Rosch was tired. But his females needed an opening. Luckily Draconia was with him. He didn't know why, but she really saved his ass. First inside that mansion and now she wants to help, too, it seems.
Even though he dashed forward first, she easily passed him and took the lead in attacking the guards.
Even though she must still be in pain and tired, every swing with her Ji send 4 or 5 guards upper bodies flying into the air.
It was such a shock for the guards that they lost formation and Roschar's females could break through easily.
Thulpina, Suz, Daria and Xynthia were at the front protecting Yvonne, who healed and used offense magic. Suz sometimes fell back to help heal the others, but she didn't have as much magic power and reserves as Yvonne or was as good at healing magic as her, still better than nothing.
Thulpina and Xynthia were killing their opponents easily. Xynthia halved guards vertically as if it was nothing. All the way from the head downwards to the crotch, while kicking through them to push their halved bodies on other guards. The way she fought made her beautiful pink hair bloody red.
Thulpina on the other hand had a similar tactic as Draconia.
She swung her helbard, cutting the first opponent in half, while crashing the next two or three to the side, throwing them not only out of the way, but breaking their bones, too.
Thulpina trained hard since the days she was in the other dimension with Rosch, but it was still far from Draconia. Cutting through more beings at once needed huge amounts of strength and speed.
But she looked like a Goddess of war, her flaming hair fluttering, while crushing opponents after opponents.
Suz jumped around and took out those that tried to stand up. She grabbed their helmets and stabbed them in the eyes, neck or armpits. Everywhere were they would have an opening. Some die instantly, others bleed to death slowly.
Her two daggers were perfectly for such a fighting style.
Daria did what Ogars could do best. She smashed her opponents with an iron club into broken pieces of meat. Her hit was terrifyingly strong as a head disappeared downwards between her shoulders deep into the upper body of an opponent, crushing the skull and neck completely.
Lastly was Yvonne. She healed most of the time, but being of both blood lines, the Moonshine and Sunshine family, she occasionally shot out fire spears and water blades cutting and piercing multiple enemies at once. Her hair reflected the moonlight beautifully as her silver and golden hair danced in the moonlight.
Rosch wasn't even able to kill one guard as all his females and Draconia were already back even passing him, running behind him.
Rosch had to smile, as he thought that his females truly grew. Mostly Suz and Thulpina as Suz was only talk before, but couldn't back it up and Thulpina a huge crybaby the first time they met and had an adventure together. But Yvonne changed much, too. In the Elven Civil War she just followed and held herself on Silvana's or Roschar's back tightly, while fleeing. She too made much progress now killing and healing without getting scared easily. Somehow Rosch felt proud and happy knowing his females could handle such things with easy, but in the other hand he suddenly remembered, why the heck did they even make such a ruckus in th first place.
"What is going on? Why are you guys beings chased?",Rosch said sternly, the females of his twitching as if they did something wrong.
"T... This time we didn't do a thing. It was those two guards at the entrance, when we entered the city at first. They suddenly found us, as if they waited for us to leave the coliseum.
They wanted us as there females saying they could provide for us with food, a home and other stuff. ", Suz said fastly making sure Rosch knows that this time it wasn't their fault at all.
" Okay, but we said at the entrance that we came looking for a new home, right? So they knew our predicament and still asked. You guys declined and they attacked? Fuck now I want to murder them myself. ", Rosch said angrily.
But he didn't get any answers after that. He looked behind him and all the females of him didn't dare to look him in the eyes.
" What now?", Rosch said pressuring his females with his aura.
" W... We were a bit mean maybe, yeah like a bit, but not much. But we remembered how they acted towards you and thought we should teach them a lesson.....", Yvonne tried to say something and the others started to find excuses, too.
Rosch got an headache and knew what happened.
They probably laughed at those two poor bastards, maybe even completely and utterly destroying their egos and pride. He could picture it so well.
Rosch sighed and knew how those five were. While all of them were different in most aspects, one thing all his females had in common and that was that they were hell of proud and protective of their family and friends.
"Ah it doesn't matter. What happened, happened. I will punish you guys later. We need to flee now. Listen. We will run towards the north gate. The way we came from is going to be closed, we need to make a detour now." Rosch said, while slowly giving them a hand sign, to turn around and flee.
The females understood and started to ran passed the mansion. Now they were going at full speed. Rosch, who turned around and followed was surprised. They were faster than him.
As they ran, Thulpina and Draconia slowed down.
"Rosch give me one and that strong dragon female another one of the hurt ones you are carrying. Your are limping strongly already and still want to carry two females. They will get us like that if we get to slow.", Thulpina said, while Draconia nodded.
He was annoyed and remembered the time Thulpina carried most of their stuff in the other dimension.
That time he had the strength, but it was just to much for his small body. Most would fall down since he couldn't really grab it. Thulpina carried them with ease, because of her strength and size.
Rosch remembered how his ego got bruised, because she had to carry more than him. Somehow now it just made him happy.
He knows he can trust his females. Just Draconia was weird. She still followed him even though they had a bit of a rough start.
Rosch, who held his females back gave the two unconscious ones to Thulpina and Draconia. He instantly became faster but his foot was killing him. His limping got worse, the closer they came towards the north gate.
The guards followed them as good as they could but they wore heavy armor and were very slow.
"We need to get warm clothes. So go and find a store that has them. We are in the noble district, they must have very high-quality clothing.", Rosch shouted out.
The females were surprised.
"Rosch what's the plan? We could just get our stuff back at the inn. ", Xynthia shouted out, being the only one, who didn't get why they needed warm clothes.
"Xynthia, they will have guards everywhere and most of them towards the west, since we came from that direction. We need to make a huge detour. Not only around the city and back to the forest. We need to go through the northern mountains.", Rosch said silently this time. So nobody would here them. Xynthia looked shocked, as she hated the cold north very much.
She was born near the Nightwalker city and knew what real winter truly felt like.
They finally found an expensive looking store and broke in. Rosch took warm clothes, shoes and bags as fastly as possible. They were out of there before the family, living above the store, could come down. They did the same thing with a food store.
After plundering everything they needed, they dashed towards the north gate.
They saw some lights in front of the gate, but waited and just observed for a bit.
"It's seems the guards at this gate don't even know what happened, yet. Nobody would have guessed that we would try to flee through the cold northern mountains, that was a smart move Roschar. But the other guards following us may come in a minute or two, we need to still stay alarmed. They were slower but following our path of destruction and break ins makes it very easy to follow us. Should we just break through the gate? ", Draconia said, while holding the witch in a princess carry.
Rosch thought for a bit and nodded. Now speed would be the best option, but he wasn't as fast as before. His leg was killing him. It was throbing as if it had it's own heart.
But before Rosch could go, Yvonne held her hand before him.
"Let me do it. Distance should be the best choice right now.", Yvonne said, as she stood there closing her eyes, while starting to concentrate.
It took only some deep breaths to channel her magical powers and suddenly eight big flaming arrows appeared around her.
The guards at the gate saw the light and shouted towards the group of Rosch, as suddenly the flaming arrows shot towards the guards.
For Yvonne they were easy targets, as the torches the guards were holding made them visible from far away.
In a second eight loud screams were heard and complete silence followed.
"Hahaha Yvonne you did great. To think you changed so much since the Elven Civil War. You were holding my back or Silvana's without letting go, not fighting back, even shaking sometimes. Now you took them out easily.", Rosch said happily, praising his female.
"I learned the hard way that you should always fight for yourself, for your family, for your dreams, home and future. That's why I will not be useless like last time where you carried me around like a little girl. I will be of help from now on.", Yvonne said with an iron will. That war had left a hard impact on her, making her grow up much faster.
" But how do we open the gate now? We don't even know where the mechanism is to open the gate.", Yvonne said further.
Rosch looked towards Draconia, but she shook her head sideways, indicating that her wings are still damaged severely.
Rosch walked up the gate, standing before it. He took deep breaths and poured a bit of wind magic into his hands. He concentrated for a long time, while from behind the first guards were heard.
Rosch didn't lose concentration. His breathing became even more calm, as he suddenly opened his eyes and both his left and right arm extended all his remaining bone blades, cutting through the thick gate in front of him. His arms were already damaged, but he had to try.
The females were surprised, but it seemed that nothing happened, as suddenly a piece of the gate slide slowly away, opening a meter high and meter wide hole in the gate.
Rosch looked at his left arm that bent in a weird direction, while all his bone blades were gone.
That arm was almost completely useless before, but now he wouldn't be able to move it at all. It was dangling in a weird way without responding to any moves Rosch wanted it to do.
The right arm of Rosch had two bone blades left, but those two were chipped at various places. He knew they would break with a few more blows.
"Wow. Rosch that was amazing. To cut through so much steel in one go.", Suz said amazed.
"Haha, yeah. That was all thanks to Gorker. He teached me how to cut, without putting to much stress on the blades.", Rosch said with a sad look, remembering Gorker. Now he wondered how Groker was doing.
"Rosch we need to go.", Daria suddenly said, not wanting to be the one, who broke his reminiscence of Gorker, but they had to leave.
Rosch woke up and waved his females through the hole, while looking back seeing the guards coming closer and closer. He grabbed a sword from one of the dead gate guards and went after his females, as the last of them went through it.
They were running north, along the path not knowing what would be in front of them. But now that they didn't have to stop for anything, they were fast, very fast. The guards weren't visible anymore and the snowy mountains in front of them became bigger and bigger.
Rosch was the only one in the group that could become a hindrance. His limping got worse, but his speed didn't fall till now.
"Rosch... Are you okay? Should we search for a place to rest for the night?", Xynthia said worried.
Rosch shook his head sideways.
"No, we need to get on the snowy mountain first. That's not their territory anymore and following us will become harder for them, as nobody will listen to their orders anymore. ", Rosch said tiredly. The others nodded, knowing that it was a good idea, but could they make it was the real question.
They walked for two hours and now even the first females of Roshc were getting tired. Yvonne trained much, but she was still a mage and that could be seen, as she was the first to get slower. After that followed Daria and Suz, both far away from the daily training Thulpina and Xynthia always did. After another hour even Thulpina started to slow down. Now they were all only walking fastly, running became impossible, since there were more beings tired, hurt or unconscious now than fit ones. Slowing the entire group down completely.
The snowy mountains were very close, snow was even already falling, indicating how close they were.
But many horses, coming from the back, were heard.
The cavalry was on the way it seemed and that would be hell of dangerous for Roschar's group.
"Ro... Rosch waht.... Ha.... Haaa... What should we do now?" Thulpina said tiredly. She was still carrying Basarilia and was almost completely at her limit.
"You guys will go further. I will try and buy as much time as possible and come after you guys, when finished.", Rosch said, while getting bombarded by sceptical glances.
"Yeah no. We..... Haaaaa... won't leave you alone... Uggghhhh I am throwing up..... Ughh I think..... against a cavalry. You will.... haaa..... die instantly.", Suz said completely exhausted.
"Let's fight together, maybe they aren't so many.", Draconia said.
Even she was getting exhausted. Her wounds aren't healed, too. She must be in pretty bad condition.
Rosch looked at them and knew he wouldn't be able to persuade them, as he went into a fighting stance. This time he would try a sword as his weapon.
He used some in training, but in real combat never. Now he would have to use it for the first time in a true battle to the death.
The cavalry came fast and was already 50 meters away from Rosch. They were around 30 horse riders, storming towards Roschar's group.
Roschar looked sternly, as he knew that were to many for his almost complete worn-out group.
But he didn't have another chance. They had to try and fight for their lives.