Chereads / Adventures of Samantha Kramer / Chapter 269 - Straddling more gearshifts?

Chapter 269 - Straddling more gearshifts?

Oh, he's doing it! He's making me cum. He's turning me into his slut. I can feel him cumming in me. All that hot cum shooting up inside me is driving me crazy. Oh! Oh! Oh! It's so gooooood! I'm cumming so hard! It's too late, Jeff. I'm all his. I'm going to be his slut forever. I'm going to fuck him day and night if he wants. He owns my pussy now.' I would say we should warn Sheriff Foster that she might try to sneak out of the house tonight and go back to free her satyr, but I'm sure he's ahead of us on that. He'll have a car outside her house all night. Just to reassure them, of course."

"Of course," Neeka said. "Now could we hurry up and get back. I'm so hot I could melt!"

"Why wait?" I asked, unzipping my jeans.

We dumped the packs and our clothes on the floor and made out all over Mom's leather seats. I wasn't paying very close attention, since my view was blocked by Neeka's legs on either side of my head, but it seemed that Mom's driving got a lot worse from that point on. I suppose driving with one hand while looking in the rearview mirror half the time will do that.

We got home quicker than I expected. It was still before nine. I think we had all cum at least once on the way. I know I was still pretty keyed up and ready for anything. We had hauled the packs into the house and I was about to run around looking for the resident studs to see if I could interest one of them in helping me reenact the scene in the woods when Mom reminded me that none of us had eaten supper.

Suddenly, I was in a quandary. Food or fuck? The choice was a tough one, and I'm ashamed to say that the food won out. Mind you, if it hadn't been Mom's cooking, it could easily have gone the other way. As it was, supper was reheated leftovers from the fridge. It was still better than I could have done without a reservation at a fancy restaurant.

After we ate, Mom reminded me that it was a school night and Neeka and I reluctantly separated to go do our homework. She went home and I went downstairs to my usual place in the family room.

I was still there at bedtime. I had gotten wrapped up in a chapter on the French Revolution by picturing myself as the young wife of a minor aristocrat who narrowly escaped the guillotine by borrowing her maid's clothes and passing herself off as a commoner. It was quite a challenge to imagine how many ways she could have been tripped up by behaving like an aristocrat and it gave me a better understanding of the inequities of the French class system that were one of the contributing factors of the July Revolution. I'm sure that the part about being discovered by a gang of Republican thugs who raped her repeatedly as a means of showing their distaste for the Aristocracy never actually happened. I jotted down some of my less racy thoughts as material for a paper on the subject and then I went upstairs to bed before I rubbed my clit completely raw.

Wednesday was a dark and dreary excuse for a spring day. When I woke up it was overcast and so dark that it looked like the middle of the night. It was one of those days that just seem to sap all the energy right out of you and make you want to stay indoors and watch TV, read, or anything else to ignore the day outside.

Hiding from the weather was a luxury I didn't have. I got up and went down to feed the dog before I had my shower and got dressed. He seemed depressed by the gray sky as well. He went right to his food without so much as a tug on my hand to come and play. When I peeked in on Bud, he was still asleep and looked so peaceful that I didn't have the heart to wake him up. I decided to postpone playing with my brothers until I felt perkier or they indicated a desire to fool around. I didn't want to become a chore for anyone.

I showered and dressed in moderately conservative clothes — a blue blouse and a pleated skirt that came to mid-thigh. I considered briefly, then decided not to wear my bell pendants on my nipple rings or any other jewelry for that matter. I would have toned down my makeup a bit too, but it didn't seem worth the bother.

At breakfast, conversation was minimal. The only bright spot was when the phone rang as I was leaving to walk over to Neeka's to catch a ride to school. Mom answered it and held out a hand, motioning for me to wait. I assumed that it was a follow-up after last night. I was right.

As soon as she hung up the phone, Mom said, "That was Bob Foster. He said to thank you again for the help last night. He said that he wanted you to know that those kids' parents were very happy to have them back safe and sound and that even though you had made it clear that you didn't want any credit for helping out that you made a big difference in the lives of several people last night and he wanted you to know that."

"That was kind of him to say. I think I may have tipped him off that I have a softer side than I had led him to believe and he wanted to make me feel good. Did he say anything about Beverly sneaking out last night?"

"No, he didn't. Do you really think she would have gone back there?"

"It's a possibility. Having your 'horizons' broadened can change people."

"Well, he did say that he had a couple of deputies out there at sunrise to look for the man you left tied up. He said he was just where you left him. They took him to the hospital to have him examined and to get him treated for a broken jaw."

"That's good. I guess my reputation as a bone-breaker is still solid, too. And I didn't even hit him that hard."

"You seem happy that you didn't hurt him too badly."

"I am. I don't like hurting people. I keep running into people who are as much victims of their own situations as the people that they victimize. I'd much rather help than hurt. It's just so hard to use the right amount of force; and the stronger I get, the harder that becomes."

"Don't forget your martial arts class this afternoon, honey. You said you hoped that would help you with that."

"I think it already has. And I know now what I need to do to keep the destruction to a minimum."

"What's that?"

"Just stay calm, cool, and collected. But that's easier said than done in the heat of the moment. See you later!" I kissed her good bye and walked down the driveway and up the street to the Morgan house. Neeka was just pulling out of the garage and I flagged her down by waving a thumb.

When I got in the car she said, "I called Beverly Pearce last night after I got home. Since we both thought she might try to sneak out, I thought I would try to distract her. Her father didn't want to put her on the phone until I told him I was one of the people who found her. She picked up so quick I think she was standing right there."

"Good thinking. What did you tell her?"

"That she was going to be a celebrity for getting lost in the woods overnight and having to be rescued, and that there were going to be some boys who would want to meet her to hear her story first-hand. I told her that some of them might have something that she'd be interested in, now that she has 'higher standards'."

"You told her you'd introduce her to someone with a cock as big as goat-man? Damn, girl! If you know someone like that, introduce him to me!" I said, emphatically.

"You know I don't. I just wanted to get her mind off her satyr and back on someone who she could take home to meet the folks. I'm afraid I led her to think there was some kind of club for girls who had been turned on to big cocks."

"Oh, way to go! Darn, I think you're turning into the smart one of the team."

"Don't I wish!" Neeka laughed. "I was just doing my bit to make sure there was a happy ending to this one. I think too often the victim gets forgotten after the excitement is over."

"And maybe be should start a club like that, just to keep Beverly happy. I like the idea. And let's not forget the other victim, too. Poor Jeff just lost his girlfriend and gained a traumatic memory that may be tough to put behind him."

"Maybe we can fix him up with someone who hasn't been 'converted'?" she suggested.

"'Converted.' I like that. Someone who has had a big cock stuffed up her puss and her bells rung like Big Ben at noon has been 'converted' all right."

"It does make us sound like a couple of Evangelists. Maybe we should get out there and spread the word that size most certainly does matter."

"Hush! There aren't enough big cocks to go around, now. We don't want to run up the demand and create a scarcity."

"Someone's been reading up on Economics," Neeka observed.

"Been reading up on everything I can think of," I replied. "You never know what might be useful, someday. I just can't leave things alone," I sighed. "I have to find out everything I can about stuff I have a question about. Whatever did people like me do before the Internet? Spend their lives in libraries?"

"Yeah, what's a library?" she giggled.

"You think you're funny? What good are they? If they want you to be able to read the books, they should put them online. All that big building for something that would fit on a single computer? It's archaic."


"Yeah, you know — antiquated, out of date, obsolete."

"Maybe we should put your head online."

"Ho, ho. You're real funny. Maybe they will someday. Not my head, maybe. But someone. How many transistors does it take to reproduce the capacity of the brain? It's not an idle question. They must be getting close by now. With current circuit densities... maybe optical pathways... it could be done."

"Cooling would be a problem at the density level you're talking about." Neeka observed. I had forgotten for a moment that she planned to go into computers as a career. She probably knew more about the problems involved than I did. I was just guessing.

"That's why superconductors are so important," she went on. "You could run the whole thing on a double-A battery then."

"How much would it cost?"

"Millions, for the first one. For the millionth one, who knows? Dollar ninety-eight?"

"Yeah, who knows? Anyway, we were talking about Jeff. I think he goes to Parkhurst. He must be a year or two ahead of George."

"Maybe George knows him. There can't be that many boys at Parkhurst. It's a small school. And all boys."

"I can read your mind, girl," I said. We both laughed at that. The truth was that even though we could communicate telepathically in a fraction of the time it would have taken to move our mouths, we both enjoyed conversation too much to give it up. "Anyway, I don't think they would appreciate a visit from a couple of horny girls at such a prestigious institution. I think we are the very distraction that the place was intended to prevent."

"True. But it's still a shame. All those lovely, lonely boys. Just sitting around with nothing to do but study and think about how much they want to get laid. It gives me a warm feeling, you know?"

"Yes, and a wet one, too!" I agreed. "I can see how Jeff would want to get Beverly off in the woods and all alone so he could unload all that pent-up jizm into her. He must have been having a great time until goat-man came along."

"He didn't have too bad a time afterwards, either. Even if we're wrong about her teasing him, he admitted that watching her being 'converted' was a huge turn-on for him."

"Yeah," I said. "Guys are very visual when it comes to stuff that gets them hot. I am too, I guess, because it certainly made me hot as heck to see him going at her like that. I can imagine that even before Beverly started enjoying it; Jeff must have been sporting the biggest boner of his life. He said he came twice. I bet that was an understatement. And he would have had to do it without being able to touch himself. I can't imagine the torture that must have been. Or maybe I can. I know what it feels like to be so turned on that you just pop spontaneously." I drifted off into a memory of how incredibly hot it was possible to get and how the power of sexual tension alone could drive you to a monster climax without any physical stimulation. The memory started to bring back the feeling of intense need and the willingness to do whatever it took to satisfy that need. It was an incredibly seductive feeling and I could feel my nipples harden and my pussy warming in response. I could almost see the glowing object of my desire and my knees had begun to move apart when Neeka mercifully interrupted my reverie.

"Maybe we can arrange for him to meet someone who is still a virgin, or at least one by our standards, anyway?"

For a moment, I couldn't think of someone who would be both adventurous enough to run off into the woods with Jeff and who was still inexperienced enough to be satisfied with his size. Then my eyes lit on the gear-shift knob in the console and Neeka and I spoke together, "Angie!"

I laughed, "If she hasn't got herself all loose and everything from humping cars. I understand that those imports have some pretty big shifters."

"Damn, there's a kinky hobby. I've heard of dating a guy because he had a cool car, but never doing it so you could fuck the car instead of the guy!"

"I guess it qualifies as safe-sex. The car couldn't get you pregnant. But if you let the guy watch you do it, I don't see how you could keep him from insisting on sloppy-seconds."

"Hmmm. I wonder if there is a company out there making specialty shift-knobs for women. There seems to be a niche market for just about everything these days. I think driving around with your hand on a nice hard cock would interest a certain number of women with cars they were looking to accessorize."

"Oh, that's good. You'd sure shock a few people. And valet parking would be interesting..."

"True. But your boyfriend would never ask to borrow your car," she was laughing so hard her hands shook on the steering wheel as she turned into the school parking lot.

Neeka found a spot that suited her and backed the car in. We got out and both reached into the back seat for our bags. She grabbed a strap that happened to belong to my bag and she grunted as she lifted it out.

"What the heck?" she said.

"It's my suit and stuff," I explained. "Even though I didn't need it last night, having to run back to the house to pack made me think that there might be a time when I wouldn't have time to do that. I decided to see what it was like to haul it around with me."

"Another real-world complication to the superhero business, I guess," she said. "Maybe I should keep mine in my trunk? Trailering the bike around would be too much, I suppose."

"Yes. As much as you like that thing, it's not really suited to keeping a secret identity or a low profile. It's way too big and flashy... and loud."

"But when you need to get to a crime in progress," she pointed out, "it's the perfect thing. Fast, maneuverable, easy to park, and makes a great impression on the opposition."

"I can't argue with that. And I'm sure we'll get to use it again. Crime doesn't seem to be cowering in the corner like I thought it might when word of The Dragon got around. I guess people are going to do crimes regardless."

"Still, a good rep shouldn't hurt. You might get lucky one day and have some smart crook surrender before you have to break their bones."

"That's right. Look on the bright side. Although I'm kind of torn on the 'smart crook' concept. Stupid crooks are just so much easier to deal with."

We were almost to the grass by the building when someone came running out of the crowd toward us.

"Well, look whose ears must be burning," I said as Angie bounced up to us with a big grin on her face. She wasn't letting the gray day get her down at all.

"What, were you guys talking about me?" She asked in a chirpy tone that should have grated, but lifted my mood instead.

"Yes, Angie, we were," Neeka told her in a lower tone that wouldn't carry to the crowd of kids a few yards away... "Actually, we were wondering if you had been straddling any more gearshifts?"