The armies of the South kingdom and the armies of the East kingdom stand opposite each other.

There was an absolutely silent atmosphere.

There was so much silence on the ground that even the sound of winds was heard.

The soldiers on both sides stood with full vigor and passion.

3 General Leading the army of South kingdom. And behind the three armies was King Po Han sitting on the fire elephant.

(Some time ago.)

King Ron William has watched the army of the South Kingdom from afar.

King Ron William: "Othello it seems. The army of the South kingdom awaits us at some distance.

He seems to have fully prepared for the war.

General Othello find out what army they have.

Approximately how many soldiers will be there.

From my view it seems as if they have a more powerful strength than the soldiers

The soldier riding the dragons or something like that."

General Othello immediately commands Comander Ruizen.

"Ruizen go and go find out what kind of weapons and how much army they have.

What kind of soldiers are there in his army.

And who is controlling those soldiers.

Comander Ruizen discovers the magic of being invisible

And one of the five Comander of Dragons Army."

Commander Ruizen immediately disappears using Invisible Magic while sitting on his dragon.

Disappears brings information about the army of South kingdom.

Commander Ruizen tells king Ron.

"The South kingdom has two large armies.

There are more than 70,000 soldiers in an army.

And all of them are wearing powerful armor.

All those soldiers look like very powerful soldiers.

And the second army has 15,000 Dragons and."

"But it is a shocking thing.

His general stands before both armies.

But there is a lot of empty space between the two armies."

"A Fire Human stands there.

I could not see his face but I felt the fire power inside him is not a common fire power and it is too much.

He has the fire power of an entire army.

A fire power that is very dark.

I have seen such power coming out of him.

I did not see him as a common Fire human."

King Ron William: "General Othello who do you think is the two General and who can be Fire human."

General Othello: "The king has been revealed according to sources.

South kingdom has more than 200000 soldiers.

And 3 is General.

General Le don leads approximately 150000 soldiers.

Second General Leemo It leads more than 50000 soldiers.

And there is no information about the Third General Feehaa. How many soldiers does it lead.

It is also not known. No one in the South kingdom has ever seen General Feehaa's army.

The South kingdom is a rumor spread. Of

General Feehaa whom he kills with his sword. He becomes a dead corpse and a slave to General Feehaa. He has killed so many soldiers, animals and don't know who. All his dead are his army."

King Ron William: "Could it be that the fire human standing in the middle is General Feehaa.

We will not take any risk."

"General Othello Carnel divide his army into three parts. You will lead a part. Subaru Carnel will lead the second army and I will lead the third army."

The army of the East kingdom was divided into three parts. Subaru Carnel will lead the Dragons Army. General Othello Carnel will control the army of soldiers and some magicians.

The strongest soldiers and most powerful dragons Rider, dragons and most powerful wizards that include Comander Ruizen and Comander Bonzo. And this army will be led by king Ron William.

The three kingdoms are ready for war. And they has reached the army of South kingdom.

present time

The three armies of the East kingdom stand in front of the three armies of the South kingdom.