Chereads / Its ya boi, Emisyl / Chapter 70 - I can't believe I'll find you at this state

Chapter 70 - I can't believe I'll find you at this state

We see Emisyl and Cardil looking at the angry gorilla.

They are still at the forest as we last talked about them.

"Hoo-hoo" "Eeek-Eeek" the gorilla emits an angry cry.

Cardil gulps.

"It's going bananas" Emisyl whispers as he sweats.

Suddenly, it leaps then drops a groundbreaking punch at the two.

Emisyl performs a spin into a sidestep while Cardil completely jumps away.

Emisyl summons a shield to fight the shockwave that the groundbreaking punch released while

Cardil covered his face with both his arms as the wave creates gust of air that moved the fabrics of his cloth.

As Emisyl is closer, the gorilla decides to land a punch but Emisyl dodged them.

The Gorilla then decides to quickly connect another punch but Emisyl lowered his whole body and sat with his knees.

Seeing this, the Gorilla lands a hammer arm and Emisyl reacted by rolling away then holds his spear tighter.

Cardil sees this an opportunity so he decided to horn in.

He blazes his blade, holds them and points at the ground of his back as he readies an upward swing.

As he goes closer, he releases a cry.

"Gyaa!" he screams.

The required gap was released and he unleashed a blazing upward swift slash.

The gorilla felt it and responded with a spinning slam.

Cardil was hit by its shoulders.

Emisyl then decides to charge in but his legs was stopped by something.

He looked and he was being held by another gorilla.

The Gorilla with leaf cape then decided to focus on Cardil as he lies down looking for his sword.

"Akh... I'm so clumsy" Cardil speaks on his head.

The grasses may cover the sword but he immediately found it.

As he picks it up, another slam by gorilla started to approach.

Just in time, he managed to roll away and hold his blade aiming at the center of the air.

"Come on! Let's get going" Cardil is blazing just like his blade.

Emisyl then decide to focus the Gorilla that was holding him.

He started enchanting his body then sends the energy to the spear but as he do, he was lifted up.

However, this won't stop him.

He managed to send a piercing blast mid-air that crushed the Gorilla's face.

But there was a problem.

His spear was pinned on the ground.

As he realized that, more and more gorillas keep on coming.

He watched at the back and sees that the caped Gorilla is slowly approaching Cardil.

Despite this, he was confident that Cardil could face it and decided to wipe the gorillas in front of him.

He summons his baton and shield as he anticipates any incoming event with a serious face.

He spins the baton and started charging at the gorillas.

One by one, the gorilla starts to attack and the view we're against the light.

We were watching from the side as Emisyl swoops each gorilla one by one.

The first one decided to jump thinking his size matters and performs a body slam.

Emisyl responded with a shield block and sends out an enchanted smite connected with a shockwave slash from the baton.

As the first one flies, it accidently dropped on another gorilla causing both of them to drop.

View changes and we see Emisyl's motivated face.

The view goes back again with us watching from the side as the light was against.

A gorilla was running close and Emisyl decided to jump performs a powerful poke on its head that caused it to spit blood covered by shadows.

It seems to be dizzy and is now dropping down to the ground as it covers its face.

The view spins from Emisyl's front towards his lower leg and we look upward.

We see another gorilla charging a punch.

Emisyl held in and charged his body then performs a dashing smite through the gorilla that crushed its body.

As there was one on his front he connected a jump into an enchanted upward slam that crushed the gorilla's skull and made it fly.

The view follows the baton then moves to Gorilla's head as it was crushed.

We now look above Emisyl.

Suddenly, he was sorrounded.

"This is dangerous" he whispers as he looks at each of them.

The gorillas stared at him waiting for his move.

We look around Emisyl as he tries to decide.

One of the gorillas decided to move its fist causing Emisyl to be aware.

It was the front one.

Before it makes a move, Emisyl decided to smite through and crushed it.

He quickly looks back and sees others slowly approaching.

He hides his shield closes his eyes as he enchants his baton.

"I wonder if I could do it" he tells himself.

He then opens his eyes, they were shining blue.

The gorillas are coordinated and they are about to land a punch at once.

As they go close, Emisyl speaks.

"Grand repel!" he shouts as he performs a powerful swipe.

A destructive energy was released, equal to multiple shotguns on all directions.

Holes were made on gorillas who managed to resist it but as it created lethal wounds, they fall to their death.

Others fly away with the crushed bodies.

"Huff... Huff" Emisyl pants as his visions were blurry.

As they go back to normal, he noticed that Cardil was still fighting the caped Gorilla and is struggling.

We see Cardil performing multiple blazing swings but the Caped Gorilla is just blocking them all.

He then lands a quick punch on Cardil's face.

Cardil was stunned.

The gorilla then connected another one that dropped him.

"Cardil!" Emisyl shouts as he reacts to what he just seen.

He then tries to go closer.

At this very moment, the gorilla picked up the fainted Cardil and is now attempting to slam him on the ground.

Emisyl tried to help.

However, he was really too far.

He looks around for his spear and immediately finds it.

He thinks getting the spear was good idea but after his first step, he immediately looked back for Cardil's situation.

It's impossible to get the spear and help Cardil at the same time.

Emisyl is now sweating and dazed.

The slam finally drops.


Something happened.

Dark aura starts to fill the place but only Emisyl can see this unleashed aura.

But it was odd as it covers the place instead of sorrounding the user.

A man goes out from the trees along with another one.

As Emisyl notices the men, a gigantic shadow monster appears above the gorilla and devours it.

The gorilla suddenly disappeared along with the darkness that sorrounded the place.

Not so long, the devouring monster slowly disappears too.

The gorilla was not devoured whole, its feet was left behind.

As the fight was done, the two men starts to approach Cardil.

The first man was wearing a beret and had a grey moustache and hair, he seems to be on his 60's and is wearing a black long jacket paired with pants.

Another man was not actually a man, it was short haired girl.

The color of her hair is red and she had a bangs.

She wears shirt that has no sleeve on the right paired with shorts and there seems to be pair of blades on her right and left leg.

She then looks around and notices Emisyl.

The old man starts speaking.

"I can't believe I'll find you at this state" the old man speaks.

As the girl notices that the old man was scolding Cardil she asks something.

"Do you know him?" she asks.

"Yes, he was one of my students. Looks like a mistake" he answers.

"Anyways, we we're called here by Helrich. I immediately teleported as I don't think who's that dumbass who thought he could deal with Insomniac Apes" he adds.

The old man then cleans his shoulders and fixes his cape then continues to talk.

"I didn't know it would be you. This should be easy for you... Cardil" he angrily tells.

"I'm sorry, Master Llaric" Cardil replies as his face were looking down.

The old man seems to be Llaric.

"Let's get going Diantha. All they have to do is collect bloodsplatters" Llaric tells as he looks away.

Diantha nods and walks away with Llaric.

Suddenly Llaric stopped and Diantha follows after.

"Next time, I don't want to see you like this again" the old man angrily says from a distance.

Not so long they disappeared and Emisyl starts to approach Cardil.

"Thank god they saved you" Emisyl says as he's finally close.

"It was actually embarassing" Cardil looks up and speaks.

He then looks around and finds his sword.

"Why is it embarassing? Are you embarassed because you're saved?" Emisyl asks.

Finally Cardil finds his blade and picks it up then answers.

"He was my master and he was right that I'm supposed to be able to beat that ape easily" Cardil explains then keeps his blade.


"For me, I'd be grateful that I was alive" Emisyl reacts.

Cardil starts looking around then walking close to a blood pond.

He sits down and started collecting as Emisyl looks around.

He saw the dressed gorillas but he doesn't seem to care and decided to look at the trees.

The female gorillas decided to mind their business.

Cardil then collects them by draining the liquid on a fabric he got from his pocket.

He then squeezes the the fabric causing the blood to drip on a vial that he's actually keeping.

After collecting enough, he stands up and looks at Emisyl.

"Activate that necklace you're wearing" he says as he goes close.

Emisyl was lost as he enjoys the view of the trees and the fresh air he was breathing.

"Oh" he then starts noticing Cardil after a little delay.

"Let's go back, activate that necklace" Cardil tells Emisyl.

"Luna is waiting for us" he adds.