Chereads / Fear the Night / Chapter 67 - Aria's journey

Chapter 67 - Aria's journey

"I should probably start with, why she even went down south right? Because down south is we're you two met and the magic happened, hihihi.", Xynthia said, with a laugh at the end, because those two did something naughty without taking in account that Aria could get pregnant.

A year ago, before Rosch even met Aria.

Snow was still lying around the forest. When far north in a cave, near the Nightwalker town, three females were having a loud discussion.

" I will go south, since the Nightwalkers are preparing for war, Ziriana just think, when the army is gone, we have such a higher chance to infiltrate them successfully. "Aria shouted at a big dark skinned female. Her skin was dark brown and she was around 2,10 meters, had huge breast and a big bottom. Her hair were curled and shoulder long. Her eyes on the other hand were deep green. While her skin was just a shade lighter than the normal Nightwalker, her bright green eyes are the reason everyone instantly knows that she was a crossbreed.

"You have to let go, Aria. This hate will kill you. What do you hope to find in the south? Allies to fight your father. Accept it, in this forest there is no one stronger than the Nightwalker's.", Ziriana said, trying to bring Aria back to reality.

"I need to try. Ziriana, you are my foster mother. And I love you from the bottom of my heart, but I can't forget the night my mother died. I have to go.", Aria shouted, while turning around running into the deep forest.

"Aria wait. You shouldn't go alone, what if you get caught?",Xynthia said, trying to run after her, but was stopped by Ziriana.

"She has to learn it the hard way. Even, if she goes south, nothing will change. They males there are the same as here, just assholes. If she comes here with a male, I will kill him. I won't ever spread my legs for a male, again.", Ziriana said, shaking her head in disapproval.

Xynthia looked down, not knowing what to say or do.

" Xynthia, you know how they are. Especially the Nightwalker males. Once they claim a female they want the entire pack. It's in their nature, their instinct.", Ziriana said disgusted.

"Right, they even kill the enemy male and all his male offsprings, just like lions and take the entire pack as their own.", Xynthia thought angrily.

Aria run and run, without stopping. She was angry and a bit scared, but she had to try. It didn't matter if she had to sell herself and It didn't matter who it was. The only thing she needed right now was revenge and further thoughts weren't important.

She walked for a month, trying to find ways through the dense forest, while never feeling that she was followed. She came across the elven village, but wasn't allowed in. It seemed as if Nightwalkers and Elves have a bit of a strained relationship.

Only on rare occasions and for important Nightwalkers, would the door open sometimes. Even though she was a crossbreed and didn't like the Nightwalker's herself, the Elves just saw her features and wouldn't let her in.

She went further south and found more and more Goblins, which were creatures she has never seen before.

Aria looked around and as she tried to make contact, they attacked her. Wanting to rape her and take her as their female.

They were just Goblins, looked even like children, but had already this disgusting urge to rape females. She got reminded of Ziriana's words, that all males are the same and got angrier. She even cried a bit.

"I will never get my revenge. Mother, I am sorry.", Aria said to herself with tears in her eyes.

As she walked around the forest, without a plan she saw two young beings walking around. One was of the Goblin tribe the other looked a bit weird and not exactly in the right place, since he looked a bit like Aria. He had the same caramel brown skin. He looked fascinating to her, since she has never seen a male that looked so much like her.

Aria made herself small, blending into her surroundings and got really close to them and, as she was finally in striking distance, she attacked.

But to her surprise, she didn't hit the target. The brown being saved the Goblin female. On a closer look, the Goblin female had a lighter shade of green, as the rest and looked very beautiful, too. Aria saw red and almost killed a female that didn't have anything to do with her problems. That female Goblin has probably been through hard times, too, but she didn't care much further. She gave up hope to find someone powerful to help her, but at least she could take the child with her, who looked a bit like her. He should be with his own race or at least with those, who have the same fate as crossbreeds.

"Are you his mate? Let him go with me little female, he should stay with his own race anyway. If you back down I will let you live.", Aria said to the two beings. But to her surprise, those two really seemed to like each other and didn't want to get separated at all. Somehow she started to feel guilty, but she was completely sure the male would be better off with his own race.

She didn't want to kill that female, but she thought she had to get the male. He was surely a Nightwalker mix just like her. Even Ziriana would accept a young male Nightwalker crossbreed that is still growing and can be shaped.

But to her surprise, he seemed loyal to his female and even wanted to protect her. For a young one, he was very fast, too. The reaction time he had, when Aria surprise attacked the female Goblin was insane.

Just as she was about to confront them, Aria, herself was surprise attacked and it had to be Zas of all Nightwalkers.

Everything seemed bleak from that moment on, the situation that Ziriana always warned her seemed to be happening. Even worse it was her half brother Zas.

Aria looked darkly and didn't know how to react, but from behind her unforseen help came. The male and female she attacked, helped her out. She was touched and confused, because the male was completely different than all others she has know before. He protected his female and now tried to help a stranger.

Zas insulted the brown beings female and he went completely berserk. They stormed Zas.

"We have names you know. He is Rosch and I am Suzanna.", the female Goblin named Suzanna said to Aria.

They fought for some time, even hurting Zas. But it didn't seem to end with their win.

And when Rosch even got his throat slashed wide open, a little sting on Arianta's heart was left. She thought such a male will never appear again. Seeing the female cry so bad, showed how much they liked each other.

"Could I have loved him like that, too, maybe if I had my revenge?", Aria thought for a second, but switched her attention back to Zas.

Aria fought for her life after she thought Rosch was dead and went down after a while of fighting. Before she went down thoughts of becoming his slave came up her mind or being killed after he had his fun.

But when she woke up a beautiful female treated her kindly and she felt warmth, only Alischa or Ziriana could have ever given her till now. After that the female called Schajana told her what happened and she was completely shocked.

"Should I take Rosch with me? He will be extremely strong in 3 or 4 years.", Aria thought for a second, but when she saw the three of them sitting at the table, she hated herself.

"How can I think about breaking them apart. I am horrible. Did revenge make me so detestable.", Aria thought, while looking down.

Rosch often talked with her on the week they lived together. And she learned more and more about him. He was an Elf, Goblin and Nightwalker crossbreed, which was an interesting mix, because he had traits of all races. He was kind and calm like an Elf, but got horny when seeing a bit skin of Aria like a Goblin, still had his pride like a Nightwalker, when doing something. She found it very funny and almost didn't realize that she had fallen for him.

Only when she knew she had to leave did she realize, that she doesn't want to go.

And than it happened, she had sex, but it was different than everything she ever had. She didn't dominate him like the other ones. She liked it to be held by him. To let him touch her everywhere and let him come inside her. She wanted to be his. But like everything nice in her life, she just couldn't stay. The feeling of revenge was to strong and she left. And even though she knew that she wouldn't return, she asked if she could, because the idea of staying was beautiful to her. And leaving became even harder when he said she can come whenever she wants. She was his already and even more that he would come after her when he sorted out all his stuff in his own village.

Aria went back, but this time it only took her three weeks, since she knew which ways were dead-ends now. But on the way, she cried sometimes. It was weird and hard, but she almost turned around so many times.

And after a long time of traveling, she stood in front of the cave, she grew up in after the death of her mother. It was Ziriana's cave. Aria didn't cry the last four or five days, since the fear of Ziriana started to take over.

"Ziriana, I... I am home.", Aria said weakly, almost whispering at the end.

But Ziriana came out flying, as if someone screamed and looked at Aria. After looking sternly, she just opened her arms and hugged Aria.

"You stupid child. I really thought something happened, don't make me worry so much." Ziriana said, but stopped suddenly and slapped Aria on her ass, with all her power.

"Did you spread your legs?", and as Ziriana asked another strong slap on her ass sounded.

"Yes you did. How often did I tell you that we do not need males. Fuck, did you bath in his cum? You reek after him. ", Ziriana said, slapping her ass again.

After that Aria had to listen to Ziriana for over an hour. They finally went into the cave to rest.

"Psst. Psst. Aria you stupid? You smell like him, as if you had bathed in his cum all day long.", Xynthia said trying to hold her laughter back.

"What is going on? I don't understand. She never found out when we beat up a male and dominated him for our fun." , Aria said confused. But was shocked by Xynthia's answer.

"I always told you to not let them cum inside. Nightwalker's mark their females like that. You yourself won't feel are smell anything different, but the rest will know. You could say, you are his female now. No, better said you let him become the male of this pack that is why Ziriana became so angry. If she meets him, she will probably kill him instantly. ", Xynthia said laughing her ass off, but saw Arianta's scared eyes.

" Aria we are pretty isolated from the Nightwalker community, but Aria, you have to become more knowledgeable about your races. What you can and can't do. ", Xynthia said, shaking her head as if Aria was hopeless.

They talked for a long time and Xynthia was shocked by the story and the being called Rosch. She was getting wetter by the way they had sex and she truly wanted to try it.

" OOHHH, now I want to be with him, too. Are you sure that is how it felt? While sex feels good, the way you describe sex is just like a fantasy come true.", but listening to her even more shocked Xynthia even further. Could sex really feel that good that you won't even be able to speak anymore?

Months went by and Aria started to throw up and get sick more often, but what became even weirder was that her belly grew bigger.

"Don't tell me you are pregnant?", Ziriana suddenly asked, as if she couldn't believe it, but was happy to some degree. All three were outcasts. So only getting enslaved or like they lived now, outside the town would be their future. And getting children wasn't really in one of those futures. Nightwalker males liked to have beautiful females even crossbreeds, but children wasn't what they wanted with them. Many were killed, especially males. Male Nightwalker crossbreeds were very rare almost non existent.

"Shit, if I am pregnant, it will be hard to infiltrate the town, while the warriors are gone for the war.", Aria said shocked. But Ziriana looked at her, while almost sighing. She is still only thinking about revenge.

"I heard they changed targets. They don't want to attack the northern tribes anymore. They want to attack the south, some kind of Goblin tribe. They even changed the date of the attack to next year. ", Xynthia suddenly said.

"WHAT? Is that true?" , Aria said, shocking the other two females. Aria than told them, why they are probably attacking the south. That it could be her fault, bringing Zas down there.

"You could decide Aria. Warn the male you said you fell in love with or still trying to have your revenge.", Ziriana said. She didn't want to have to use the male as help, but getting her away from revenge like this was the only way she could think of.

But even than Aria couldn't return. She truly needed her revenge and she only saw the little open space when half of the active military was gone. Otherwise she won't ever reach her father.

If she knew another way, she would have waited. If she saw what Rosch had reached in the mean time, she may have waited, but thinking that he was still just a child and only had his two females in that little tree cave made her think he wouldn't be able to help her at all.

The days went by fast and the new year started. Aria's stomach grew further and further and even she had to accept that revenge had to wait till she gave birth. Days went by further and all three females couldn't wait to see the face of the new baby.

And finally when the snow was almost gone, her labour pains started. She had to bear the pain for two weeks, when finally her water broke. She went down in position, spreading her legs far, while the other two were ready even though no one of them were present at someone else birth before.

It was horrible and a bit to much blood, but the strong constitution of a Nightwalker showed as Aria was able to walk again after the second day of the birth of Roar. That was the name she gave the little male. She wanted Roschar's name in her son's. And for the first time in her life a stronger emotion than hate for her father emerged and she looked at the two females.

"Ziriana, Xynthia let's go south. I think I still want revenge, but the life of my treasure is more important. Let me rest for a while and he should get a bit bigger, before we travel south.", Aria said, shocking the other two females so suddenly, as she said that. Ziriana and Xynthia nodded happily.

But their adventure down south became a hard one.

Since the preparation for the war against the Goblins was going at full power, the scouts searching for enemy spies were everywhere. And after a week of Roar's birth, the cave was found. A scout looked at them and instantly recognized Aria. She was ordered to be killed by her father along time ago and the scout didn't wait a second, trying to kill her while she was breastfeeding.

Ziriana went crazy, as she blocked the attack, but he wasn't like Zas. This scout was a strong and trained warrior. He wasn't the standard Nightwalker that would usually get attacked by the three females to show dominance.

Ziriana got blocked and was cut deeply on her right arm.

Xynthia instantly helped, but even together they were just able to tie. They held him down so Aria could get out of the cave, with Roar still drinking from his mother as if nothing could stop him from eating.

The soldier saw that he alone didn't have a chance.

He went away and the three females started to flee deep down in to the southern part of the forest.

And it seemed to work for almost two weeks, while running away nothing happened, but the trained scouts were on their trails at all times.

Xynthia was holding little Roar right now and went first through the strong current of a river. They had thrown a vine over to the other shore with a stone connected at the end. They wanted to let it get stuck between some trees and after the fourth time of throwing it at the other shore it worked. They then connected their part at another tree.

Xynthia was first, while holding little Roar up in the air with one hand and holding herself against the vein with the other, she moved forward slowly. Everything seemed to work easily, but Aria and Ziriana where suddenly attacked.

The vein got cut instantly and Xynthia was washed away. She had to fight, but could hold Roar up the water. Even though it was hard. She herself swallowed to much water and was trashed around against wood and stones, but little Roar was almost unscathed.

She finally made it somehow to a shore. She didn't know how long she was in the water, but she must have been washed away a pretty far distance from the other two.

"Shhhh little Roar. Don't cry. We will find mommy.", Xynthia said to Roar, while rocking him. He was screaming loud and scared Xynthia. The enemy could hear them. She started to run away always south without knowing where the end is. 4 days, without food and water was almost their limit. And if she would have had bad luck, she may have walked to far south, but she suddenly heard moaning sounds. Normally she would stay at a distance, but for a while now she felt, as if she was drawn into that direction. She didn't know why, but went closer.

She clearly knew what that moaning means and thought that it was weird that she was drawn to that in such a situation. But to her surprise those two had sex in front of a lake and she was very dehydrated just like little Roar.

She didn't want to ask them for help now with water so close, because if they weren't friendly she would have to flee and little Roar needed some fluids even if there was a chance that he wouldn't drink the water. She tried to become one with her surroundings, but Rosch felt her and she was shocked. Finding the presence of a Nightwalker isn't done easily. He must be experienced.

"That is what happened. I am truly sorry. You would have been happier, if it was Aria and not me. But I am 100 percent sure they are save. Ziriana is strong and knows her way out of many situations. ", Xynthia said, clinging to Rosch. She seemed to be head over heels in love, but Rosch couldn't see why. They didn't know each other at all, but he himself felt as if she should be his, too. So he didn't really know how to react.