Chereads / Its ya boi, Emisyl / Chapter 44 - Why are we on the grass fields?

Chapter 44 - Why are we on the grass fields?

We see Nana asking Emisyl as they're on a far away grass field.

She attempts to hold Emisyl starting on his neck and was supposed to speak.

"Emi-" she says but was interrupted.

We see Emisyl covered with blue aura as he started speaking.

"Why did you take me away" he speaks with his mouth.

"I thought you need help" says Nana.

"No" says Emisyl.

Suddenly he disappears.

We see Suin fighting Ramine.

After the block, Ramine delivers a lower left to upward right slash and connect it with a swipe.

Suin can't find a hole.

"Tch" he reacts.

Ramine then summons a rune then blasts Suin with flames.

He was pushed.

Suddenly, a high speed entity starts going in.

Suin felt it in slow motion and he looks as it passes.

We see Emisyl with glowing eyes running towards Ramine.

Ramine felt the view as if time was stopped.

"Tch..." Ramine reacts.

Suddenly, event's time goes back to normal state and Emisyl disappears followed by a smoke trail.

He tackles Ramine as he stands.

Ramine managed to control the tackle energy using his flames and he was only pushed by a bit.

Emisyl starts swinging his spear from left to upward right as if he's showing off his speed.

A bit of Ramine's front hair was cut and he felt the slash in slow motion.

Now its normal once again.

Ramine starts diving and performs multiple swings.

A two handed left to upward right blazing slash followed by a casual spin slash.

(Bzzzshhh) (Ting!)

He then kicks Emisyl.

Emisyl was pushed.

(I think I was wrong that he's bad on managing stamina) says Ramine as he dives.

Ramine's blade starts blazing and it summoned some sort of a phoenix.

He then performs a jump slash.

Emisyl anticipates it and blocks with his shield as it is enchanted.

It was followed by a dusty explosion.

Suin's hair flows as the dust goes past to him.

Now the smoke is settled.

Ramine kicks Emisyl's shield to flip backwards.

Emisyl unsummons his spear and summoned Corson's Baton to fight Ramine.

Ramine unleashed a crescent flame slash and Emisyl just blocked it with his shield as it is enchanted.

He stares.

He then spins the baton as he dives.

Ramine hides his katana and performs spell dances.

He summons circular runes behind him that sets out rain of fire.

He then does another dance.

He summons some sort of a flaming dragon that sorrounded Emisyl.

This stopped Emisyl from marching closer.

He looks around then slams it.

Nothing is happening.

Suddenly, a light shimmer's on Emisyl's position.

He looks up.

It was a rune that is about to blast something out.

Realizing this, he risked being burned by the dragon and walked through.

"Ghh..." he reacts.

Ramine realized it would miss so he canceled both spells.

Emisyl starts running closer.

Ramine starts another spell and he starts getting sorrounded by orange aura.

Emisyl jumps and lands a baton strike.

Ramine blocks.

Emisyl connects it with a right to left swipe.

Ramine blocks it.

Emisyl sends out a poke.

Ramine lowers his head.

Eventually, he lowered his body and holds his blade.

He then performs multiple slashes with a dash through Emisyl.

He decided to keep his blade as he thought he finally won.

He didn't.

He slowly looks to Emisyl.

We see Emisyl looking like he felt something painful.

He then glows then swings his arm from middle to his side.

This released a shockwave and he was covered by a smoke.

Ramine anticipates and strengthens his guard.

As smoke settles, We see Emisyl holding a spear.

He then enchants it with blue aura and throws it.

Ramine tries to dodge but his cheeks were hit.

It started bleeding.

Emisyl then starts charging a smite.

It was a direct hit.

"Urk" Ramine felt it as he crashes on his back.

He rolls.

He then immediately tries to regain himself.

He sees Emisyl charging in.

Emisyl performs a jump then slams Ramine.

Ramine rolls away.

Emisyl starts landing another slam.

Ramine blocks it with his blade.

They're weapons are now fighting.

Ramine then decides to summon runes from his other arm then sends out a fireball on Emisyl's face.

It hits.

"Gyah!" Emisyl covers his face.

Ramine finds this as an opportunity to stand up.

He then charged an attack as Emisyl is off balance.

(Screw handicaps, I'm taking you down) says Ramine.

He was pumped up.

Suddenly, larger phoenix starts to appear on his blade.

He then swings and sends it out to Emisyl.

"Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaw" the phoenix emits a cry as it lands.

A huge explosion occured as it was sent.


Smoke covered Emisyl's position.

As it settles, a different man was there.

It was Suin.

He blocked the attack.

Suin was knocked out from that attack he slowly drops.

"Then where is..." says Ramine.

He then looks back.

Before he looked, he felt a slam on his head.

It was Emisyl and he slammed his shield while behind Ramine.

He then spins then crashes on the ground as his body slides.

Ramine was defeated.

"Huff... Huff..." Emisyl was tired.

We see an entity behind the smokes.

Not so long, it revealed itself.

It was Nana.

"We did it!" says Nana.

"Yeah..." Emisyl replied as he pants.

Suddenly, the place disappears and they were back on middle of two trees.

As it was only a dungeon, they recovered and was just mentally tired.

"Woah" Emisyl reacts as he looks on the supposedly wounds that he had.

Suddenly, he felt a palm on his shoulders.

It was Ramine.

"You did it, congratulations" says Ramine as he passes over the fragment.

Ramine then looks at Suin from a distance as he was sat down.

"You lied. You're stronger" he says.

Suin winks.

Ramine then continues looking at Emisyl.

Suddenly, Bucky appeared as well and his checking himself.

"Man, this guy is something" he says.

"Yeah..." says Ramine.

Nana then approaches Suin from a distance.

(That was intense!) she speaks from a distance.

Ramine then starts talking to Emisyl.

Emisyl gave a surprised look as Ramine approaches.

"I felt evil that time. It was really a lively instance for me" says Ramine.

Emisyl then looks away as if he was shy and speaks.

"I actually didn't expect I can do that" he humbly speaks.

Ramine smiles.

"It felt so real for me. The feeling I had back then was nothing compared to this one" he says.

"I felt stronger this time too" Emisyl replied.

Ramine then starts cutting it out.

"Since we're all done, you should continue your journey" says Ramine.

Emisyl then waits for a handshake.

"Thank you" he speaks.

Ramine takes it.

"Thank you... rare one" says Ramine as he takes it.

"Can I have a hand shake too?" Bucky asks from a distance.

"Sure" Emisyl accepts.

Emisyl then gives a hand.

As Bucky takes it, he splits in to two and made Emisyl miss.

"Psyche!" he says.

Emisyl chuckled.

"Just kiddin" joyfully spoken by Bucky.

Bucky smiles then gives a hand and Emisyl catches it as their view were against the light.

Emisyl takes the hand and they made a hand shake.

"Thank you" Emisyl speaks as wind flows on their hair.