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the seven swords

"The volcano of venom that spread through my body as I heard her last gasp for air..." this story isn't for the faint of heart. their struggles will show you that only you can change things. If you choose to, things will change. will Junjie learn he isn't alone anymore and set aside his goals for revenge on the seven men who ruined his life? Can Saki come to the conclusion that even if you're hurting and angry, due to someone elses mistakes you shouldn't turn your back on them? will light be able to let go of his ominous past? will he be able to hold on to his friends and help them when dangerous situations arise? only time will tell...

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: The stranger (foe or friend?)

It was almost nightfall, I didn't notice that I had walked all day. The strange thing is I

didn't feel tired, even the hunger had faded, I didn't feel anything at all but for the pain in my

soul that lingered on. It was like there was no escape for me, I knew I shouldn't give up but there

was nothing to live for. I stopped my track of thought right away, there is a reason to live. I felt

the burning in my heart well up again, to get stronger and avenge my family. I kept walking and

thinking to myself, how am I going to become strong. I kept thinking what can I do to become

someone who can save people not hurt them. Before I knew it the sun was rising again, I didn't

even realize how long I was lost in thought. When I looked up from the ground I saw a lake in

the distance and felt the thirst I had been ignoring arise. I had never felt a thirst like this before,

my throat started to burn from how dry it was. I felt the pain on my lips as I noticed they were

dry and broken, I could taste the blood on my lips as I licked them gently to make them feel

better but to no avail it was too late, they were too dry. I must make it to that lake I thought to

myself. But then an exhaustion poured over me I have to get some sleep first. I found a nice

shady spot in the forest and laid under a tree. Before I knew it sleep had taken me away from

reality, but only for a brief moment...

I was dreaming about the time when me and my family were happy my father laughing

while I helped him fish for dinner. My mother and sister enjoying watching us make fools of

ourselves. Suddenly just like a flash of light there was fire all around us. At the kitchen table I

looked over to my sister and my father as the windows broke and watch as their hearts become

pierced by arrows, I could feel my heart racing my stomach started to roll into a ball. I looked for

my mother but as soon as I caught sight of her she was being pulled out of the house by her hair

and I was all alone in a burning house. I crouched down and covered my head with my arms and

screamed at the top of my lungs.

Next thing I knew my eyes flew open, cold sweat covered my body. I felt a cool breeze

from the night cover me. It felt good to be honest, I stood up slowly and I could feel my knees

almost gave out from under me. I grabbed the tree I was standing next to and tried to focus. My vision was blurred; it must have been because I hadn't eaten anything in what I could think was

three maybe four days. When I looked up I saw the lake, if I could only make it to the lake I

could catch some fish and get some water. I didn't know how long I was asleep it felt like

seconds, but shortly after I thought about it the sun started to rise. That morning the sunrise was

like a bright burning fire to my eyes, I had to cover the rays with my hand. When my eyes finally

adjusted to the light of day I found that the lake wasn't too far away from where I was so I

started to walk but I strayed from the road and started to walk in the forest instead I had never

been so far from home on my own. The only thing I could think of was revenge and how much I

needed something to eat and drink.

I started to remember some of the techniques my father had showed me on how to catch

fish, so I could start rounding up the supplies when I got there. Suddenly my eyes started to

water and I couldn't hold my tears back any longer, I fell to my knees and cried my eyes out

again just thinking of my family and how they were killed, why me? Why did they have to die

and leave me as the only one left alive? It didn't make any sense. Even that man made sure I

lived. My mother saved me and I am grateful for her sacrifice, but I yearned to be with them so

much I wanted to follow them. I started to get light headed and dizzy, the next thing I saw was

complete darkness. Maybe I got my wish and I would see my family, was I so lucky to be with

them again?

When I woke up I was laying by the lake next to a fire, the heat felt good on my skin. As

I looked around I saw someone in the water, it looked as though they may have been fishing. My

vision wasn't back up to par as of yet. When I looked closer it looked as though they were

catching the fish by hand. I looked back towards the fire and noticed a pot boiling, the smell

coming from it made my stomach growl loudly. I sat up and noticed a cup of water next to me, I

picked it up so fast I think I spilled most of it on myself. The cold water felt good on my

throbbing throat. When I looked up there was a man standing in front of me holding a bucket full

of fish. I looked closely at the man, he had long black hair tied with a string at the edge of his

hair. It looked as though he only tied that little bit to keep his hair out of the way. His hair

seemed as though it could go down to his thigh. He had soft crimson eyes that seemed to glow,

he was wearing a purple kimono that you could see his muscles through. He was well built he

looked as though he may have been a soldier. He had a scar on his neck that started at his Adams

apple and stretched up to his left ear. I sat in silence as I watched him grab a bowl and filled it

with rice and stew and handed it to me. I could feel the drool starting to flow down my face as I

stared at the bowl of delicious morsels. I found myself shoveling the food into my mouth as fast

as possible. When I looked up the man was glancing at me with a huge smile across his face.

Then he started to speak in a velvet sweet voice, manly but kind.

"I'm glad to see you are finally up, you've slept for a week my friend. Shall I fill your

bowl again?" he smiled at me as he took the bowl from me.

"I slept that long? I'm sorry for being a burden on you, sir, thank you so much for your

help." I said as I retrieved the bowl from him.

"How old are you, dear Boy?" he questioned me

"I'm ten, sir." I said

"You were not a burden at all, I'm glad I found you when I did, you had a fever and

didn't look like you would have lasted much longer. So I took you in, besides, what is a little boy

doing out here on his own anyway?" He asked while cleaning the fish he caught when I woke up. "My…family… was murdered, sir, I thought… I just thought if I could make it to town

I'd be okay." I said as my eyes swelled up with water.

The man's eyes were fixated on me, instead of his eyes being friendly they now were

cold and dim. For a moment he didn't say anything to me. Then he smiled softly and continued

to clean the fish.

"I see, well I'll take care of you for now, it isn't safe out here for you to be on your own.

Finish eating then, you may rest in the cabin when you are done. In the morning we will bathe

you." He said

"Yes, sir, thank you again." I said as I scarfed down the rest of the food in the bowl

attempting not to choke.

How ironic is my life right now? I thought to myself, I almost died again and yet fate has

a way of saving me over and over again. I'm starting to think there is a reason that I'm still

alive.. There is a reason I have to live and I have no idea why. Why me? I thought once again,


After I finished my third bowl off I made my way to the riverbank to clean my bowl, the

full moon was bright tonight. I looked at its reflection on the lake it was so beautiful here and I

didn't even notice until now. The wind blows through my hair and the trees around us seemed to

move as one. I looked down at my reflection in front of me, my short blond hair was stained

black from the fire, my body was still dirty as well I could see where the man tried to clean me

up some. My turquoise eyes were red from the ash and crying so much. My kimono was ripped

and dirty from my journey and my bare feet now were cut up but had some kind of thick green

substance pasted on them. The man tended to my wounds as much as he could while I was out. I

was so grateful to him for helping me I almost forgot about the fire burning inside my body. But,

I could never really forget, it was impossible to stop the burning I truly felt.

I made my way up to the cabin and when I got to the door the man opened the cabin for

me and showed me a bed that I could sleep in. Next to it was a new kimono and a pair of sandals

I could wear. It seemed kind of strange that he had prepared all this for me, it was almost like he

was expecting me or something. He slowly passed by me and sat in the corner of the room,

grabbing his sword and wrapping his body around it as if someone were to come and steal it. I

laid down on the white sheets spread out on the floor for me, I didn't realize I was still so tired,

sleep took over my body and in a matter of minutes I was out cold.

When I woke up that morning the man had already gone, I suddenly heard a noise from

outside the cabin. When I opened the door I watched in amazement his sword technique, he

would swing his sword so fast it didn't even look like he was moving. When I looked closer

there was some strange purple mist coming from his sword. The handle was a dragon while the

dragon's tail flowed all the way down to the sword's point. He swung his sword again in an

effortless and move-less swing, when suddenly a tree fell to the ground. I could see the pearls of

sweat drop from his chin, it looked like he wasn't using any effort but he must have been using

an incredible amount to keep his swings precise.

He turned and looked at me when he noticed I was watching him, he smiled softly as he

placed his sword back into its sheath. He walked over to me and placed his hand on my shoulder


"My name is Daichi Takeshi if you are interested I can train you in swordsmanship, this

technique is called Juu Hyaku Ryu." He said with a kind smile.

I could feel my heart pounding like a drum in my chest, this was my chance to become

stronger for my family. Daichi was looking at me funny. I guess my face showed the excitement

I was feeling, I could feel a smile come across my face as I nodded at him.

"Okay then, your training will start now. I can see how excited you are to learn, you

won't stop moving." He laughed.

I looked at him confused for a moment as I watched him walk into the cabin. When he

came back out he was carrying a wooden sword. He walked up to me and handed it to me, I was

disappointed, I wanted to learn how to use a real sword. He must have seen the disappointment

on my face because he started to laugh, I felt my face gets red from embarrassment, I didn't think

it was funny at all.

" You must start off with this I also started with a wooden sword at your age." He

laughed, he was laughing so hard that he started to cry.

"Okay, this is going to be awesome!" I said choking on my embarrassment.

"Well first I want you to bring twenty buckets of water back here, you must go all the

way around the lake. When you get to the middle of the lake fill up the bucket. Then make your

way back here to place the buckets back behind the cabin. Will you please stop looking so

disappointed, we have to build your strength before you can learn the sword." He said with a

somewhat of an annoyed tone.

I walked behind the cabin and grabbed the first of the buckets and made my way to the

far end of the lake. My legs were burning and my arms were sore by the time I brought the third

bucket back. I saw Daichi preparing something to eat on the fire, he watched me closely as my

stomach started to growl loudly, he laughed as he walked up to me.

"When the last bucket is placed behind the cabin you may eat." He said as he walked

back to the rock he sat down and continued cutting up the fish and placing the whole bag of rice

in the pot, my stomach was roaring at me. I could see him smirking from the corner of my eye.

I started to feel discouraged I was so hungry, but I had to finish if I don't become

stronger I could never be able to honor my family. Maybe this was the reason I was meant to

live, to meet Daichi and learn his technique. I couldn't give up when I just started, I had to find

the strength inside of me to keep going even if it took me all night. I had to focus and get this

done not just for me, but for my family.

Later, when the sun was burning in the middle of the sky, I was almost done, I had six

buckets to go. I was almost back to the cabin when I heard a horse coming up the path, I looked

at Daichi with panic on my face. I didn't know if they were coming to get me, I was the only one

left alive after all. Daichi looked at me and moved his hand it seemed like he was telling me to

calm down. I don't know why but I felt safer when I was with him, I sluggishly started walking

to the cabin. Daichi walked to the opening in the trees where the path ended readying his sword

he was standing there intensely when the horse broke through the trees. Daichi stood more

relaxed and replaced the serious and cold look off his face, smiling at the man. The man jumped

off the horse and gave Daichi a hug that I watched Daichi return.

"How is she doing? I bet she is still mad at me huh?" he questioned the man with a sigh.

"It was for her own safety, she will understand one day Daichi." He said trying to

reinsure him he did the right thing.

This man looked fierce he had scars in his hands that looked like a tiger had scratched

him. His hair was tied back into a ponytail and his eyes glowed green, his facial expression was

kind. He must have been from a rich family because his kimono was made out of expensive

materials. His kimono was red and black it looked like it was heavy, but it flowed so easily. The

red part of his Kimono looked like some kind of fur and the black was shiny and smooth. He

must have been a soldier from one of the seven kingdoms but why would he be here talking to

Daichi unless Daichi was… at that moment I was cut off of my thoughts by Daichi.

"How many buckets do you have left?" he asked.

"I have six more left Daichi." I replied.

"You're doing a good job; I think you may be done before sunset. He said with a smile.

I nodded and walked behind the cabin to set down the bucket full of water and grabbed

an empty one that laid on the ground. As I reached for it I heard Daichi and the man go into the

cabin. I could hear their conversation as clear as day. I knew I shouldn't listen in, but I was

curious to find out what they were talking about and who "she" was. I had to find out what they

were talking about. I sat underneath the open window of the cabin, the first one to speak was the

strange man.

"Who's the boy?" The man questioned

"I found him sick and wounded, a week and two days ago." He replied with a heavy sigh.

"What about your daughter? You know she wouldn't like to know that you are with

another child and can't be with her." The strange man replied with a stern voice.

"What would you rather me do, let the boy die?! He has been through a lot the last couple

of weeks I wasn't sure if he would even wake, or if he was going to give up on life all together.

He had a long hard fight and his soul wouldn't let him give up. My daughter would understand."

He said in an irritated yet sympathetic voice.

She is Daichi's daughter he never said anything about her before, I thought to myself.

Then why can't he be with her? The more I thought the more questions came to mind, the more I

wanted to know. I rolled the empty bucket around on the ground pondering all the questions I

now wanted to ask. I couldn't of course because I shouldn't have been listening in the first place,

but I wanted to know her now. Was she like her father kind and gentle? Would she take in a poor

boy like me and train me to be stronger? Could she love me? I felt my cheeks get warm

embarrassed of my last thought I placed my hands on my burning cheeks and shook the thought

away. What was I thinking I shouldn't think of love or a family, I just lost mine? My eyes started

to mist over just with the thought of how they died. The stranger started to talk again and made

me snap out of my thoughts completely.

"Daichi, I know she would understand but she misses you. She talks about you all the

time, wondering why you haven't come around and why she can't come back to you." He let out

a heavy sigh. "I know why she can't but still you can't keep her away forever she will become

one of the seven just like you. There is no fighting it, she will become just like the rest of us if

you like it or not Daichi. Your sword must be passed down to someone else…" He said loudly

"No!!! she will not receive my sword of death. The dragon will be put away as long as I

live!" he roared

"Daichi, you are being unrealistic the 12 will be taken by someone else if you like it or

not and your daughter will obtain one of the seven strongest. You are a fool Daichi and you

know this will happen. Even if you don't like it she lives in my home I will train her to fight, she

will be one of the seven there is no fighting it." He said with no remorse in his voice. heard rustling in the cabin and quickly grabbed two of the buckets and ran halfway

around the lake as quickly as my little legs would allow me to go. Out of breath I looked back to

the cabin and as I thought the stranger was leaving. Him and Daichi had more words, I wish I

could hear what they were saying. The look on Daichi's face changed he looked scared like

something had started that he couldn't stop. He stood his ground as the stranger hopped on his

horse and raced off into the distance.

When I got to the other side of the lake to fill the two buckets, my heart felt heavy.

Daichi was hiding so much pain and sadness from the world, he couldn't be with his daughter

because of something called the seven. His daughter will be forced to be one of the seven, just

the thought of it sent a shiver down my spine. It was something I should fear but I didn't know

why. Like a distant memory, that was close but far away maybe locked away in my heart

somewhere, something I didn't want to remember.

I finished before sunset, when I brought the last two buckets and placed them behind the

cabin I sluggishly walked to the front of the cabin and looked at Daichi as he sat on a log

finishing dinner for the night. He looked at me with flames in his eyes, or it may just be the

flames from the fire he sat next too. He looked mad and calm at the same time. I forced my

aching body to the log beside Daichi and sluggishly sat down beside him. My body was aching

all over from the work I did. I felt like I could fall asleep without eating dinner, but I also wanted

to take a dip in the lake I was sure I didn't smell very good.

After dinner, I decided to take a swim, Daichi was already in bed. My whole body was

sore which made the freezing water feels good on my skin, the moonlight made the water

sparkle, it was the first time I felt at peace since the men killed my family. When I got out I saw

Daichi holding the sword he said he would never touch again and from that moment on we
