27 June, Military Court, Military Base, City K
"Lawyer Chi, I am guessing that you have a series of motions for the court?"
"Yes, Judge Ma," came the immediate response.
Steven, calmly stood and responded, "The prosecution has no objection to the court hearing preliminary motions, but we have a request."
"Lawyer Hou, and that request is?"
"Judge Ma, there are seven separate legal teams representing the various accused. Our request is for the defence teams to collaborate for the preliminary motions and where possible, one motion on each preliminary issue is run, rather than seven separate motions."
Lawyer Chi quickly responded "The prosecution are attempting to control how, not only my clients but the other defendants are able to conduct their cases. I can speak on this on behalf of all defence teams, in that this will be resisted as it is unfair to each defendant and jeopardises their cases."
"Lawyer Hou, your reasons please?"