Chereads / Adventures of Samantha Kramer / Chapter 268 - I'll be a slave to his cock forever!

Chapter 268 - I'll be a slave to his cock forever!

Beverly stopped at that point. Her emotions were in turmoil about what she had experienced. Guilt, fear, anger, and humiliation can mess up your head. She took a gulp of water and went on.

"He was really rough! It hurt worse than anything I've ever felt! I started to scream, then he pulled it out. I thought it was over, then he started again. It was awful. That first time, it was awful."

"But it got better," I said in an understanding tone. "Didn't it?"

She looked at me with a strange look in her eyes. She remembered how I had saved her, what I had done to get the goat-man away from her. It shook her up to think that someone would just walk up and join in the party like that. She must have been deep into rationalizing her behavior as 'I was forced'.

"Yes," she said, a catch in her throat sounded close to a chuckle. "It did. Not the second time. It was terrible the second time, too. But it didn't hurt as much, then. The third time, though. The third time I found myself... helping. That's the embarrassing part. I didn't want to. I just couldn't stop myself. I got turned on. That damn big cock is three times the size of Jeff's. It just filled me up totally. I never felt anything like that before and it made me cum so hard I had to scream. Sorry, Jeff."

"Mmmpf", Jeff said. He was drowning his memory of the day's events in calories. He was avoiding looking Beverly in the eye and I think he had already decided that he and Beverly probably wouldn't be seeing each other after this. For several reasons.

"There are other things to a man than the size of his cock, Jeff," I said, trying to reassure him. It was true, after all. And I felt obligated to say it. Not that I expected Jeff to take it to heart at the moment. Jeff was probably going to have 'issues' after this.

"The third time he raped me, I came. And every time after that. More than once. In fact — lots. It made me so ashamed! But I stopped fighting it and I kept having bigger and bigger orgasms. It was like I was drugged, or something. I just kept wanting more. I still feel like I'm cumming, even now that it's over. Does that make me a bad person, Sam?"

It was all I could do to keep a straight face. If having great orgasms made you a bad person, I was in deep doo-doo.

"I'm not the best person to ask about that. I'd say 'no'."

"I'd have to say 'no', too," Neeka added. "You can be a great fuck and a rotten person. And vice-versa."

"But I didn't want to enjoy it! I was raped. You're not supposed to enjoy that."

"Ah. Well, Beverly, that's something I do know about. In fact I had some professional advice on the subject earlier today. It seems that as long as you didn't come here planning on being raped — you didn't, did you? — then you shouldn't worry about enjoying it. I didn't come here planning on doing what I did, either. It just seemed to be the simplest way to get you two out of there. But I won't deny that I enjoyed it."

"Me neither," Neeka added. "Besides, he raped you. We raped him back. He had his orgasms, we had ours. Now we go home, and he goes... wherever they take him. You won't be seeing him again. We promise."

Beverly's eyes got a funny look at that news, but she covered it quickly. "I guess Jeff really got the worst of it, then," she said. She seemed to have relaxed a bit on finding out that she was part of the majority. "He didn't get any."

Jeff was about to say something, but he stopped with his eyes large as it occurred to him that he might have 'got some' himself if the goat-man's sexual orientation had been different. "I got mine last night," he said. "And this morning. And I came a couple of times watching you and the man." The last part came out grudgingly.

"How did you feel watching Beverly and the wildman?"

"Scared. Angry. Ashamed. Then she started getting into it and I got really turned on. I couldn't help it. She was seriously hot to watch. It was awesome!"

"Thanks," Beverly said, putting a hand on Jeff's arm. "I think. I feel better having talked about it. I'm glad I'm not the only one who... you know... got off on it. But I'm still worried about all that sex with such a big cock. He really stretched me out! Will I ever be able to have sex with a normal-sized guy again?" She sounded worried, like she had heard those stories about how you could be ruined for life if you fucked a guy who was really hung. You certainly could, of course. But not exactly the way she meant.

"Oh, sure," I said, helping her to her feet. "If fact, it can be even better than before, if you do the right exercises."

"Exercises? How do you exercise your cootchie?"

"I'll tell you all about it on the way," I said, pulling her to her feet. "It's getting dark, and we'd better start back."

"I'm for that!" Beverly said, enthusiastically. "I want to take a long hot bubble bath to get the smell off me." She seemed to be bouncing back very quickly from her ordeal, if that's the right word for it.

The walk back started off fine. Neeka took the lead, with Jeff and Beverly following her and me bringing up the rear to make sure we didn't lose anyone. We had been walking for only a few minutes when Neeka began to slow down and act funny. She kept waving her hands and once she almost walked into a tree.

"Neeks? You OK?" I asked, silently.

"As fine as I can be, stumbling around in the dark. I think we waited too late to start back and none of us has a flashlight. I checked. I didn't pack one and they burned theirs out last night."

"You mean you really can't see? It's not that dark."

"Can you see?"

"Duh! Yes."

"Then you get up here and lead the way back! Because I can't see shit!"

So Neeka and I swapped position and we closed up so that everyone behind me could put their hand on the back of the person in front of them. We started off again like three blind mice following a leader. It was dark, but not that dark. Even with the trees blocking out the small sliver of moon and most of the stars, I could see fairly well. My color-vision was out, but I had no trouble seeing the trees, the ground and the landmarks that I had memorized. Everyone else acted like they were lost in a coal-mine at midnight. After a while, I realized that seeing in the dark was another ability that I had developed without noticing.

With me in the lead, the pace picked up. Except for a little stumbling by the folks behind me, we made good time and were back at the command post only about three-quarters of an hour after sunset. Most of the searchers had come back at the scheduled time and gone on home. Even the media seemed to have packed it in for the night. The only people left were Sheriff Foster, Captain Ledbetter, and Mom; all sitting around on folding camp stools, waiting for us to find our way back out of the woods.

They all jumped up when we stomped into the clearing. Apparently we were the last ones still out and they had been worried that we would be gone all night.

"Hi, Sheriff. We found them," I announced, stepping to one side and waving at the two victims right behind me.

Mom looked relieved, Foster looked happy, and Ledbetter looked astonished. The Captain opened his mouth, no doubt to ask how in hell we had managed what several teams of trained woodsmen hadn't in several hours of searching. He closed it again immediately and set his jaw. It looked like his earlier experience was making him think before speaking.

"Well, you two are a sight for sore eyes!" Sheriff Foster said to Jeff and Beverly in his best folksy manner.

Mom asked me, "Are you all OK?" The relief in her voice was clear, and I could tell she wanted to run over and hug me, but she held back since this was a professional moment for me.

"No permanent injuries on anyone," I said. "Just some scratches, and a bit of dirt."

"Yeah," Beverly said. "I just want a bath — reeeeeal bad!" The two victims had decided on the way back that the story they wanted to tell was that they had gone off hiking by themselves and gotten lost. No sneaking off to screw. No goat-man. No rape. Neeka and I had both assured them that we would support whatever version they wanted to tell. As long as we all downplayed it, the whole incident should blow over quickly in a few days. They both realized that mentioning the word 'rape' would create a media circus and saying that you had been raped by a wild-man would probably turn into a national sensation even bigger than Bigfoot. Neither Jeff nor Beverly wanted to be interviewed on the morning news shows about their experience and Beverly especially wanted to avoid becoming a famous rape victim. Just thinking of how that would affect her family was enough to steel her resolve never to mention it again. It wasn't like she had been a virgin or anything. She and Jeff had probably had so much sex that an examination might just turn up his DNA in addition to the satyr's. That would have looked really bad on the official report.

Jeff was equally reluctant to have the world know that he not only had failed to protect the honor of his girlfriend, but that he had also gotten so excited by watching her being repeatedly raped that he had shot his wad at least twice, and I wanted to believe that he had cum while watching me as well. I certainly hoped my performance had been appreciated, anyway.

So the interview of the victims was over very quickly and Sheriff Foster packed them into his car so he could drive them home. As soon as he had shut the door on them, I pulled him aside.

"That 'we wuz lost' BS isn't the real story, is it?" he asked, as soon as his back was to the victims.

"No, it isn't," I said. Foster was nothing if not a good judge of people. He had probably picked up on the lack of detail in their story, the strange condition of their clothes, and the lingering whiff of sex on them and knew there was something they weren't saying. "In the morning, you need to send someone out to the high ground about a mile south of here. There is a feral man out there tied to a tree who needs to be brought in and taken care of."

"A what?"

"A wild man of the woods. Someone who went back to nature — all the way back. He's been out here quite a while, from the look of him. Maybe years."

"We've had some reports of a Bigfoot sort of creature out here," he confided. "I never put any credence in them. Seems like every patch of woods this size has its stories like that. I always figured that what it was — stories."

"Oh, he's real, all right. Dangerous, too. Especially if you are young and female and happen to sneak off with your boyfriend to run around in the woods buck-naked."

"Ah! I see why they don't want this to be a criminal investigation."

"I knew I could rely on your discretion, Sheriff."

"Oh, I wouldn't want that my name connected to a story like that, either. God knows her parents wouldn't want it to get out that their darling little girl had been treated like that. She'd never live it down if she made it to a hundred. Don't worry. I'll handle this. I'll have a team with those Indian trackers out here first thing in the morning to collect him. You say he's not going anywhere?"

"Not tonight. I had to hit him. He needs help. He never actually hurt anyone — that I know of. He just reverted to the wild and let his baser instinct run away with him."

Foster gave me a funny look. I realized it was because my concern for the man didn't jibe with what he thought my profession was supposed to be.

"OK, you got me. I'm not the hard-case I pretend to be. I just want to help people. The ones who can be helped — the ones who aren't really evil. As for the others..." I flashed him the latest version of my animated Dragon. This time, he could see from my exposed cleavage that my whole body was involved. He flinched.

"Jeez! Warn me next time — please! You may have a soft side, but I still wouldn't want to run into you in a dark alley."

"Believe me; if you are in a dark alley and up to no good, it's not going to be my warm, fuzzy side you will meet. It's going to be my cold, scaly side."

"I heard that!"

"Good night, Sheriff."

The ride back into town was a quiet one. Neeka and I were busy basking in the satisfaction of a job where everyone came out unhurt if not completely unscathed, and everyone had a good time. Even Beverly was going to look back on it with a degree of fond nostalgia, especially if she dropped Jeff in favor of some stud with a horse-cock between his legs. Now that she had experienced what a really big cock could do to, and for, you, maybe she would try to relive the experience under more controlled conditions.

After a few miles, Mom broke the silence. She asked, "Did both of you have a good time?"

"Uh, yeah. I guess," I said. It seemed a strange question. "Why?"

"Because both of you are smiling like you've been screwed blue."

We both laughed at how transparent we were. Or maybe it was just that Mom knew us so well.

"OK, we had fun. Both of us, this time. This was a rape case and we got to turn the tables on him. Although 'rape' is really not the right word. It was more a case of nonconsensual sexual awakening. The girl went into the woods with her boyfriend for some sex. She got it, all right. In spades. From a wildman with a cock that belongs on a stallion. We had to lure him away from her or he might have screwed her to death."

"A terrible way to go," Neeka said, giggling.

"You hush. As I was saying; when I got him off her, you should have seen the nasty look she gave me. She was having the time of her life. He had almost turned her into an animal with that big cock. If she had managed to get loose, I don't think she would have gone anywhere. She was hooked and good."

"Yeah, she recovered very quickly, didn't she?" Neeka pointed out. "I think we just came in at the wrong time. I think she and goat-man were playing a game. The business of threatening Jeff to make her submit to him should have come up a lot earlier in the day. I bet she even teased poor Jeff about it. I can hear it now: 'Oh, please help me, Jeff. This beast is going to fuck me with that giant cock if you don't stop him. God! That thing is way too big for me! He'll stretch my pussy wide open with that monster. Oh, please don't let him ruin me. Don't let him destroy my poor little pussy, Jeff. Don't let him put that huge thing inside me. I'll be stretched so big that I'll never be able to feel your cock in me again, Jeff. It's making me crazy just looking at his cock. I won't be able to control myself if he puts it in me all the way. I'll go cock-crazy. I'll become a slut for big cocks. Please stop him. Don't let him turn me into a slut with his big cock. Just look at all the stuff dripping from it, Jeff. Look at the size of his balls! He's going to pump me absolutely full of his cum. Oh, he'll make me pregnant. I know he will. Oh, please don't let him cum in me. Stop him, Jeff. He can't help but get me pregnant if you let him cum in my pussy. I'll probably have triplets.' No wonder Jeff came all over himself. She must have put on quite a show."

"Un hunh," I agreed, picking up the story: "'If you were a real man, you'd stop him, Jeff. But he's three times the man you are.' Did you notice that she had that figured out exactly to the inch? 'Oh, his cock is so big! It feels so good inside me. OH, he's all the way inside my pussy, Jeff! He's fucking me with his big cock. I'm so hot, Jeff. I'm burning up! I can't hold out much longer. Please stop him now. Won't you stop him from making me his slut? See how big he's making my hole? See how his cock has stretched my poor pussy? Look at how he has ruined my tight little pussy. I'll never be tight for you again, Jeff. His cock is so big and hard. It feels so wonderful being fucked with a big cock. You never made me feel this good, Jeff. He's going to make me cum now. Stop him before he makes me cum so hard I'll be a slave to his cock forever!

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