Chereads / Sugar Daddy (Book 2) / Chapter 29 - 29. Claiming Ownership

Chapter 29 - 29. Claiming Ownership

"So when are you going to tell me about your plan Princess?" He was escorting me to my seat. Chris stayed standing guard in front of our VIP lounge.

He took me to my seat, while his hand was caressing my naked back.

Damn... I should've not worn a backless dress.

"Erh...yeah I was going to, but then I kind of forget about it. But honestly? I was still kind of upset that you ordered me to go straight home from the office." I looked at him a bit nervous but was still a bit mad with him. I sat next to him as he called on the flirty waiter and ordered me a drink.

Again, she was flirting with him as he let her be.

What the fuck?? I'm fucking sitting next to him.

Maybe this is normal for him, but I was not fucking cool with it. "So, why doesn't she just take my place yeah? I'm going to mingle with my friends." I started to get up, I was still fuming from their flirtation.

"Princess sit." But I didn't listen to him, I got up and was about to walk away from him when he pulled me to his lap. I let out a small pathetic squeak and ended up sitting sideways on his lap.

"You are seriously testing my patience here. Wait, are you seriously jealous of her talking to me?" He instantly perked up and smiling smugly at me.

I pouted and crossed my arm, which made my cleavage popped for his view.

Damn it!

"Kiss me, Princess, take your ownership of me baby." He was looking at me as he pushed me forward to him. I could see her arriving with the drinks. That was when I kissed him sensually, as I held his jaw and put my thumb on his lower lip and bite it playfully making him groaned. Just in time as she reached our table.

"Your drink Mr. Davis." She had the fucking nerve to interrupted our kiss.

"Leave." He told her sternly, she sounded shocked and quickly left us as we resumed our kiss.

I pushed my body flat to his, making him groaned some more. That was when I slipped my tongue in his mouth and started my kiss. His hand was roaming my back possessively. We were breathing heavily, I could feel him getting hard under me.

"Shit! You need to stop Addie. I'm fucking hard." But I didn't, I was feeling like a rebel, as I kept on kissing him and crept my hands up from his chest to his neck then to the back of his head, while I pulled him closer and kissed him with all I've got. I could feel him tightening his grip on my naked back.

"Get up, we're leaving." He told me to drink as he finished his. He put some bills under the empty glass and call out Chris to get the car and meet us upfront.

Ten minutes later, we were in his car, as he pushed the button to pulled up the car's divider shielding us from the driver's view. He picked me up and straddled me, as he easily lifted my dress upward to my upper thigh. His hands were on each side of my thighs as they crept higher sensually making me moaned his name.

"You know that you're asking for a punishment don't you princess?" He was whispering his words while licking my ear. His low and heavy voice resonates in my ear making me wet as I whimpered under his touches. But I was not going down easy on him, he was making me jealous when he has obviously flirted back with the waiter.

"Maybe, but you obviously made yourself busy enough as you flirted with the waiter back there. So yes, I was jealous and I don't do jealous, ever and I'm not liking how it feels. You are mine, Alexander." I told him as I took his hands higher up my thighs as I leaned closer to him and licked his neck and sucked it sensually until he was moaning my name.

We were hot and heavy making out until the car stopped when we reached his place. I was a horny mess, he was adjusting his bulge as we got out of the car. We were back to kissing again when we reached the elevator then took another unwanted break until we finally reached his place.

It was the longest make out session we ever had. I was drenched and he was hard as a rock. "Princess, I'm so going to make you sore." He was pushing my back against the bedroom wall.

"Shut it, Alexander! I'm still upset about your flirting. I'm still fucking upset that I do actually get jealous." He was a bit stunned at my sudden possessiveness towards him.

"You are mine Alexander, and I don't like it when you flirted back even to a random woman. No touching. This is your punishment." I started unbuttoning his shirt but my fingers kept slipping, that was when I stripped his shirt off with flying buttons.

"Damn woman, that's a four hundred dollars work shirt. So fucking sexy baby." I didn't say anything back to him, I just licked my lips as I feast upon his delicious body.

I pushed him back to the wall, as he let me. Then I unzipped his trousers along with his boxers. Making him naked with his shaft erect and hard for my touch. He felt so smooth yet so hard at the same time. He was moaning my name over and over again. He was letting me be in charge and he was liking it, he was craving for my touches.

I unzipped my dress and let it fall, leaving me in only my nude very sheer already drenched panties as I stand on my matching nude heels. "Damn baby can I touch you now? I'm sorry about the flirt, I'm yours won't happen again."

"No... Alexander, it still my punishment, and I'm definitely not done with you yet." I took his hand and told him to sit on the edge of the bed. I was standing between his legs.

"Ripped my panties baby, and lick me, fuck me with your tongue," I said the words as I put his hands on my waist. It ripped in seconds, then he quickly latched his mouth between my legs. I was moaning his name, giving him instructions until I burst and climax still standing and quivering between his legs.

"My turn princess." I was like clay in his hands, as I let him do what he wanted with me. He didn't punish me, I think he was still so turned on with my possessiveness that he just fuck me and quickly came inside me.

I slept peacefully like I always did, every time I was in his arms. "I love you, Alex," I said to him as my eyes were closing.

"I love you more princess." He pulled me to him after he cleaned me and himself. Moments later I could feel that he was sleeping soundly with his low breathing that hummed and serenade me to sleep.