Kwanda had gained one thing when he reincarnated in Nibiru. A Blessing of Ori which would allow him to learn everything by only seeing it once meaning that anything he read or was taught how to use he would gain that skill without practice and if he has a complete understanding of something he can form his own skills.
[he can't learn a magic spell/fighting skills/civilization skills from seeing someone use it]
In infancy he would just sleep contempt to enjoy the tribulation of learning to walk again and getting full control over owns bowls lol.
When all his problems fit into the palm of his hand. His father was a gifted cleric, his father had grown up in the Capitol named [lazely] Avalon.
Until his father Zamani, met his wife Sarafina and they moved to the Hinterlands to live a peaceful life away from the chaos of of the kingdom.
Seven blissful years had passed since had passed since Kwanda was born. He is living his best life, full of joy and friends. Kwanda and his friends were at this moment playing Shaka and the Invaders.
[A story a man who saved the all the worlds becoming a God in the process, with nothing but a spear, faces off against powerful enemies with thunder sticks and lightning balls one legend say that his wife was even stronger than the death reapers, some even say she was the hero who saved the worlds]
Suddenly the only Shrine in the village centre burst into flames as a pack of Werehyena started assaulting the village. People are screaming and crying as their loved one's are killed brutally in from of them.
Kwanda and two of his childhood friends Trevor and Noah are running towards the center of the village Close to the well, were the warriors hall is. It is also the safest place in the whole village.
Kwanda, Trevor and Noah, all made it there thanks to kwanda who managed to keep a level head in all the chaos. As throughout his new life the villagers had commented how decisive he could at times almost like an adult.
Inside the hall people young and old, dead or alive were brought in by the warriors.
Who were this morning 100 strong troop now only 20 men remained. Kwandas' father knew this village was doomed so he gathered the remaining children three boys and fours girls with the help of all the adults and moved towards the stables some carrying the dead bodies of their loved one.
The children were strapped into their saddles which were in turn strapped onto the horse.
They are each given a knife. The same was done to freshly dead [a short prayer being told to each "be in the Mothers embrace."]
The horses with the dead were injured purposely by kwanda's father to make those particular horses slower and easy to track.
"The monsters are coming!" Uncle Deshane. shouted, "dammit buy me some time!" Kwanda's father shouted, "We are ready basically just the prayer left."
[By Fathers spear be protected, by Mothers shield be defend, by her sword your enemies defeated. The brothers will guide you, the sister touch heal you!] [passed his Hammer ring to kwanda]
The horses were loosed as the prayer was complete, the childrens' horses ran of in all different directions followed closely by the horses with decapitated bodies of their families.
The Werehyenas broke into smaller groups and chased after them. As the Werehyena were in the midst of blood Rut [mating season], they had become incredibly feral all the injured horses were caught and devoured one by one the haunting laughs of Werehyena everywhere.
All but one of the monsters was consuming the horses. The Werehyena that was chasing kwanda was catching up quickly.
He quickly took the riens of the horse changed directions and moved towards The Biko falls which flowed into the largest river, The Tambo. As he was reaching the peak of the waterfall the Werehyena was trying to bite the hooves of the horse.
Kwanda begun cutting himself loose from the saddle. When the horse saw the cliff it stopped almost instantly flinging kwanda over the cliff into the River below, he remembered how Bear Grills used to say, "land with your feet first when jumping into water from a high place." The Werehyena tackled the horse cause both to ackwardly fall and land the rocks directly below.
Kwanda was not uninjured he just didn't know how bad it was he layed on his back in the river and flowed away with The River Tambo.
He awoke on a horse cart traveling towards Avalon.
The good Samaritan, Madiba, who had saved kwanda told him "not to move as his injuries were quite severe. He had done what he could and Kwanda's condition was stable for now, it would take about three days using the kingdom road."
Kwanda was still asleep when they arrived the old man had things to do and left a note with explaining that he was from a different kingdom and come to meet with king current king of Avalon Thebogo.
[One week later]
Kwanda awakened super weak from not having anything to eat in over seven day.
A doctor was approaching him a serious expression on his face....