Chereads / Its ya boi, Emisyl / Chapter 120 - Very clumsy

Chapter 120 - Very clumsy

It starts with Gloriasse releasing powerful electric energy and blasting a dragon.

She followed up with a shockwave around her and a dash towards the dragon which is 5 times the size of her.

"Hiya!" she lands the strike along with a zap.

Emisyl catches up and sends out a spear crescent slash.

Gloriasse jumped away to not get herself hit.

The dragon is easily knocked out.

"So you do this on daily basis?" Emisyl asks.

"Yep. I do. I'm actually surprised you arrived here this early" Gloriasse answers as she tries to salvage the dragon.

"I could've not salvage this giant creature alone. Thanks to Nana's Inventory and I could keep more things than I could" she says.

"The scales of this dragon sells as they are part of a legendary armor that vacuums energy and improves the capabilities of its wearer" she adds then cuts a piece of scale.

Emisyl stares.

"They call this one Pumisteel Drake" Gloriasse lifts the scale up high as it shines.

"Ampheria uses this material quite a lot and were bound to visit it. It's fun to waste some time here until Nana gets you a new stand" she adds.

"As if I have anything else to do" Emisyl replied.

"Also. I think I've seen something like that before but no on Ampheria. Pumisteel armor you say?" Emisyl says.

"Yep. I also saw one on a dream but let's listen your story first" Gloriasse says then keeps the scale on her mind inventory and it disappeared in thin air.

"Oh yeah. It was probably a dream as well. I fought you in there and there's this guy who absorbs energy and acts as if its his own. His name is Alfred" Emisyl says.

"Oh... very familiar. I bet we met in there" Gloriasse says.

"You remember that?" Emisyl asks.

"I do" Gloriasse says.

"But I'm pretty sure it's a dream. I died in there but was still alive in here"

"I dissipated as I am in some sort of... form of water then I can't feel anything"

"The next thing I know is I woke up here"

"Though, I do remember seeing Elionne mercilessly kill people" she adds.

Emisyl didn't react.

"Anyways. We got more things to do" Gloriasse says.

"I got more things to hunt and you're coming with me. So much commissions to day" she says.

"Alright" Emisyl replied.

"Where is our next stop?" he asks.

"We're heading to Clactrac here in Ampheria. It's called Crystal Forest, very simple" Gloriasse answers.

"The creatures there seem to be like crystal armored and they are sturdy against electricity but they have flesh within so with enough power, they are vulnerable"

"We might also meet Alexis who is son of King Taranis, the current leader of Main Ampheria" she adds.

"Is it far?" Emisyl asks.

"Not so. I still got 5 teleport flasks left" she says.

"Woah. Teleportation? Ampheria is sure modern" Emisyl was fascinated on their technology.

"Yeah. But this one is limited for Elite members of Hunter's Association like me. They are expensive to produce and each use must be valuable like how we just killed a Pumisteel Dragon in here" Gloriasse says.

Gloriasse then summons the vial and tosses it on the ground.

"Hold on me" Gloriasse says.

Emisyl hugs her.

Gloriasse's face curls but she didn't find it bothersome as Emisyl looks with a straight face.

In few seconds, a spell was created by the vial and they teleported away.

Suddenly, there's a mysterious man by the trees with black hair and blue eyes.

He was watching them over.

As they disappear, he took some remaining scale and teleported at the same area he thought Gloriasse and Emisyl would be in.

And he was not alone.

The rest of the squad nods and they disappeared in the air.

Now we see Emisyl and Gloriasse on Crystal Forest.

"A God named Crystallius used to reside here and it was harder to hunt. It was a blessing that he was killed in Dusk at least for us" Gloriasse explains then she walks while holding a compass.

"Our goal is by the west. It's a pack of Crystal beings that looks like fishes with legs" she says.

Just as they go west, the ground starts to tremble.

Trees starts to shake and it awakened Gloriasse's senses.

She blasts a lightning shard by the right without seeing the enemy and it's a direct hit.

A sound of shattering glass was heard.

"That's just a grunt. The leader is surely causing the trembles" she says.

Emisyl gets ready.

"A Crystal Gauntleteer" a bipedal crystal creature appears in front of them and it doesn't look like a fish.

It's more of a bearded old man with body of a furry muscular human and it is covered with crystal spikes at the back.

"GROOAHH!" it roars.

Suddenly, it forms into a spiky ball and rolls then bounces.

Gloriasse was struck and she was pushed back to the trees.

"Guh..." she felt it and was caught of guard.

The Gauntleteer then starts to return on its bipedal form and wags its tail as it stares to Emisyl.

Emisyl looks on his side and sees Gloriasse is knocked out.

It delivers a punch that sent out a shockwave on Emisyl causing his hair to be moved by strong air.


It's as if it is giving him a warning.

"Right weapons on right places" Emisyl speaks on the air then runs towards Gloriasse and takes her weapon.

He turns around and just right in time, the Gauntleteer is about to deliver a punch.

Emisyl swings Gloriasse's claymore and slams its arm.

It's arm shatters and the Gauntleteer starts to flinch.

"Groarakh!" it sends out a growl.

Now it is a staredown between the Gauntleteer and Emisyl.

Emisyl channels his Faerie energy and initiates the attack.

He sends out multiple swings and the Gauntleteer tries to block them.


It could not.

So the Gauntleteer starts to deliver a blow and trades its face to get sliced.

It is bleeding but managed to deliver a powerful punch on Emisyl's face.

It turns into ball form again but this time, it is blasting the crystals on its back.

(Pshew Pshew)

They went out like heat seeking missiles.

Someone was attempting to kill Gloriasse at this moment.

It's blade shines and a stab is about to be delivered.

However it was hit by the mad crystals and is stabbed through.

It was a grunt from the man with dual blades.

Out of 10, 6 of them were killed.

"Survivors, hide while I deal with this" says the man.

"We cannot continue the mission. It would cost us" he adds.

Suddenly, he starts creating afterimage as he leaves trail of water while attempting to charge towards the angry Gauntleteer.

He got his position and is blocking Emisyl's view.

He's now on face to face against the Gauntleteer.

He pulls out his blades and starts a stance as if he's going to deliver dual slash.

His body splits into 4 waves of of water.

"Hydroecstatic Assault" he whispers.

Multiple water slashes were delivered without him being seen with the last slash being a giant water centaur slamming the Gauntleteer.

the centaur disappears and we see him on and ending slash stance then keeps his blade.

He stands up and looks at Emisyl.

He has scarf as mask and went straight up staring at Gloriasse.

He quickly dashes on her position as water and attempts to take the kill on his own.

A watery stab that Emisyl didn't saw coming is about to drop to Gloriasse's back hips.

She was actually just pretending to be knocked out and pulls the man's scarf then lifts him up like toy.

Gloriasse follows up with an electric attack to electrocute the man he is holding.

The man resists the shock in few seconds then turns into water again to escape.

Gloriasse then stands up.

Without her claymore, she sends out lightning strikes to the remaining men hiding in the trees.

They were instantly killed.

"Give my claymore back" she asks.

"Sure" Emisyl tosses it and Gloriasse catches the claymore so easy.

She then slams it on the ground.

"I knew we were being followed so I pretended to be knocked out" she says.

"Who is that?" Emisyl asks.

"Symiro, twin of Symira. Symiro used to be #6 of Elite Hunter rankings but he went exile since he felt that it pays better" Gloriasse answers.

"Why were they trying to kill you?" Emisyl asks.

"They want to own all Pumisteel and their boss is probably plotting something and thought he owns the world" she says.

"If literal Gods were killed in Dusk. Being born in Ampheria doesn't gurantee that he's better than them"

"That plan isn't going anywhere but as long as I'm holding the Pumisteel, no one's getting hurt" she adds.

Now we move to where Symiro went.

It seems to be some sort of a cute office with teddy bears around and a lot of cute plushes.

There's a shadowy entity wearing a cute dress that Symiro approached.

"I require new troupe" he says as cute music box song is being played the background.

"That is unfitting music for the situation I'm in" he says.

The shadow entity who seems to be a girl with black hair and blue eyes turns off the music box.

"What happened?" she asks.

"My troupes were killed by a member of Hunter's Association. I underestimated her" Symiro says.

"I thought I could steal all Pumisteels from any person due to my battle experience"

"I won't do any mistake this time and study my targets" he adds.

"Very clumsy" the girl replied.

"I'll do my best this time, Big sister. We will rule the Ampheria" he says.

The girl then cross sits on a couch and pulls a teddy bear.

"The situation also got tighter. Since we've been doing this, they banned people from holding Pumisteel for their own safety" she says.

"I'm also planning to dye my hair blonde and hunt my own. I am #1 anyways" she adds.

"A few sets of Pumisteel armor and we are untouchable against family of Blitzkrieg. It's guranteed that we would take the throne"

"For now. I will contact our people so you could get a new troupe"

"Carry them carefully this time. Every resource is valuable" she ends.

"I would" Symiro says.