Chereads / Its ya boi, Emisyl / Chapter 89 - Doop dee doo doop doop

Chapter 89 - Doop dee doo doop doop

"Doop dee doo doop doop" we see Alfred happily taking the obsidians down the mountain with his cart.

Suddenly, a familiar person has appeared from the side and wounded.

It was Kyle.

"Are you alright?" from extreme happiness, Alfred's moon turned into sadness as he worries about Kyle's state.

He seems to be struggling.

"The expedition team..." before Kyle even completes his sentence, he faints.

Alfred immediately abandons his cart to check out his friend.



Alfred then checks his pulses.

Kyle seemed alright and just went unconscious.

Not so long, Kyle woke up with the caretaker of the pub right in front of him.

It was a man.

Alfred notices this and immediately takes Kyle's attention.

"Yo, what happened?"

"Expedition? What do you mean?" Alfred asks.

"Everyone's gone" Kyle speaks.

"I thought they we're just late..." Alfred sounds unsure.

"They were gone.... bro...." Kyle covers his eyes as he is in tears.

"Some sort of a powerful person killed them all"

"I didn't even stand a chance"

"Approaching that zombieman was a mistake, I underestimated him" Kyle explains.

"Tell me what happened, Kyle" Alfred waits for the story.

He told what happened way back and what does Moonlin and Astaridas looked like.

"I'll look for them" Alfred promises.

Kyle peacefully takes a rest and Alfred ended the discussion with an angered look.

"Get well soon, buddy" Alfred's last words.

Now we move to another scene.

Meanwhile, we see Luna, Cardil and Milan approaching another group.

"We're you explorers as well?" a man from the other group asks.

From the sky, King and Emisyl lands down to watch the discusion.

"Yes and who are all of you and where are you all from?" Cardil asks.

Milan juggles a vial as a threat from a distance.

The man sees it.

Another man from the back starts releasing silver electricity aura as he is annoyed from what Milan is doing.

Milan smiles.

Cardil unleashes his aura as well to counter act with the man with lightning aura.

The representative of the other group then shows a hand signing the lightning man to stop.

He then looks at Cardil.

"We come in peace"

"We are from faraway city called Meinarc, my name's Sieghel" he lends a hand after saying this.

However, Luna's team declined.

A woman then approaches and forcibly held Cardil's hand.

"I am Hyumi, please calm down" she asks.

Cardil massages the hand as he felt that it was soft.

"No worries" as he massages and then turns off his aura.

Hyumi then removes her hand.

Not so long, the silver man then turned off his aura as well and approaches.

"My name's Kirael" right after the quick introduction, he immediately talked about whats the point of their exploration.

"We've noticed that most edges of the world is slowly getting devoured by some sort of dark energy"

"We came here to check out if other cities found the cure for it"

"We've never seen something like that" Cardil answers.

"I see" Kirael reacts.

"We must continue our exploration as we still hope for the cure of whatever that thing could be" Kirael then turns around.

"Nice meeting you all" Sieghel starts to turn around as well.

Hyumi nods then follows Kirael and Sieghel.

"What do they mean?"

"Portion of the world devoured by dark energy?" Luna questions.

"It's probably that mad God again" Emisyl answers the question for Luna.

Suddenly a dark matter can be seen quite far from both team's left.

It was followed by a ghostly cry.

"Lucent forest" King reacts.

"Lucent forest?" Emisyl looks at King.

The dark energy strengthens and it starts to release uncomfortable cries.

The view seemed to look like absolute darkness followed by purple glitters at the edge as the area

seemed to look like dissipating its fragments towards the dark energy.

Kirael then looks at Emisyl's team as he noticed that they were watching.

"That's what we're talking about" Kirael tells.

"This is the first time we've seen something like this" Luna answers.

"What is happening there" Cardil reacts.

Sieghel then approaches Cardil and tells something.

"If you know something connected to this event, tell us"

"Our city might have enough strength to help"

"Just as well, our continent decides to unite as their country was just as well affected by this phenomenon" Sieghel says.

Emisyl then goes closer to Sieghel and answers.

"We've seen the God of this world"

"He was ass and I'm sure this thing is about him as well" Emisyl says.

"The... creator?..." Sieghel.

"Impossible" he adds.

Kirael then joins the discussion.

"K'ulkan, our seer already told us the possibility" says Kirael.

"If we have to kill our creator for the peace, then we do it"

"Didn't everyone already decided what would they do if it were proven a fact" Kirael adds.

Sieghel sighs.

"This would be tough"

"I've been a believer my whole life" Sieghel sounds sad as he looks down.

As Sieghel is not on the right mood, Kirael approaches Emisyl's team as Hyumi follows from the back.

"We've roamed around this area for a long time. Most people seemed to be ignorant and lives in peace"

"We've found some warriors but when asked if they are willing to kill The Creator if it were the cause, they'd say no"

"Very religious area"

Everyone listened.

"What are you trying to say?" Cardil asks.

"If you're willing to be a hero, come and join us. A united continent is sure stronger than any place you'd find around this world"

"We have sorted things out and had 8 candidates for this mission"

"We are the lasts of 8th" Kirael tells.

Emisyl moves is palms on his chin as he thinks.

"We will go as we have nothing to do anyways"

"But... we must return to the pub first" Emisyl says.

"Hyumi!" Kirael calls Hyumi.

"Teleport us to the area that this guy describes" Kirael tells.

Kirael then looks at Emisyl.

"Please lower your defenses, Hyumi will read your mind and move us to the said Pub" Kirael says then pats Sieghel's shoulders.

"It's all going to be fine" Kirael says.

Emisyl then starts lowering his defenses.

Hyumi starts to read Emisyl's mind.

"I wonder what's behind those clothes" Emisyl's mind says.

However, Hyumi is not distracted and decides to look the other way.

She found a pub and immediately moved them there.

Not so long, they were moved and was welcomed by Alfred.

However, Alfred ignored them despite Emisyl greeting.

"Alfred, where are you going?" Emisyl asks.

As he is ignored, he shouts something from a distance.

"Miriam is gone" he tells.

Alfred stops walking then continues after a few second.

"I guess he doesn't need us. I felt more emotional than him" Emisyl says.

"We should go and take us to whatever place you are talking about" he adds.

"Alright" Hyumi answers.

Not so long, they are moved to Meinarc.

They are welcomed but not the right way.

"Kirael, the Nihilists from the nearby are attacking us" says a muscular man who seems to be taking a break from a side.

His wounds are noticeable.

"Affirmative" Kirael starts his move.

"Should we help?" Emisyl asks Hyumi.

"You could but its more of a thing to be dealt by our city" Hyumi answers.

The man answers from a distance.

"They suprisingly had a tough person from there. The strongest person of the continent is currently dealing with him"

"He got me bad, I am #4" says the guy then coughs.

Now we move to another scene.

We see Kirael running on an aisle.

On his view, it's obvious that people who dressed as him and the "Nihilists" had a fight.

He didn't expect that the casualty would be this many and it got him curious.

"How powerful is this Nihilist" he asks himself.

Not so long, he sensed #1's aura and was finally close.

He hides from the side of a gate as he eavesdrop what was happening.

"I've been telling you"

"If you are afraid to die, you will never be ahead of me" an unfamiliar voice says.

"And none of you is!" he adds.

A heavy slam was heard followed by a scream right after this statement.

Kirael wants to look but decided not to as his experience tells him.

He decides to continue eavesdropping.

We see a topless person who wields a claymore stepping on another man who seems to be #1.

They are both severely wounded but #1 seems to be the one who lost.

Another group of men watches from side as their guards are up.

They seem to be in team with Kirael as they wear the same clothes.

"It was God's demand to put back everyone back to where we belong"

"Absolute darkness, Absolute peace"

"Nothingness... and it is a gift!"

"I may be the only one left for what you call Nihilists but in Creator's name, I can take a whole continent if that's what had to be done" he says then swings his blade and points each of his enemies.

"Now. Who's next?!" the topless man asks.

(If this people can't take a man, they have no chance to take a God and it's pointless saving them) Kirael says.

(All the sorting and a literal who takes the all) Kirael talks to himself then decides to walk away.

The topless man sensed that Kirael was running but decides to focus on whats in front of him first.

"Best of the worlds huh?" the topless man taunts.

He then unleashed a powerful shockwave by slamming the ground but it was for a mere distraction.

He focused the man with gauntlets and it blocked every slash he did.

"Hiya!" "Hiyu!" "Krei!" "Hack!" the man with gauntlets then countered with a punch that caused a knockback although the topless man blocked it with his claymore.

He quickly dashes but was welcomed by a slash on his chest.

The topless man was supposed to land a beheading killing blow but was stopped by a fireball that pushed his arms away.

He then sends out a crescent slash that is an attempt to hit the two.