Chereads / Sugar Daddy (Book 2) / Chapter 25 - 25. Breaking Down

Chapter 25 - 25. Breaking Down

I got back to his place, it six already and it was dark and quiet he was not there. Suddenly my tears started to fall, he said he would wait for me. I didn't know why I felt so sad, he was probably having dinner with Drew. I took off my shoes and put my purse by the coffee table then walk out to his balcony, suddenly I was feeling very claustrophobic.

It was cold, but I didn't want to be alone inside. I sat on the sofa and hug myself and rock myself as I kept on crying. I didn't know why but I just couldn't stop, I didn't know exactly when he came back, but my tears were still falling when he suddenly hugged me.

"Hey Addie, what's the matter? Look I'm sorry I didn't tell you about going out with Drew, I just thought I'd get back before you, then we get stuck in a traffic jam. Shit! You're very cold baby, how long have you been out here?" He wrapped me with his jacket then carried me back inside.

Then I remembered about his wound, that he shouldn't be carrying me around. But I was too tired, being in a relationship was very exhausting. I wasn't sure I was liking it, too many ups and downs for my taste, I like my usual flat line of my predicted excitement.

I started shivering as I got back in the house, my teeth were chattering. "Damn it, Addie, why are you doing this to yourself. Fuck!" Then he put me under the hot shower and started striping mine and his clothes off. He held me to his warm chest, my chatter started to die down. Then I started speaking.

"I can't do this Alex, I'm not meant for relationship. I love you too much it hurts. And I can't deal with it, I can't deal with watching you get hurt. I'm done Alex, I'm so fucking done." I could feel that he was tense, as he kept on hugging me not letting me go.

", I'm taking care of you now. We are not fucking done. Not ever, not as long as I still love you. Look at me, baby." He took my chin to make me look at him. He stroked my cheek, then lowered his lips to mine.

I was trying to back away from him, but he holds my wrists rough and tight behind my back with just his one hand. I never knew he had this kind of power over me. His other hand still cupped my face, holding it still as he kissed me softly. It contradicts the way that he holds my wrists.

"I will be your daddy baby girl, you're making me do this. I am not done with you. I fucking love you too much to ever let you go. Now open your sweet little mouth for me princess and let me in." He tugged my wrists roughly making me gasp and I suddenly moaned.

Fuck! This is so fucking hot! I never knew.

"Damn Princess, you sound so sexy. You like me being rough with you don't you? I know you're done with your period princess. I will punish you for lying to me before. And I will make you count my sweet little princess." He whispered his voice sexily making me moan hard.

"Yes, please Alex." I blurted out as I begged him to smack my ass.

"No baby, I'm not telling you to count your smacks. I'm telling you to count your orgasm, Princess. Cause I'm taking you over and over again. Until you understand that you're mine. That I am not letting you get out of this relationship that we have." He tugged my hair back roughly then sucked the crook of my neck, just the way I liked it. I was a moaning mess under his touches.

I could feel his hardness poking my backside as he grinds me. His heavy breath on my ear, as he whispered all the dirty things that he was going to do to me. Then he smacked my ass hard, making me shuddered under him, and came instantly.

"Start counting Princess." He let out his low sexy chuckle behind my neck. I was coming down from my climax and clenching to nothing inside mine.

"One," I said to him breathlessly.

"Say... one then thank me and call me daddy. I need you to know who I am to you right now, who's punishing you for your lies. Now repeat your count."

"One, thank you, daddy." I was pulsating as I mention the word. Somehow it aroused me more if it were even more possible.

"Very good princess." He turned off the shower then pushed my back to the shower wall. Then he grinds his hardness between my legs, teasing me, smirking at me.

"You want this, don't you? Well, this is for good girls only. And you have been a bad one princess. So no, not until we're done with your punishment. He teased me with his tip some more, making me moaned his name.

"Hands up princess and keep it there until I told you to take it down." He was ravishing my body, licking my tits, and playing his fingers between my legs. I was coming and he knows it.

"Count princess." That was his cue as told me to come now. I let go then I thanked him.

"Two, thank you, daddy." Then his fingers were replaced by his sexy lips then I started counting for him again minutes later.

"Three, thank you, daddy." I was panting but he was not stopping. I saw the lust in his eyes, and it was making me hornier.

What the fuck is wrong with me.

"You taste so good princess, let's go to the bed I'm waiting for seven more counts from you. That's how upset I am with you, Princess." He told me as he bites my nipples playfully.

I was moaning his name again. Then we dried our bodies and headed to the bed where he made me count seven more times. I was spent, slumped, tired, my thighs feel like jelly from all of the climaxes. But I was still aching for his hardness inside me, and he knows it, as he kept on teasing his tip at my entrance.

"Princess, are you ready for me love?"

"Yes, please...please." With that, he pushed himself in me making him groaned as I clenched him hard. He was making me sexually crazy for him.

"Fucking hell Addie, so fucking tight love. Fuck! This is going to be so fast." He was thrusting himself in and out of me hard and fast, changing his position several times trying to make it last. But eventually, he gave up and let himself go as I milked him inside mine.

I slumped and drifted off to the best sleep I've had in weeks. "Sshh sleep princess, let me take care of you." I could feel him cleaning me with a damp towel, but I was just too tired to even opened my eyes.

Then I snuggled in his embrace, as he pulled me to sleep on the crook of his arms.