Chereads / Its ya boi, Emisyl / Chapter 103 - Let's go on that corner

Chapter 103 - Let's go on that corner

We see Aries in an army uniform talking to Hecarion.

They seem to be in some room inside a cathedral with a girl in bunny hoodie.

She looks young but she isn't and had hair color of pink with eyes of blue.

"That was brave move that's why I called you up in here" Hecarion starts as his hands were on his back.

"What is sir?" Aries asks.

"You bravely charged on Moonlin despite the distance of power between you and her" says Hecarion.

"Moonlin is the 2nd Minister of Void if we call her in formal terms"

"In which, the first was killed and that's what she's fighting for. But that's irrelevant to this discussion" Hecarion explains.

Aries continues to listen.

Hecarion continues to talk.

"I suggest you to put your career on pause and I will talk to Moonlin myself that I want peace"

"For the meantime, Unit6 from Unit Order will replace you the moment we found her" he says.

"But Sir, I prioritize my duty over my life. I don't mind whoever I am facing as long as its for Celestia" Aries replied with a brave tone.

This statement got the girl beside them sigh and gave Hecarion wrinkles on his eyebrows and forehead.

"There's a fine line between bravery and stupidity" Hecarion says.

"And perhaps, I don't think your family would feel the same. They would not want you gone"

"Just listen to me. This is temporary and its for you" Hecarion ends.

"As a higher rank, I do honor your decision" Aries replied.

"However, you might not like how this sounds but I'd prefer if it were said by Louliette"

"Apologies" Aries replied.

"Chronos" Hecarion looks at the girl with bunny hoodie and calls her.

"Tell me things about Unit6" he adds.

"Unit6 went on exile because she didn't like what I instructed her to do" Chronos answers.

"You are the leader of Unit Order, how can you let someone betray you like that?" Hecarion asks then crosses his arms.

Chronos looks away and clenches her fists.

"She's... stronger than me..." says Chronos.

"Her power reminds me of someone from 2nd Earth" she adds.

Hecarion takes a deep breath then continues to talk.

"Tell me what forced her to become an exile" Hecarion says.

Chronos starts facing Hecarion.

Suddenly, Aries interrupts.

"I think I have no purpose here. I go take my leave" he says then nods.

"Sure" Hecarion accepts.

Aries then starts to leave as the two looks at him.

Not so long he was gone and they continued to talk.

"So about Unit6?" Hecarion asks.

"I told her to destroy the 2nd earth as it is beyond saving. She disobeyed and told me that she'd kill the culprits instead and cleanse it so it becomes habitable once again" Chronos answered.

"I replied, it would cost us more time and would give Corons and idea who did it" she adds.

"But isn't you the reason why it happened? You were making a bio-weapon to defeat your enemies using a disease that they thought was just as common" Hecarion says.

Chronos was in guilt and starts looking away.

"What exactly happened on 2nd Earth Chronos? Mind telling me? I'm actually kind of curious" Hecarion says then gets seat.

Chronos followed and they sat together.

Chronos starts a story.

"After I was saved, I took school and within years became a professional chemist"

"I started learning about the virus that killed me and at the same time, I studied how to obtain superhuman ability and tried to imitate how few people from 3rd Earth manage to become one"

"It was a success and I successfully planted a cell that grows the hidden 3rd part of heart which pumps arcane blood"

"I started planning a mass production of this cells in order to create a powerful army and at this very day, I still do and Unit6 was my biggest achievement"

"Suddenly, there was a day few years ago"

"My employees on one of the factories decides to slack around and failed to do a maintenance on the container of cells"

"It started spilling and reaches the chamber where the bio-weapon was located"

"Then neither I know, this elementals we're born and starts populating in huge amounts that it turned large portion of 2nd Earth to be unhabitable zone"

"With a help of a friend, I created an organization to slay them all but they just keep on growing that I just gave up" Chronos ends her story.

"What happened next? Is there no resistance at all?" Hecarion asks.

"There was one special man named Carlth how overpowered any Coron. I thought it was the day" Chronos starts a story again.

"The moment he got deeper, the factory was shown to him and he was told what exactly happened"

"He was told that the Corons aren't purely elementals but also contains people that was infested with it"

"People who used to live in 2nd Earth normally"

"He didn't believe it at first until he asks himself to be infected as well"

"His infector was so powerful it ignored the resistance of the syrum and Carlth became partially Coron"

Hecarion raises his eyebrows.

"Interesting" he says.

"He do sounds like a savior. What happened next?" Hecarion asks.

"He sided with the Corons and killed every member of the Organization I built there"

"Some who managed to evacuate with me were saved and they either lived a normal life here in Celestia or is a member of Unit Order"

"Calrth was overly confident. He thought he could make it habitable by himself when the elementals that is created by the mix of bio-weapon and superhuman cell releases plagic aura constantly"

"He had the same mindset with Unit6. They both thought they could save it when it is trully beyond saving" Chronos starts to sound mad.

"You kill the elementals, new ones will be born. There are more Corons born than you kill, dealing with it is like dragging defeat until you're tired"

"The only way is to eradicate the entire planet. Turns it to dust before those dumb elementals learn how to spread accross nearby habitable zones" Chronos ends.

Hecarion starts to stand.

"But we can't change the fact that it was you who is the cause of all this things" Hecarion says.

"I never knew the problem was this big so I might call up everyone to help you" he adds.

"I already accepted that fact. I'm here trying to do some solutions and that's what I came up with" Chronos says.

Chronos continues to talk.

"Worlds are easily made by Ministers of Creation but corruption would be faster than creation once it happens"

"Sure, Ministers of Creation could create worlds in a second but the quality is defined by planning and this infesting elementals have no plans. Carlth might talk that they're there for peace and to live as the other beings that lived on whichever planet they visit"


"The aura they release. It says no"

"It brings chaos and disorder even if the carrier calls for peace"

"They're beyond saving but the others aren't so it would be a nice idea to take them down before they spread" Chronos finishes.

Hecarion suddenly interrupts.

"You talk so much Chronos but yeah... I am here to help" he says.

"For now, we shouldn't think about something that isn't happening yet and find Unit6 to make her unite with Unit Order once again"

"One of your members namely Nairu went on 3rd Earth as she confidently told me that Unit6 went there to join the Elites"

"I'm supposed to help her but she arrogantly told me that "they" don't need any help" he adds.

"I see. I'm sorry for talking too much" Chronos responds.

"I'm more of better listener when it comes to shorter statements, but its fine" Hecarion replied.

"I'll take my leave"

"Though what you said were so long and I don't think I'll remember them all" Hecarion says as he walks away and Chronos is watching from a distance.

"But its not happening yet anyways, not at least close and I'm not being careless as I know we could deal with it" says Hecarion as he is quite far.

Suddenly he stops walking and turns around.

"I also know someone who could deal with it easily but she's an enemy right now"

"Moonlin" says Hecarion then smiles.

After that he turns around again and walks away.

(Too bad she's an enemy. I hope anyone of us gets a personal help from her someday if this is really threatening) Hecarion's voice echoed from a distance then he disappears from sight as Chronos watches.

Now we move to another scene.

We see Moonlin on 2nd earth having a drink with Shin on table by the corner.

"Can't believe I'll meet you once again" Shin was surprised.

Meanwhile, Astaridas had a seat with Blaz, Mrivia and Lassy in quite a distance.

They were only drinking juice.

Meanwhile, we could perceive that Moonlin is drinking alcohol with Shin and there's 2 empty bottles on their table.

Moonlin takes a sip.

Suddenly, Shin notices that Moonlin is still wearing that same white coat and orange skirt with blue petals she wore back in Luceo's realm.

"What's with the same clothes? Don't you take a bath or wash em'? no offense but you might smell" Shin tells.

"What do you mean?" Moonlin puts down her cup and looks at Shin.

"If you don't take a bath or change clothes, you'd be smelly. You're a strong person so please don't take this as offensive statement, I'm just being honest" Shin answers.

Moonlin blushed.

"Well... I didn't notice" Moonlin had an awkward feeling.

"Can you smell me?" she suggests.

Shin took it professionally and takes a smell on Moonlin without anything at the back of his head.

He stands up and takes a few sniff.

(sniff sniff sniff)

"Yeah, you do smell" Shin says.

"You could use my home to get yourself cleaned. Meanwhile I'll buy you clothes" Shin adds.

Moonlin holds her voice but from the looks of her, she agrees.

"Anyways, why did you call us here?" Shin asks then takes a sip.

"I'm dealing with a stubborn bitch that wields ice element. She's very stubborn so I was looking for a God or Spirit here who wields the same element so I could steal it" says Moonlin.

"I was thinking the only way to deal with her is to know what she does" she adds.

"Is she strong?" Shin asks.

"No, she's so sturdy. Just annoying" Moonlin answers.

"If I finally understood what she does, she'd be the best training dummy because of how sturdy she is and I don't even wanna kill her with this same reason" she adds then takes a sip.

Shin starts a thinking pose.

"I only know one Diety here that lives under the sea, Maelstrom" Shin answers.

"He wields lightning and was imprisoned there long ago. Dusk stole one of his core long ago and used it on a controversial power plant. Safe to say it still works" Shin ends.

"I see. Is he the only Diety here?" Moonlin asks.

"No, there should be more but I'm not that knowledgeable about it" Shin answers.

"Do you know someone else who knows more?" Moonlin asks.

"Syras is quite a cultured person, member of an elite. Clarc is also and old man, probably known so much things" Shin says.

"I'd like to talk to the Syras guy" Moonlin tells.

"Alright, I'll take you to Syras" Shin says.

"Just a warning, he's a cultured person. He treats Dieties like respectable Gods so you should never tell him that you are planning to kill one of them" Shin warns.

"You might be egoistic enough to betray his belief right in front of him but you'll lose someone knowledgeable just because of your ego"

"Turn it down when you meet him" Shin ends.

"Understood" says Moonlin.

Shin finishes his drink and stood up then asks Moonlin's hand.

Moonlin stares up.

"Why?" she asks.

"You smell. I promised to buy you a clothing to wear while you bath in my house"

"Don't worry, I don't feel like being killed because of some dumb shit so you could trust me" Shin tells.

Moonlin takes it.

"I kind of forget that part" they stood up.

"Also, don't think too much"

"If I want "it" I can force you" Moonlin replied then winks.

Shin blushed.

"Y-yeah, I know" he replied then scratches the back of his head.

"Aight, let's go" Moonlin says then smiles.

As they walk out, Moonlin calls Astaridas.

"Asta!" Moonlin shouts and everyone from the bar looked.

"Alright, Mistress is calling. Nice to meet all of you again!" says Astaridas then walked out.

The trio smiled at him.

Fast forward, they're finally at the front of Shin's home.

Shin opens it and the two enters.

"There's the bathroom and there's the bedroom, couch is also right there if you feel more comfortable on couch" Shin points out.

"I go buy some clothes" Shin adds then immediately leaves.

"Thanks Mr. Shin!" Moonlin cutely responds as Shin is away from the door.

"He says... I shoub tage a baft *snort*" (he says I should take a bath) says Moonlin while drunk.

Astaridas start to guide her inside the room.

"Are you alright Mistress?" Astaridas asks.

"Bath... time..." Moonlin speaks as her eyes were partially closed.

Suddenly, she drops herself on the couch.

"I'm... smelly..." she starts undressing her clothes and skirt despite Astaridas right in front of her.

"Bath..." she falls asleep with her clothes on the ground.


Astaridas must've found himself on an odd situation but he isn't a sinner so he decided to find a blanket and covers Moonlin with it.

He picks up her clothes and folds it then puts at the table by the living room.

"Sleep tight, Mistress" he says as he smiles.

Now we move to another scene.

It's night and Emisyl's hotdog stand is closed.

"Thanks for the help Luna" says Emisyl as he sees Luna closing the stand.

"No problem, I actually enjoy this" says Luna.

Emisyl puts his hands and held side of each of his belly then speaks.

"So far, you're the only useful otherworlder I brought here"

"Your friends are lazy" Emisyl says.

Luna locks the stand, turns around and speaks.

"Maybe you should do something about it. I do feel it hurts you having lazy-ass people to feed at your home" Luna suggests.

"True. They're fun to journey with but this laziness they show isn't fun to see" Emisyl says.

Luna slaps Emisyl's lower back and they started walking.

"Have you tried asking them to help us here?" Luna asks.

"I did. No changes" Emisyl replied.

"I do love them too but my views changed after I can't buy what I want because of their cut" Luna replied.

"Also to add, I don't see them at least appreciating what I did" Luna adds.

"Same goes with me" Emisyl replied.

"I won't mind if you force them to move on other place or anything just to release productivity out of them" Luna says.

"I think I'm doing that" Emisyl says.

Suddenly, they hear footsteps around them.

A man from the shadows slowly approaches and talks as he holds the two at gunpoint.

"This is robbery, give me your money" he says.

Emisyl don't mind it as he has the power to deal with it but before he even did anything, Luna transforms as it is night and knocks the man away at high speed.

The gun he is holding flies away and Emisyl catches it.

"Give you what?" Luna mounts and pulls him by the collar as she holds a punch.

"I'm sorry. It's due to poverty" says the man.

"Please let me go!" he adds.

"So poverty is the root of evil after all huh? Being poor doesn't mean you should harm others" says Luna.

"Change your ways if you still manage to wake up after this" Luna adds as her voice feels like spoken by multiple person.

She then sends out an enchanted punch aiming for the man's head.

It was crushed and the blood from his head splatters.

"Damn" Emisyl reacts from a distance.

"That was messy" Emisyl adds then tosses a small tower on Luna.

Luna used it to wipe her hands and face but there's still a few stains left.

"Let's go on that corner" Emisyl asks.

Luna follows.

Emisyl brings a water bottle and Luna washes herself with it.

"Looks better" Emisyl says.

"God, that really made me mad" Luna says.

"For God's sake, we lived in a tree house!" Luna adds with a really angry tone after she's done cleaning.

"All fine now, he's gone" Emisyl pats Luna.

"Alright, let's go home" Luna replied.

Right after that, they went home together and walked at the streets in middle of the night.