"Let's go in Doc!"
"Hey wait,why did the gates close?
'It assures that no one escapes,Kid'
"See the hanging skulls and skeletons,these must have been the people who would have tried to cross"
"Seems spooky"
"Hey doc,did you hear that;a bold voice of some indication of map"
'I dont have any map'
"Hey, its in your hand!"
'What!!!,How just how.....did it come in my hand?'
"Seems its a part of game Doc"
'Hope So'
"Read that Map aloud"
'It says- Be Slim as thin as you can, but use it when the blades ban; as the blades are sharper as you cannot think of an'
"Did you understand anything Doc?"
"Wait let it sit in the virtuality,it says be thin and use your thin personality....but when the blades ban?"
'Hmmmmm.The blades ban; The blades are sharper'
"Hey,when was the sharpest ever blade made?"
'Oh yes,I got the solution'
"Unfold it,Doc"
'The sharpest blade was made by a underground forger,who threw these blades into an covered hamper as its power was unmatchable and let it in the sea,and never to be seen before'
"What that doesnt help us"
'Try to understand,the forged blades maybe were taken and controlled by the souls of Sire Lincoln and his sea men'
"So he may have used to make the first level of the game"
'Now just we have to step carefully and cross over'
"Wait,but how will we know where to step?"
'Yeah, that thought didnt come to my old mind'
"Gimme that paper,Doc"
'Yeah,Take that kid'
"Hey look something written on the back
of paper, I'll read it-The blues are red, and the reds are blue; the colours are odd but the colours are true"
'That means,these two are the colours we have to step'
"But what about the other left part of the sentence?"
"The colours are odd, Odd?"
'O God!! Let us out from this tricky cavern'