The third day of the battle is over.

The East kingdome's army is standing in front of the fort of Zen City.

The fort of Zen City is a very large fort.

Poor and rich people live inside this fort.

But poor people live like servants.

Which are mostly the servants of the rich.

Nobody respects them.

They are made to work like bonded laborers.

Rich people consider them to be shoes of their feet.

They do as they like.

zen City is a very beautiful city.

Which is built as a safe fort.

Tight security arrangements have been made.

There are big walls all around the city.

And there are only two doors.

Both doors are very important.

A door is towards the capital.

And a door is on the outskirts side.

If a citizen of another country wants to go to the capital of South Kingdom, then he pass through the Zen City.

Because there is only one way to go to the capital, go through the outer door of Zen City and go through the other door.

Actually Zen City is a wall. Which protects the capital.

Zen City has all kinds of amenities. There is a shop.

There are big buildings.

All types of goods are available.

Zen City South kingdom is one of the most beautiful cities.

This time General Le don could not let any mistake happen.

That is why he himself takes command of the army.

So that this time there is no mistake.

general Le don himself has arrived in zen city.

The four walls increase the security enclosure.

Towards the outer gate, a huge army of wizards erect the wall.

And tells them "no matter what happens, not a single soldier of the army of East kingdom can come inside."

"Tell the rest of the army to be ready behind the gate. Attaches thousands of cannons towards the front of the gate. So that the army of the East kingdom is not allowed inside."

(On the other side.)

The army of the East kingdom attacks.

The door is not broken even when the magicians drop stones from the sky.

Attack of the dragons also doesn't work.

And the magicians of the South Kingdom start falling stones from the sky, aiming at the Dragons and the soldiers with cannons.

Due to which the Dragons are not able to cross the door of the fort.

Not all attacks by East kingdome succeed.

That's when General Othello Carnel makes his special attack.


And the doors are split into two.

But suddenly a huge army comes out from inside the door.

And attacks them.

But the soldiers of the East kingdom are also ready.

War begins fiercely by both the armies.

The army of the south kingdome is very large.

This is the reason why the army of East kingdom starts to get weaken.

And cannot get inside the gate.

King Ron William raises his hand to the sky.

Shouts loudly.

"Volcano dragon Come to me soon."

The East kingdom has an island on the west side.

Where many volcano dragons are found.

Some of them dragons have been sleeping for thousands of years inside the volcano.

It is said.

Only the fire human can command those Dragon's.

Which is more powerful than them.

Dragons living in volcano are called Volcano Dragon

King Ron William made up with a Volcano Dragon's companion 10 years ago.

king Ron William is calling the same dragon.

Then suddenly the lightning starts flashing in the sky.

Looks more like it.

Like something big is coming.

The magicians of the South Kingdom attack that thing with fire balls.

And lightning also falls from the sky.

But that thing keeps moving forward.

It is a giant dragon.

The dragon goes straight to King Ron William.

King Ron William immediately jumps on him and climbs onto his back.

Sitting on the dragon's back, he flies to the walls.

He attacks all the cannons there with fire balls.

Because of which all the guns are ruined.

That is when the Comander DO MA of the South Kingdom strikes a very powerful attack by uniting the magic of the whole magician.

This attack is very powerful.

king Ron William tries to escape the attack.

But the attack is so fast.

He do not survive.

The attack is on the wing of DRAGON'S.

The dragon begins to fall.

That's when king Ron William uses his recover magic and heals the dragon's wing injury.

The dragon immediately spreads its wings and goes straight into the sky.

Both king Ron William and volcano Dragon make an attack by combining their strength.

Volcano fire flash.

The attack goes directly to Comander Do ma.

Do ma burns to ashes in that fire.

general Le don is shocked to see this.

He only sees his death at that time.

He runs away fearing it.

General Othello and Subaru and the rest of Comander perform their special attacks.

Due to which the army of South kingdom is weakened.

Seeing General Le don running away, the army of the South kingdom surrenders.

The East kingdom occupies Zen City.

Now the next goal is the capital of South kingdom.