Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

"Kick his ass Saito-Kun!" Ryu cheered reading his book he sensed the Presence of Naruko approach.

"Ah Naruko," Ryu said eyes not leaving his book "how are you?"

"Pretty good Ryu-Kun dattebane" She replied as we both sat in silence waiting on the others which seemed like forever to Naruko.

" After a while, She leaned into me and said, "So..." The door was suddenly slammed open causing Naruko to frown.

" I demand you teach me that technique," Sasuke demanded, marching up to me, only to be pushed violently and effortlessly to the ground by Ryu's left hand while his right hand was holding his book. "Patience sas-such," he said.

"it's Sasuke!" Sakura growled as Sasuke glared as he got back up from his spot from the floor.

Ryu shrugged, "whatever," he said causing Naruko to giggle.

"So," Ryu said as he closed his book. and put it in his pouch that was hooked to his pants pocket. "Let's get the introduction started shall we?"

"What do you mean by that sensei?" Naruko face-palmed while Ryu smiled fondly. 'Same old sakura.'

"You know, your likes and dislikes, your hobbies what you do for a living...?"

Her eye's widened "oh, well why don't you go first sensei."

"Okay, my name is Ryu Uzumaki My likes are a bunch, not really sure. My dislikes, I guess I could say arrogant assholes." Naruko gave a pointed look to Sasuke who glared at her in return.

"My dream for the future... hmm, don't really know about that yet, my dream is already fulfilled."

Naruko and sakura both looked at me curiously. Ryu smiled slightly at them before looking at sakura "Why don't you go next"



"Okay um... " Sakura looks nervous "my name is sakura and my likes are she looks over to sakura and gives a huge squeal."

Naruko winces slightly at the loudness in her voice while Sasuke glares at Sakura

Ryu just looked in expectancy knowing this would happen and due to beeing around gai

her screaming is something that he was used too. he was wondering if she was actually Gai's long lost daughter or something.

"My dislikes are INO PIG and NARUKO NO BAKA!!!"

"Can you be any louder?" Naruko asked groaning sakura ignored her

"My dream for the future" she looks towards Sasuke and squeals even louder. Busting everybody's eardrums.

"duckbutt your next" I pointed at Sasuke who scowled.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha, I don't have many likes, I have a lot of dislikes, my dream for the future is" *cue dramatic pause* "to kill a certain man and restore my clan."

"someone needs a physiologist," I mutter as I see Naruko from the corner of my eye inching further away from him sakura started fawning over him"

I just sighed.

"Alright," I said gathering everyone's attention "now that that's over, he pointed to Naruko with his thumb "You next whiskers"

"Hai," she said cheerfully, "my name is Naruko Uzumaki, My likes are Ryu-Kun and ramen. My dislikes are how long it takes to make ramen My dream for the future to be the first female Hokage and..." she glances at me with a slight blush that went unnoticed to everyone but Ryu who sighed.

"Now that we got the introductions out of the are free to leave but just remember to be here on time at seven o'clock in the morning be careful not to eat anything or you'll puke."

Ryu turned to Naruko nodded his head at her "I'll see you at home.."He stated Naruko smiled and nodded back before he vanished.

Naruko turned to back to her fellow comrades and said "don't listen to anything he says dattebane" Naruko said before she vanished as well, in leaf shun-shin.