chapter 129 - What's the plan

We see Niul hiding by the entrance of Ampheria.

Without any talking she sent out ice in form of waves similar to ocean waves except they are frozen solid.

This killed the guards immediately.

She then flips and slides up front as if she's ice skating while leaving trails of ice on everything she passes by.

Hecarion is hiding the shadows with his mask on and different outfit while waiting for the moment where Niul needs help.

Reaching atop of a stair, she starts to flip and slides her arms side to side releasing shards of ice killing any civilian that got lost at the part of Ampherian city.

This news quickly reached Vcyron who is still on a break while this things were happening.

"This is all of a sudden and an emergency sir!" a soldier called.

With Niul's newly obtained Godly Aura she was able to detect where was this call is from by scanning the area.

She moves there swiftly and stabs the soldier with her hands as it is on a form of icy sharp blades.

She then steals the phone and takes the call instead.

"Whoever are you, this place is beyond saving" Niul says on the phone as she sets up a snowstorm.

"I am straightforward. I want to lead this place"

"I am the strongest and you should recognize that before I kill every irrelevant leech I call weak" Niul then tosses the phone on the side and continues the cleansing of Ampheria.

She starts to climb off a handrail and her left hand were shaking when she casts this ability.

She curves it then sends out the coming backup that had no plans on how to save the first city.

The news spread like a wildfire and there were foreigners accross the city asked to evactuate immediately.

Snowstorms continue and it starts to get called.

The soldiers that Niul called relevant keep their cool and starts a fire for their survival.

"We're not the level of this person. We should accept that this area is done and save yourselves"

"Don't let the enemy find your position" a captain commands.

"Sir yes sir" the other soldier agrees.

However, some cannot comphrehend the fine line between bravery and stupidy and continued to dive the battle underestimating the fact that Niul is alone.

The captain who just called named "Ardien" sees that this soldiers just cannot be stopped as he looks from the hole of the house he was hiding.

Snowstorms continue.

Shots were fired.

However, Niul's newly obtained regenerative properties made the bullets useless.

She closes her eyes and happily takes them all.

As they reload, Niultynjere unleashed ice shards that absolutely destroyed everyone as it pierced through their body like giant swords.

Niul continues to step forward and Hecarion is collecting souls of the dead from the back.

Ardien sees that there are more backups waiting from the next entrance by the next city.

He continues to charge and save them.

Before he does this, he makes a call.

"Whoever is unseen, just don't think about it. Wait the Ampherian elites" he says.

Ardien then shoots Niul by the head as distraction but it was too much for a distraction.

Niul was shot in the head and is knocked out.

However, her regeneration was on during this time and she immediately woke up as she opens her eyes and stands up like a zombie.

She was completely distracted and Ardier completely accepts his fate although not turning back and willing to fight for it.

Niul forms her hands as if she wants to pull Ardier's head and dettach it as she goes in.

Ardier dodges it and performs a tackle then slams Niul at the ground.

He then forms a blade made of lightning and attempts to stab Niul.

Before he does he was pushed with a palm punch upwards then Niul speaks.

"You will be part of my Dominion. I like you" then freezes him up the air.

Ardier covered in ice cube falls to the ground and is completely frozen.

"Everyone deserves to live will be frozen and will be thawed once I conquered this country" Niul says then moves forward.

She continues to walk as if shes sliding on ice on her way to the next city.

Now we move to another scene.

"What's the plan Mr. Vcyron?" a captain asks.

"I'm willing to send out all our resources to take this person down" says Vcyron.

An Ampherian Elite responds.

She had a dark blue hair with red eyes and double ponytails paired with short hair.

At this very moment, she is wearing a snow coat as a sign to be ready against the icy attack.

Her name is Loise.

"That would be dumb. Intelligence says she's not destroying any building" says Loise as she crosses her arms and interrupts the discussion.

"She's trully an ampherian and is purging the weak" she adds.

"Are you suddenly siding with this murderer?" Vcyron tells Loise.

A muscular man appears behind Loise who seems to be another Ampherian Elite.

His name is Aldeborus.

"We are siding with this pure heart of Ampherian you call murderer" he says.

"Ampheria isn't always a place for the weak ever since"

"King Taranis was the strongest during his peak and you're honestly a weak leader Vcyron" he adds.

"You don't know what you're talking about" Vcyron replied and starts to charge lightning from his fists.

"Getting the weak people expelled is no good for Ampheria. Every person contributes to the society" Vcyron says.

"That's what you thought" Loise says.

"In Ampheria, you get to the ranks and receive respect from accross the country"

"Even your business gets well respected if you are strong person"

"It's always been our culture to not be weak and let me tell you a story" Loise starts to juggle fire as she talks.

"Not so long, a very known person at City 3 this castle is at City 4 and it was basically our neighbor"

"His name is Gallianth. A retired Captain who started a simple cullinary business as persay, a restaurant"

"It was cool and all that he was enjoying his retirement until their area was filled with weaklings"

"They made a group and robbed the restaurant killing Gallianth"

"You are hearing this right, a group of weak was formed to have a strength of a strong and robs the actual strong person then kills him"

"The weak was never respected in Ampheria, all they do is make sneaky crimes" Loise ends.

Vcyron smiles then speaks.

"If he was trully strong, he wouldn't get killed" Vcyron says.

"There's no strong if you are attacked in surprise and has no ability to resist it. Not everyone can regenerate quickly, Mr. Vcyron" Loise says.

"He was caught off guard. He was asleep when the robbery happened" she adds.

"By your logic, he's weak. He lost to hundreds of weaklings, if it were" Vcyron replied.

"If you are strong, you won't be killed regardless" he adds.

"The true strong will swipe those weaklings all by himself despite the fact that he just woke up" he ends.

"You are really pushing this equality narrative, aren't ya?" Loise replied.

"I am. Ampheria belongs to everybody" he says.

Suddenly a man with bow appears from the side and interrupts.

His name is Carym and is another Ampherian Elite.

"Now we just found who is the true leader of Ampheria" he says.

"What you just said about swiping the weaklings, the attacker is doing that and you never did"

"Should we kill this fake leader right in front of us" he adds.

Aldeborus joins the discussion and talks.

"No, we don't have to. The savior of Ampheria will come and do it for us"

"Enjoy your time while it lasts, Mr. Vcyron" says Aldeborus then they leave.

Carym catches up with the 2 and disappeared.

"I still have a few members to trust. Once this attack is done I'll get those 3 killed" he says.

Suddenly, a report came and King Taranis himself comes out of a room.

The soldier gives a salute before giving intelligence.

"Her name is Niultynjere sir and she has fully conquered City 2"

"A lot of people were caged in ice cubes and the buildings were surprisingly not destroyed"

"Just as well, there are corpses lying on the ground. We have to do something about this" he says.

"Even our machinery which is supposed to be over the top quality of technology is lying all over the place and destroyed"

"We need a command from you sir, real fast" he ends.

"I am willing to spend all our resource-" he was suddenly interrupted when he felt a touch on his shoulders.

It was King Taranis.

"The Elites were right Vcyron. Niutynjere was a dream for most Ampheria"

"An extremely strong person to lead this country" King Taranis says.

"It was me when I was on my peak" he adds.

Vcyron clenches his teeth.

"Send. All. The. Resources." he doesn't agree with his father.

"Niultynjere is trully an Ampherian dream" Alexis talks as he reads a book from the side.

"Since when you were here?" Vcyron asks.

"I just came" Alexis smiles.

"Tch." Vcyron decides to come with the soldier.

"I'll join the battle and everyone who is willing"

"Niul is threat to Ampheria and needs to be vanquished" he says.

At this very moment, Niul has the half of City 3.

Now we move to another scene.

We see Marisa on a call as she as well received the news about the attack.

"The hunters will not be involved on this battle. We will continue our job to collect resources once this war settles" she says then listens to the caller then drops.

"Master Niul is right. Ampheria has gone weak" she says.

"Pulling the weakling out of King Taranis' body was just the beginning" she adds.

Now we move to another scene.

We see Moonlin staring down a terrace with Louliette and Astaridas not in sight.

"Dang, she's killing everyone!" says Moonlin as she happily watches soldiers getting killed and some were being caged in an ice cube.

"Go girl!" she adds.

Moonlin then looks back to Louliette.

"This is the person who killed your brother"

"Are you willing to interrupt? I bet you could" Moonlin asks.

"I am willing" Louliette says.

Moonlin then smiles.

"This is why I brought you here" Moonlin says.

"You have to know that you'll face me too when you try" she adds then smiles.

"I'm not afraid of you Moonlin" Louliette replied.

"Oh... I know. But you'd want this friendship to last aren't ya?" Moonlin says.

Louiliette then realizes Moonlin could be great part of Celestia.

"We have formed an alliance. You know that"

"I just want you to meet Niultynjere for another time. And just as well, I have an adopted Kid who lives here and she must know that this is not a safe place" Moonlin adds.

"Move on from the past. It was not Niul who caused it but Zenichius, the ambitious weakling that took credit when Niul starts to purge the weak"

"Niul would've stayed on her planet if not for Zenichius" she adds.

"He killed my brother and that is a fact" Louliette doesn't agree with this brainwashing.

"Your choice Louliette. Your choice" Moonlin smiles then continues to watch the catastrophe that Niul is causing.

She then takes her phone and calls.

"Alderei, get out of that place" she says.

"Go to Dusk and visit Lycsei. He'll take care of you" she adds.

We see Alderei on the other side.

She's a teal haired girl with horns and is wearing a stripe dress at this very moment while is outside.

"There's so many soldiers in here and I could recognize some Ampherian Elites" Alderei replied.

"What is happening?" Alderei had no idea.

"Niultynjere is there and I don't know her motive. However, it's not a good idea to face her"

"I'll be interrupting this lore and save your ass. Go to dusk and ride the boat that Petra prepared" says Moonlin.

"Where is Petra?" Alderei asks.

"At the shores of City 4. Quite distant from her shoe shop, call her" Moonlin says.

"Understood" Alderei replied then drops the call.

Alderei then starts preparing the things she needs before leaving Ampheria on her head.

"I need clothes, food and stuff" she talks to herself.

Suddenly, she sees her dog and speaks to it.

"Bernard!" she happily calls it.

Bernard comes close with tongue out, he was a very small dog.

Alderei carries him then she quickly runs inside their house to pack things over.

Now we move to another scene.

We see Vcyron and trusty army along with Erwin waiting at the entrance.

"I know you'd be the ones I could trust, Erwin" Vcyron says.

"Frankly, things are tough" Erwin replied.

They now see Niul approaching from quite a distance as they are on the higher ground.

"They're like toys for her" Erwin leaves a comment.

"Huff... Huff... Huff" we see Niul panting.

She then sets up an igloo.

"Is she tired?" Erwin thinks this is an opportunity.

Before he did something, a dark portal appears and blocked him.

Hecarion comes out and stabs Erwin and severed his stomach.

Hecarion then took his soul and fixes his necktie.

Vcyron sends out a thunder strike but Hecarion responds with a shadow teleportation causing it to miss.

He then sends out a peace sign and leaves.

Vcyron immediately picks up his friend.

"Erwin! Can you still move?" he asks but Erwin is completely gone.

"What's the command sir? Should we still go?" a soldier asks.

Missiles start to bombard the igloo but it is indestructible and Niul is having her peaceful break.

She then sets out a snowstorm and takes a quick 10 minutes nap.

Yes, Niul is underestimating the enemy so much that she slept in middle of the battle.

Trully an Ampherian dream.

Hecarion takes over the attack and kills people despite being inside their vehicle.

Helicopters and planes fall down and hits the ice cubes but as they are made by Niul, the cubes as well were indestructible and the chosen ones were kept safe and frozen.

Hecarion proceeds to obliterate anything that moves except the ones who are waiting by the exit.