Chereads / Its ya boi, Emisyl / Chapter 82 - I had to break the chain

Chapter 82 - I had to break the chain

We see Luceo visiting his home.

He was peacefully walking around as he observes birds, animals, trees and water in harmony.

Suddenly, a dragon appears from the sky then lands.

Smoke was unleashed as it lands with its feet.

"Groarrr!" It unleashed a roar.

The dragon then looks around and stares at a rhino on its front.

Luceo stood his ground and stared.

Suddenly, it devoured the rhino whole and crunched its flesh causing its insides splatter around the area.

The grass are now bathed with a bit of blood.

It then flies away like nothing happened as it sends out roar of superiority.

"I am doing what is right" Luceo whispers on himself.

Suddenly, a voice was heard from the back.

It was Gragnar.

"Luceo" he called him by his name.

Luceo then looks back and sees Gragnar.

"What are you doing?" Gragnar initiates.

He then walks closer so he could talk to Luceo clearly.

"You want to restore otherworlder's world from this plane and at the same time, you want to kill everyone"

"What's on your mind?!" we hear Gragnar was really angry.

"I had to break the chain" Luceo tells.

"There's no one to live on your "restored" world if everyone is dead" Gragnar says.

Luceo then stared at Gragnar for 3 seconds then speaks.

"The chain won't happen if no one's alive to make it happen" Luceo then smiles.

"You're crazy" Gragnar tells.

Gragnar then turns around, walked, looked at the trees, takes a breathe then looks back to Luceo.

"That prophecy really got you paranoid ain't ya?" Gragnar asks.

"It is real and I had to stop it from happening" Luceo replied.

"But you will die along with this world, it's nonsense" Gragnar says.

"Don't you want to be a hero?" he asks.

Luceo then pauses.

After that, he performs a warm up with his neck and arms then speaks.

"It's better to die with natural death than be killed" he tells.

"If you negate me further, you can join their side and pursue the chain if you want" he adds.

Gragnar then clenches his teeth and performs a grip with his right fist.

He then speaks.

"You created us"

"And yet"

"When things don't go on your way"

"You care more for yourself" Gragnar tells.

"Who wouldn't?" Luceo quickly replied.

Gragnar then takes a sigh, turns around and walks away.

After a few feet, he paused and speaks from a distance without looking.

"You got Liquisa involved to this"

"I'll save her then I will figure out which side should I join" Gragnar explains then continues walking.

"I'd be happy having you on my side" Luceo tells.

"My first human" he adds then smiles.

"Stupid" Gragnar tells then walks away.

Moving to another scene.

We see Emisyl walking on his way "home"

He was right, the area was really exact copy of their city.

As he goes closer to the door, he was followed by his gang and they were observing.

Luna noticed that Emisyl got really emotional.

For some reason, Liquisa is also there and watching.

She looked at the window and noticed the clone of Emisyl.

"Mom, I'm home!" Emisyl knocks the door.

Liquisa then realized that Emisyl is onto something.

If Emisyl sees that there's clone of him inside the house, he would feel different.

Liquisa then decided to turn into water and quickly moves inside the house and remove the clone.

She then manipulates the clone of family members so they'd act like real parents of Emisyl.

On her last manipulation, she made Amy open the door.

After that, she turns into water again and leaves.

As Amy removed the lock, Emisyl slowly opens and sees his little sister.

"Amy!" he was so happy that he kneeled and hugged her.

"I missed you" he tells.

"Are you alright, brother?" Amy asks.

"Oh, it's my boy Emi. Where have you been?" his father Emir asks.

Emisyl then pats Amy as Sylvia watches from a distance.

Meanwhile, the gang is still watching from the back and felt forgotten.

"Should we disturb him?" Luna asks.

"No" Cardil replied.

Milan and King nods.

Suddenly, Liquisa appears from the back and pokes King.

King felt a drenched finger that made her immediately look.

"What is" she speaks.

Suddenly, she looks and noticed Liquisa on a different form.

Liquisa took a form of a female villager with black hair and a white headband paired with cute simple dress.

"Hello" Liquisa greets.

"Please leave immediately" she adds.

"But our friend is inside" King tells.

Liquisa helds her hand as she looks down.

She is struggling to explain what is about to happen.

Suddenly, Cardil interrupts.

"Learn to talk, stupid" he tells.

This surprised Liquisa.

"What" she says then looks at Cardil eye to eye.



"Talk" Cardil tells him.

We see gust of wind flow between the two.

"I'll let that pass" Liquisa says as she smiles.

"But if you're going to be an asshole on your next phrases, you'll get it" Liquisa tells.

Milan then pats Cardil's back and speaks.

"Calm down, brother" he suggests.

"It was just a tip" Cardil replied.

Liquisa then takes a sigh.

She then starts explaining.

"I'll spare all of you for now" Liquisa says.

Cardil immediately held his blade and summons a bit of blaze after hearing that.

"Calm down" Milan helds Cardil's arms and spoke on a serious tone.

Cardil then lets Liquisa explain.

"I was told to attack everyone who come here"

"I don't know what fate you will all have"

"If you could resist, then good job. The next door is right up there" Liquisa explains then points.

We see the giant door from the edge of the area.

Liquisa then continues explaining.

"But I'm as well not ready for anything so I'll give a peace and everyone can go home" Liquisa tells.

"What If I don't?" Cardil asks then pushes Milan and starts unleashing his aura as he blazes.

He then looks down at Liquisa and she stared back.

Liquisa then smiled and showcases how powerful the people inside were.

As she knows her aura isn't intimidating, she didn't release it.

She started from a warrior named "Shin"

She summons his clone and unleashed his aura from her back.

It was really strong.

"Trust me, you wouldn't dare" Liquisa tells.

Cardil then turns off his aura.

"I was once that strong" King tells.

"This would actually be fun but I wouldn't dare for now if I were you" King tells Cardil.

"Where the hell are we?" Cardil says.

"It doesn't end there" Liquisa continues.

She then summons a warrior named Quiras and unleashed her aura.

King sweats as she witness the powerful beings behind Liquisa.

Quiras then plays with her blades then puts them back to her scabbard.

"We should really head back for now" Luna suggests as she sweats.

Cardil gulps.

Despite Emisyl enjoying his time at home, he felt the powerful aura outside.

He then immediately aims for the window and looked.

"What's wrong brother?" Amy asks.

Emisyl ignored and was focused on looking what's happening outside.

He then sees Shin and Quiras from back view.

"Those are elites" he tells.

"Elites?" Amy asks.

From upstairs, Emir walks down and tells something to Emisyl.

"Don't worry about it. Welcome home son" Emir tells.

Emisyl then smiled.

"Yeah" he agreed then looks away.

He then aims for the tv and noticed something.

It doesn't work.

"Hey mom, what happened to the TV" Emisyl asks Sylvia.

"Don't worry darling, we'll get it fixed" she replied.

Emisyl then takes a sigh then pats Amy.

"Guess I'll take a nap" he says.

Sylvia then picks up a blanket and gives it to Emisyl.

"Sleep well" she tells.

"Thanks mom" Emisyl replied as he lies.

Now we move to another scene.

It was the next day.

King, Cardil, Luna and Milan finally fled the area right at this very moment.

We see Maymithe and her gang returned along with a few recognizable warriors.

"Let's immediately aim for the door" Maymithe suggests.

"I actually wanna explore" Kyle says.

Not even deep, a wind blast was sent on their cliff striking a stranger.

It was from a warrior named Elionne.

It was aiming for a kill and it immediately crushed the poor man.

After the shot, Ellione jumps away by the buildings and flee.

Maymithe then looked at the dead man.

"This is a warning" she tells her gang.

"Should we continue?" Vahrel asks.

"Let the strongest people take the lead" Maymithe suggests as he looks at Kyle.

Kyle was sweating.

"What's wrong? You lost your balls?" Maymithe tells Kyle.

Kyle then breathes in then speaks.

"There was a dead man, crushed to bits right in front of us and you are taunting me" Kyle says.

Maymithe then stands up.

"As if we could do anything about it" everyone stared just right after Maymithe says it.

Kyle breathes out.


"Let's get going" he tells his gang.

They were all unsure except Maymithe and a shielded man.

"Pussy" he tells everyone behind him without looking as he continue alone.

"Go sir Alfred!" people from the back cheered.


Suddenly, a woman from the back with light red short hair speaks.

"They act like nothing happened" she says.

"Maymithe is right, we can't do anything about it" a brown haired man replied.

"Let's just get going" a khakhi haired man adds.

Alfred then takes the lead and everyone attempts to capture every area.

"You told us this was safe" Kyle tells Maymithe.

"I lied. What you gonna do homeboy?" Maymithe replied.

As they go on a side of a building, marching was heard.

"Some of you, go continue!" Vahrel suggests.

"Everyone who wants to stay, stay here. Enemies are approaching" he adds.

Marc and Rachet stood their guard.

Kyle and his gang continued.

The only left was Maymithe, her gang, the red haired girl's squad and a few people.

"Are we going to handle this?" the red haired girl asks.

"Of course" Maymithe replied.

From orange, Maymithe's hair turns light blue and she was anticipating next action from the incoming enemy.

Suddenly, they stopped.

They gave way to a thunderous man wearing a police officer getup.

It was Lancelot.

He then charges his arms then sends out a powerful yellow lightning blast that ravages the ground aiming for their enemy at the distance.

The khaki haired man then covers Maymithe and summoned some sort of runic shield.

He managed to hold it but was exhausted afterwards.

His arms were sorrounded by burns and cuts.

"I underestimated..." he says as he drops down.

"I can actually tank it" Maymithe tells but he was fast asleep.


"Who owns this little hero?" Maymithe asks around.

The brown haired man then immediately picks him up and leaves the scene.

This caused the red haired girl to be alone.

"Hey! Don't leave me" she tells but they were fast.

"Follow if you wanna save yourself" the man tells as he escapes.

The red haired girl was supposed to follow but Maymithe stopped her.

"Don't" she commands.

The red haired girl then watches as they flee.

We see the two go up the hill.

However, the brown haired man was blocked by Elionne.


He falls to the ground.

Empowered by wind, Elionne smashes the brown haired man with her axe.

His insides scatter and the man he was carrying was still unconscious.

The red haired girl decided to look away.

"Oh my god..." she whispers.

Elionne then spins her axe and holds them up the air.

She then performs a downward strike killing the unconscious man.

The strike hits the neck but we couldn't see it as we only see his blood splatter.

Elionne then wipes her face then flees again.

"I'll protect all of you, just don't get far" Maymithe says.

The red haired girl nods as well as the men behind her.

Maymithe initiates the charge.

As she reaches Lancelot, she performed a spinning scythe slash followed by a kick that dropped him down.

She then flies and summons multiple gigantic orbs and blasts the weaker warriors.

A sneaky one attempts shoot Maymithe with a crossbow but she immediately respond.

As she drops, she moves her arms to her chest, looks at the sky then enters a portal she summoned.

She then reappears and stabs the sneaky man with a scythe then performs spinning scythe slash killing a lot of low level warriors.

As her spot was cleared, she watched over what was happening on Vahrel's.

The red haired girl was really scared but she blasts from the back of Vahrel.

Vahrel and Marc was tanking everyone while Rachet covers Marc.

A brave man was stabbed but he ends up taking at least two with him before he was gone.

A side was cornered and there was nothing they can do but run towards Maymithe.

Maymithe summons a portal to reach them but as she enters, she felt a pull on her back.

It was Lancelot.

He then sent out a thunderous punch that dropped her and turns her hair from light blue to back to orange.

"Kr..." Maymithe drops from the surprise attack.

Lancelot then looked down on her as he zaps his fists with yellow lightning.

Meanwhile, Elionne was still up the cliff and watching.

Vahrel held the red haired girl's hands but she was pulled by a mob.

Vahrel strengtens his grip but it only caused her shirt to break.

Rachet charges and summons a spear made of light then impales the man who was holding the girl.

He then decided to pull the girl towards Vahrel and charges to the mobs.

Rachet got sorrounded.

He then looks around and tries to think what he should do.

Vahrel attempts to charge in but was stopped by Marc.

"Don't" he tells.

Rachet looks up and noticed Elionne was looking down on him.

As he stare, she was on the march.

Rachet quickly thinks and decided to release and explosion by hitting both his palms and planting them on the ground.

It was successful and it gave him way.

A smoke appears on Vahrel's view and as it settles, they saw Rachet coming accross.

They were really happy and Vahrel was trying give him an opened arms.

However, before he even do.

Rachet got dicapitated by slices of winds.

They were shocked.

Rachet's face turned from happiness into zero emotion as his body parts slowly drops.

His head rolls and it was staring at Elionne.

Maymithe then realized they screwed up and decided to summon a portal below on each of them.

It was successful and they were teleported back to the gates of the last city they have been.

Maymithe stands up then sits down with crossed legs as she holds her head.

"I'm sorry" she tells.

"I could handle them all but Elionne is too much" she tells.

"Goddamn it, Rachet" Marc punches the ground.

Vahrel then approaches the red haired girl.

There was a tear on his eye.

"What is your name?" Vahrel asks.

The girl was stuttering.

"I... I am... Lumiose" she replied.

Vahrel then pats Lumiose.

"Forget that this ever happened and start a new life" he suggests.

We see their view against the light as we move the camera up the sky.

Now it moves down and we move to another scene.

We see Alfred taking the lead towards the gate.