Chereads / The Lessons of a Lazy Substitute Teacher First Class / Chapter 94 - Vol. 7 - Chapter 5: Chaos on Superstar Lane.

Chapter 94 - Vol. 7 - Chapter 5: Chaos on Superstar Lane.

Part 1 – Condoriano´s Penhouse.

Condoriano is having lunch, and drinking wine. His bodyguard arrives and says:

"Boss good news, we found her."

"Excellent, let her in." Condoriano replies, the bodyguard makes a sign. The door opens and a young girl about the age of 15 enters the room. The girl is wearing a black jacket with a hood on; she has a red Scottish skirt, long socks and brown boots. The girl has a very pale skin, a red eye similar to a snake and a black hair with tuft covering her right eye.

"I take it you're Samantha right?" Condoriano says to the girl, she sits down in front of him and says:

"Yes sir, I am a witch from the White Witch cult at your service." Samantha replies, Condoriano laughs and asks:

"Are you really a witch? Because the man that was hear yesterday told me that you can help me get a girl I want."

Samantha closes her eyes, the two candles that in the table begin to release a high amount of fire. Condoriano looks at his food that suddenly turned into worms, he stands up furious and exclaims:

"What the hell, I believe but don´t do that again." The bodyguard takes out his gun and points at Samantha; she looks at him and says:

"You be careful or it will bite you." The body guard looks at his pistol transformed into snake and tries to bite him. Condoriano smiles and says:

"Very well you are now hired; you will work with him to get that girl."

Samantha stands up and says: " I don´t care about your girl, I´m only interested in the guy who is with her, I will work with you and get that guy, and you will get the girl."

"Alright, you have talent that is why we found." Condoriano says to Samantha, she looks at him and smiles:

"No Condoriano, it was me who found you." Samantha begins to walk out of the room,Condorianolooks at his bodyguard and says:

"Go get me Chloe Diamont and that Golden key before El Muerto, have I made myself clear?"

"Yes boss, leave it to me." The bodyguard says as he runs out of the door.

Part 2 – Superstar Lane.

"TEEEEAAACCCHHHEEERR" Victoria screams as she runs and hugs Uriel. Uriel surprised asks:

"Victoria, what are you and Angela doing here?"

Victoria hugs Uriel tighter and replies: "I missed you, I haven´t seen you in weeks"

"The reason we are here was to see Chloe Diamont´s concert" Angela replies with a shy voice. Uriel smiles at Angela and says:

"It´s good to see that both of you are okay. Is Marjorie with you?"

Victoria lets go of Uriel and lowers her head saying: "She was going to come with us but her grandmother passed away and she needed to head to France, she will be back in a week or so."

"I see that is bad news." Uriel says as he lowers his head. Victoria grabs his arm and with a seductive voice she says:

"You don't have to worry about Marjorie, you see I am here and we can spend a great time together."

"Excuse me but I think you are getting to friendly here Uriel" Chloe screams as she pulls Uriel away from Victoria. Victoria notices and begins to exclaim:

"Hey what are you doing? I was rather busy with my teacher."

Victoria grabs Uriel's arm and tries to pull him away, Chloe pulls harder saying:

"Well right now he is my bodyguard and he doesn't have time to spend with bimbo bitches like you."

"What did you say, flat chested?" Victoria screams with anger, Chloe's face gets red, both girl pull Uriel form one side to another. Angela pulls Uriel from behind and says:

"Teacher pay attention to me as well."

"Senpai, you sure are popular with the girls, I'm impressed." Tsubasa says as he right notes to his notebook.

Uriel sighs with his eyes close, he raises his voice:


The girls stop fighting and begin to see their surrounding and see many people watching them and whispering. Victoria and Chloe's faces get red and pull Uriel to get out of that spot.

In another street, after having scolded Victoria and Chloe, Uriel says:

"Alright allow me to present these two; the girl's name is Chloe Inoue, and I am her guardian for the time being. The boy here is named Tsubasa Saito and he is…well… how should I put it…."

Uriel doesn't know how to explain about Tsubasa, Tsubasa smiles and says:

"I am his apprentice, right now I am too a bodyguard."

"Thank you Tsubasa" Uriel says scratching his head. Tsubasa nods in sign of agreement.

"Okay I am Victoria and this girl is Angela and we are the number one students for the teacher." Victoria says with Angela waving in a timid way. She continues to speak:

"Alright, now that we found you, how about if have some fun." Victoria says pulling Uriel's arm, making Chloe be jealous.

Uriel and the group visited many places in downtown Angel City. They went and had fun in the theme park with a mouse logo, they went to different movie studios and saw many celebrity and were lucky enough to get autographs from many stars. They pass through many parks, and food stands. Chloe and Victoria were competing in almost game; Tsubasa also had fun with Angela who was always very shy. Uriel was having so much fun that he did not hear any of Johanna's calls.

Part 3 – Johanna's side- A few minutes before.

Johanna infiltrates the Condoriano's suite and manages to capture one of his agents. In their hotel room, Johanna interrogates the agent.

"Now tell me, what is Condoriano's plans?" Johanna asks the agent who is hanging upside down and with his eyes covered. She makes a small cut on the agent's abdomen.

"AAAHHHH" The agent screams of pain, Johanna puts a sadistic smile and says:

"I will keep going until you tell me, what Condoriano's plan is."

"I-I-I don't know anything, please let me go." The agent says crying. Johanna smiles and stabs him a side of the abdomen saying:

"Wrong answer."

"Ahhh, wait I will talk." The agent says with a low tone, he continues to speak:

"Condoriano hired a witch to get the girl, the witch and his right-hand man; Lenny are heading towards Chloe Diamont at this moment."

Johanna's eyes open wider as she realizes that Uriel was with her. She tries to contact Uriel but he doesn't answer:

"Damn it, now of all times" Johanna looks at the man and asks:

"Where isCondoriano now?"

"He is the airport getting ready to leave to Sin City." The agent says to Johanna, she smiles and replies:

"Well thank you, you were very useful."

She lets the man lose, but cuts his neck leaving him to bleed and die. She cleans everything in the room; she already put Uriel and her luggage in the car. Johanna puts gasoline and begins to burn the room leaving no evidence. She walk out of the hotel and gets into her car, as she leaves the hotel, the room explodes.


"Sorry, but no witnesses, that is the SIA way." Johanna says as she drives towards downtown.

Part 4 – Downtown Angel City.

Uriel and the others walk down the street chatting, Victoria begins to get along with Chloe better and Angela talks more with Tsubasa. Uriel tries to contact Johanna but she does not answer. As they through the alley, Uriel hears a strange rhythm coming from it. He turns around to see but no one was there. He stops to think:

"That feeling, it was similar to the time when I was with Isabella."

"Teacher is something wrong?" Angela asks Uriel as she touches his arm, Uriel comes to his senses and replies:

"N-N-No everything is fine, don't worry. Let's head to airport to take Chloe to her flight."

In the alley, Samantha was there along with Condoriano's bodyguard. The bodyguard looks at her and asks:

"So how are we going to proceed?"

"I will create a distraction and you get the girl." Samantha says as she begins to take out a bag. She begins to empty the bag that had dirt on it. The bodyguard asks:

"What are you doing?"

"Did you know witches can manipulate the elements and give them life?" Samantha says laughing; the bodyguard looks clueless and replies:

"To be honest I did not believe in witchcraft, but today you changed my mind."

"Excellent now then let me show you what I can do." Samantha says as she stretches her arm, she begins to expel manna from her hand as she begins to chant:

"May the blessings of Alexandria reaches us all; ignis golems" (Fire Golems)

The dirt begins to burn, sparks of fire begin to rise, creating two small golems. The golems begin to grow taller and taller to the size of a small building. They are covered in flames, they begin to roar:


Samantha points to the street and orders the golems to head towards the Main Street.


A huge explosion causes to panic; everyone becomes frightened to see the two golems go on a rampage.

"AAAAHHHHHH" People try to get away; the golems with everything they touch begin to catch fire. Suddenly the downtown part of Angel City was covered in flames.

"Not now, why all times:" Uriel says looking at Victoria and Johanna. People run towards were Uriel and the others were located. They begin to push everyone causing Victoria to be separated from the others.

"VIICCTTTOORRIIIAAA" Uriel screams, Victoria looks at them and screams:

"I AM ALRIGHT, PLEASE BE CAREFUL." At that moment, Victoria sees the opportunity and disappears from the crowd. Uriel grabs both Chloe and Angela´s hands and says:

"Do not let go." Angela and Chloe nod at him. Tsubasa looks at the golems and screams with joy:

"Finally it´s here, my time to show my Senpai how strong I really am." Tsuabsa runs towards the golem, Uriel sees him and screams:

"Wait, this is exactly what the enemy wants." However Tsubasa did not hear him and jumps into the air. Uriel begins to enter in a panicked state thinking:

"What should I do? I need to protect them, but I am only one person."

Tsubasa rushes towards one of the golems; he gathers manna in his fist and begins to shine a golden light.


Tsubasa hits the golem in the face causing it fall backwards. At that moment a small child is behind the golem, Tsuabsa sees him and thinks:

"Damn it, kid move away!"

Tsubasa with great speed runs trying to save the child; however, it was too late.


The golem fell to the ground causing a huge smoke cloud to rise. Tsubasa looks for the child but it is know where to be seen. The Mother screams as she saw the action as well:


"Here you go little missy." Lenny says as he hands over the child, Tsubasa sees Lenny and says:

"Thank goodness, you were quick mister." Lenny turns around and says:

"Just doing my job boy, now you must step back or that thing will crush you." Tsuabsa turns around and sees the golem standing once again. Lenny disappears with great speed; Tsubasa takes a deep breath and begins to think:

"I wanted to save this until my Senpai sees it but I guess I have no choice." Tsubasa raises his left arm and a golden crest appears, the crest is a large golden circle with two curved lines going downward. He begins to gather manna and chants:

"Activate; Gōruden'īguru-Complete" (Translates: Golden Eagle)

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