"Did you know that Takeda-san had a crush on you before today?" I asked Tsuki over dinner after school.
Tsuki tilted her head slightly, "Hmm? Why would I care about someone who isn't Aniue?"
I shrugged, "I thought you might find him charming or something? Maybe you might be interested in him as a romantic partner? He does have the looks and the money as well."
She made a gagging sound, "Bleugh… He doesn't even look like Aniue at all, there's no way I would be interested in him. I'm also not a materialistic girl you know? Besides, Aniue's definitely richer than him."
"Hmm? What does him not looking like me have to do with anything?"
"Ehehe~ Because looking at Aniue makes me the happiest so I wouldn't be interested in anyone else~"
Ugh… Why is she so cute?
I couldn't help but reach out and pat her head for being so cute, causing her to squirm even more cutely.