The dark gave way to smoke and chatter. They stepped into a room of eclectic design. Tables scattered over the room, some occupied and some empty. Jason stopped in his tracks.
"Are those?" Jason trailed off.
"Yes, but let's give them some breathing room." Henry said.
"Let me be clear, it was Congress that made me look bad and ruined my presidency." Obama said as he took a shot of tequila.
"At least you're intelligence wasn't insulted at every available chance." George W. said into his mug of beer.
"The both of you can shut up, you lasted your whole Presidencies." Bill sighed as he picked up a hot wing.
"They usually come in once a week to unwind." Henry said.
"With no security?" Jason asked.
"Haha, well that's the magic of The Pub. It's neutral ground, there is no violence here." Henry explained.
"The Founder made it so and every owner since strengthens the magick that binds the patrons and staff."
"I see."
"Do you?"
Jason looked at his feet.
"Not really." He admitted.
Henry laughed and slapped Jason on the back.
"It's nothing you need to be concerned about just yet Mr. Ross. Just know, no matter what happens, no one can harm another here." Henry said.