Chereads / Its ya boi, Emisyl / Chapter 84 - A Visitor

Chapter 84 - A Visitor

"Ah God of time, what brings you here?"

We see Nigh talking to a man while they are on some sort of a huge living room within the castle.

The man seems to look like a man at all.

He may be wearing a hood but once his face was seen, he has no nose.

His eyes were blue and as we can see, his face seems to look unapproachable.

"The God of Creation has fallen weak and is about to dissipate very soon"

"However, he decline destroy himself and reincarnate as new entity" says the God of Time.

"Why are we included in this business? Don't Gods have better persons to seek at?" Nigh asks.

"Simply" God of Time replied.

He then stands up and shows visuals around everyone.

As Maymithe and Shin was there, they were fascinated.

They seem to start like circles of time and shows frames of incidence.

"This are chain of events" The God of Time explains.

"There were many attempts but none succeed of slaying him"

"Except for one" the God of Time tells as he points out on a scenery.

We see Shin cutting someone else's hair while Maymithe was descended into battle.

"Hey, that's me!" Shin points out.

"Why am I a barber?" Shin asks.

"Because the chain ordered so" the God of Time tells.

"Everything starts with you being moved to another place as a barber" he adds.

"Is that a fight?" Maymithe says.

She then looks closer to the visual and sees herself in fight to someone familiar.

"Those look like people of Dusk. What am I attacking them?" she asks.

"Those are not people. They are artificial bodies with souls of your own people"

"However, if they aren't strong enough. They won't see themselves under control of those bodies" God of time explains.

"Why is that?" Nigh asks.

"Because those things are created under desperation of Luceo, the God of Creation" he tells.

"He may be weakening, but if one isn't strong enough. It may fail to resist" he adds.

"I see" Nigh replied.

"Now let's get straight to the point" Nigh tells God of time.

The God of Time then returns to his seat and talks to Nigh.

"My plan is to move your specific people to this another world"

"As the chain continues, Luceo should be killed immediately" God of Time states.

Shin then enteres the scene.

"Why do you guys have to kill him? He looks pretty chill" Shin tells as he sees Luceo watching over his people and eradicating any powerful threat.

We further listen and watch to Shin is watching.

We see Luceo talking to Vail.

"Who is this enemy you were telling me?" Luceo asks Vail.

"Gramagus, he's even titled the new overlord and starting his own army to overthrow you" Vail tells.

"I'll take care of him then. You were the strongest of this place after all and with you not handling it, there's no other hope" Luceo replied as he looked back.

They seem to be inside Luceo's Utopia which is simply a forest and beach on the side.

He looks up to the sun and starts channeling his energy.

"Since I'm the God of creation, I can keep track of my creations" he explains.

"This one would be easy" he adds.

Everyone then continued watching what he is about to do and took a closer look.

We see Luceo covered with white aura and raging winds.

Not so long, a blast of light was released and he was moved somewhere.

"That hurts my eyes" Shin reacts.

"Who actually though putting flash on movies was a great idea" Maymithe reacts as well.

"But this isn't a movie" the God of Time tells.

"It's being watched. You're point being?" Nigh tells.

(I didn't like how that one sounds) God of Time reacts on his head.

He then unleashed his aura as intimidation.

However, Nigh unleashes his and managed to catch up to it.

"It would be a great fight" Nigh tells.

"But that isn't my purpose in here. I'll keep that one for now" God of Time replied.

(I'm actually stronger than Nigh) Shin tells on his head.

(Never knew Gods could be this fragile) Maymithe whispers on her head.

They then all continued watching.

(I've heard if a God was killed, I could take its power. That would be a great idea) Shin tells on his head.

Maymithe also felt the same and decided to ask herself.

(I'd do it later before Shin does. An ability to travel between void and time and a small power boost would be nice) she says.

(Perhaps, this dude is an asshole so its justified) Maymithe speaks on herself.

Just as they say this, they continued watching the frame.

It shows Luceo taking down pitiful soldiers in a whim.

And finally, Gramagus is the last target and is now approaching him.

"A seer told me that your natural death would cause this world to disappear and the energy unleashed would affect nearby worlds" Gramagus tells.

"That seer is a fraud" Luceo replied.

"I am lying, it was the God of time himself who told me" Gramagus replied.

Nigh then talks to the God of time.

"Why are you mentioned there?" Nigh asks God of Time.

"Because it was really me who told him, long ago" God of Time explains as Gramagus and Nigh is in middle of a battle.

Gramagus lands a powerful charged punch enhanced with flames that turn the area behind him into a drought.

The punch hits and Luceo shatters.

However, the energies have reformed themselves and we see Luceo wounded.

(He is indeed powerful) Luceo speaks on himself.

(I should take him down with a surprise before he gets me) Luceo adds.

Not so long, Luceo starts to awkwardly charge.

Gramagus held on his back, preparing a killing blow with his blazing fists.

However, he felt wind behind him but it was too late.

Luceo secretly teleported Vail and he was blasted with powerful wind on his head that knocked him down.

"It was an unfair fight. This is why future things shouldn't be spoiled to someone" God of Time explains.

"I've told Vail to not interrupt it as I know he senses if Luceo is in danger" God of Time adds.

"It's your fault for telling the Vail guy" Nigh replied.

"I agree. He snitched" God of Time replied.

"Even I'm on guilt, can't be helped. It already happened" he adds.

As this happens, we see Gramagus bleeding on his own.

(I think I won't kill him for now. That "affecting other worlds" part got me) Shin says on his head.

(I'll kill you later after this thing)

(I'll go back to the past using your power and screw this job. Being elite sucks, If only I got better income aside from this boring thing) he adds.

"Now let's proceed to the plan" Nigh starts to listen on God of Time.

"I need this two people behind me to do the chain as eventually, Luceo will get killed eventually"

"If he happens to have a natural death as the frame explains, he will unleash powerful energy and all of you will end up floating in space with a surprise on how did that even happen" God of Time tells.

(I knew it) Maymithe reacts and tells herself.

"From the energy unleashed by his enemy, I think he's actually not that strong" Nigh tells.

"But stronger than everyone in this room" Nigh adds.

"What do you mean?" God of Time asks.

"Have you looked on your visions further?" Nigh tells.

"I saw him knocked down by another man in flames" God of Time says.

"But was he killed?" Nigh asks.

"That should be enough" God of Time answers.

"What do you mean enough? You should've watched it until he's dead" Nigh says.

"Now, show us what happened in that vision" Nigh instructs God of Time.

"Alright" God of Time then starts summoning another frame where Luceo was said to be defeated.

We see some sort of a man that resembles what seems to be an adult Cardil.

"This is for my father" Cardil says.

"I've always respected you as our God but I can't believe you'd dissipate every inch of this world in front of my eyes including its people" Cardil adds then lands a stab.

As they talk, the trees around them starts to vanish.

"My friends disappeared right in front of me because of you"

"You're doing this all for fun isn't it" Cardil says.

"Hng..." weakened Luceo struggles.

He then starts to speak.

"The truth is..." before he even talks, Cardil bashed his head with his fists and ends with stab.

"Oh... he really died" Nigh reacts.

"Alright let's get going" Nigh adds.

Suddenly, the God of Time reacts.

"No, this is a different one" God of Time says.

"Most portion of their world has already dissipated during this time" he adds.

"Alright, tell me more" Nigh reacts with boredom on his eyes and his hands on his jaw.

"Alright, I'll get it straight" God of Time then gets himself together and clears his throat.

"On the one I watched, it was on its way to dissipation and the people here are included"

"The plan is to move them there and follow the chain" God of Time then points to Shin.

"You will become a barber" he says then points to Maymithe.

"and you will join the fray" he says.

"Alright. We're going to help" Nigh replied.

God of Time then sets up a portal to move everyone on the said area.

"However, I have a suggestion" Nigh says.

"What is it?" God of Time asks.

"Can we bring more powerful people in there? I have this man named Emisyl, and our own powerful unit Faye" Nigh tells.

"As long as this two starts as what the vision shows. There should be no problem bringing more people" Nigh says.

"Great" Nigh then claps and calls on Maymithe.

"Do you have images of Faye or Emisyl so our God can scan this city and find them?" Nigh asks.

"Of course. I had a mission about them way back but was moved to Quiras, although I kept the image" Maymithe explains.

"Shut the fuck up, just give it" Nigh tells.

Maymithe flushed.

She then hands over images but then realize that Faye's image is on the point that it can't be seen due to quality.

Shin sees it and decides to approach.

"I actually have a better-" suddenly he stopped talking.

"Better image?" Shin asks.

"Yeah... on my phone" for some reason, Shin was blushing.

"You look odd, champion" Nigh notices.

Meanwhile, the God of Time looks uncomfortable as their talk is taking quite long.

as Shin hands over his phone, he suggests something.

"Please don't let anyone in this room see it aside from you and God of Time" Shin suggests.

"Oh..." Shin pauses.

"What's with it?" Maymithe asks.

The God of Time then takes a quick look.

"She's nice" God of Time reacts.

"This where we would get along" Nigh tells the God of Time.

"I wish I was God of Creation and I be like..." the God of Time then smugs.

"Same" Nigh tells.

"Uh... about the true purpose of the image" Shin interrupts.

"OH yeah" Nigh then hands it over to God of Time.

"This will have its own time frame" God of Time says.

Meanwhile, Nigh asks Shin.

"You two dated?" Nigh asks.

"Yeah... long time ago" Shin replied with his palm on that back.

"What was the image?!" Maymithe asks.

Nigh then gave her a serious look.

"Are you 12? It should be obvious" says Nigh then looks back to God of Time.

"I have finally tracked her. Sadly, I have no time to meet her" says God of Time.

"How about the Emisyl guy, did you manage to?" Nigh asks.

"I did" God of Time answers.

"This two people behind me, Faye and Emisyl will be coming to that world in any second now" God of Time says.

"Alright let's get ready" Nigh says.

Not so long, everyone was moved.

"What are your plans right now?" Nigh asks.

"I'll just wait the chain to be finished eventually"

"He is so unprofessional as a God, could be because it's going to be his first reincarnation" God of Time answers.

"He probably wants to keep the soul full of memories that he has right now until it's very end" Nigh replied.

"But his selfishness would affect his creations" God of Time says.

"Let's see. What if a God kills himself?" Nigh asks God of Time.

"That is the natural method. He should take his own or-" he was suddenly interrupted.

"Or else someone else to kill him and take over the celestial power he has" Nigh says as he looks seriously deep into God of Time's eyes.

"I know most of you have been thinking that" God of Time then sets a guard.

"I used to few minutes ago but I'd rather thank you for unintentionally saving us" Nigh tells the God of Time.

"We'd grant you otherworldly protections if you will, as a token of gratitude" Nigh adds.

"I'd like to but the Celestial Order provides enough protection for me to do my job" God of Time replied.

"What is your job exactly?" Nigh asks.

"I watch over time frames and decide if it must be preserved or destroyed"

"Now I've seen that Luceo's creations would be prosperous, I decided to maintain them and this is the only one way" God of Time explains.

"If the Celestial Order is strong, why wouldn't they execute Luceo by themselves" Nigh tells.

"I've been telling them but they say it's not their priority and they just see worlds as ants"

"They would only bother to be deployed if it's actually an otherworldly threat" God of Time explains.

"Ants. I see." Nigh replied with a tone pretending to be calm.

"I guess I'll be going, my job is done and hopefully, they'll return after fulfilling the chain" God of Time says.

"What are your plans?" God of Time asks Nigh.

"Nothing." Nigh replied.