There I was laying on my bed, crying, I've just told my previous boyfriend to go fuck himself after the fight we had, I was mad, I was taken for a fool yet again, and here I was crying again because someone didn't value me enough, I called my mom the previous night to come get me at 12am at night I NEEDED to leave... I had to get out of that house as soon as I could! I phoned my boss and told him my situation and he told me it was fine for me to sort out my things and return when I was ready, I sat up on my bed and decided that I needed to get my clothes and my things and I knew he wasn't going to be there so I took the oppertunity, fortunately my moms new boyfriend left me his truck to do what I had to do.
I was isolated from the world, I had no more friends I had no access to social media platforms because he forbade me to have any and I was not allowed to have any guy friends what so ever, me, being me Alexis Von Getten I COULD NOT communicate with other girls, i just didn't have it in me, all my previous relationships ended with my friends hooking up with my boyfriends behind my back, so do understand where I'm coming from, my only source of friendship were my guy friends which I ditched without a word because I had no choice... Actually I had a choice I just chose wrong, I felt so bad.
Driving to that house I could feel the poisen resurfacing the hatred I felt, "I'm just getting my things, I'm just getting my things" I kept reassuring myself that everything will and was going to be just fine, I got there and grabbed as much as the truck could carry,
Bzzzzt Bzzzzt....
My phone buzzed in my jean pocket... It was him.
Looking at the message "I'm sorry, please don't leave me for real"
Anger over took my every particle "FUCK OFF OUT OF MY FUCKING LIFE!!!!!!" I messaged back and turned my phone off. Driving back home, I can call it home now seeing my things on the back of the truck I smiled looking at my jet black colored hair, my blue green eyes mu soft pink lips, I will be me again i thoughy to myself as I stopped and started unloading my whole life from the truck.
As I finished I started rolling myself a very well deserved spliff* and inhaled deaply as I could feel it reviving my very soul.
I switched my phone back on to find that I was called countless times, voice mails begging and pleading, countless messages begging me to pick up my phone, asking for forgiveness, I started typing " I am Done" i hit send with no remorse, and I downloaded Instagram as soon as I could,
I remembered my old profiles password and soon I was back, the Gamer girl, I missed so much of my friends' lives I found that most of them were married some of them were on kid number 3 already and here I was, I had nothing not even my own home. 24 year Old Alexis, kids none, works all the time, social life none, home none... Where do I begin my life again I started pondering in my head.
Bzzzzzt bzzzzzt....
Uuuuhg I thought to myself seeing who it was, "Please can I stop by tonight," he sent with emojis asif i would give in, "NO, I have no intention of seeing you at all ever again just stop! , I'm removing your number as soon as you put your phone contract on your name... Leave me alone! "
I could feel that spliff taking away my thoughts as my eyes shut for the first time in 48hours....