Murphy : You're sure you want to listen to my story when you can simply read my memories?
Cerulean : Yes, I want to know how you felt about everything, I don't want a 3rd person POV.
Murphy : Okay.
He then told him his story from his first memories, to now. He didn't even hide any information about himself, he knew it would be useless since he was able to feel Cerulean's emotion, the opposite should also be possible and he didn't even have a need to lie to himself.
Murphy : Can I know my (your) story since you listened to mine?
Cerulean : No I don't want my past to influence your future, I will only tell you why other gods fear and why im the most powerful of us.
Murphy : Oh I care about myself
Cerulean : …
Cerulean : First of all im one of the first god to ever exist, unlike other who were born through mortal beliefs or spawned to help us, we the 4 origins god gave birth to ourselves from nothing. We were the second thing that appeared after what the human called the Big Bang. The Big Bang is not what the human thing it is, its not the birth of the universe but the birth of multiples multiverse who all exist on different reality. All this multiverses compete between each other for supremacy because one day all of them will fuse to form one ultimate multiverse, and only the gods from the strongest multiverse will stay gods in the end.
Murphy : I understand but why were you the strongest and why did you left?
Cerulean : I was the strongest because unlike the other gods who only took care of their own concept, I tried to fuse my Water concept with the concepts from the others Origins Gods and I succeeded making me able to use steam(water+fire), ice(water+air), pressure(water+earth), climate(steam+pressure).
After numerous battle, I saw that the god on our side were shameless and shouldn't even be gods in the first place. Take Zeus for exemple, he went in numerous realm to have fun with different woman when he is married. Also except origins God no other gods are suppose to let mortals use their power but everyone is doing it, every lightning magic or user to ever exist came from Zeus. And then they complain when other do it. Mortals are supposed to birth other elements from the four first ones but they are unable to since they erase magic from the worlds with the biggest potential, they dont want new gods.
They kill mortal just because they dare fight against their destiny or try to rival them, they've lost their rights to be gods since they cant even improve or reflect on themselves. I know my ideals are a little bit egoistic but I cant fight only with the other origins god who since they are weaker than me only train to be useful in the battles, with gods waiting for any moment of weakness to control me.
Murphy : Does that mean that they will try this again on me as well?
Cerulean : Probably, that's why im going to train you so you can at least be a bit independent
Murphy : So how are we going to train when we are in soul form?
Cerulean : Simple, I will fuse with you but you will not have any of my memories only my combat experience and mastery of my abilities. Its even possible that you will be able to use my concept. But you will have to work on everything I will gift you since you have a 4 years old body. I know you will be able to transform in an older version of yourself whenever you want but your powers will be at their peak only in your true form.
Murphy : With a 4 years old body which weapon can I use, I thinking of fighting with a spear, a double edged sword but guess I will have to use daggers or a tanto.
Cerulean : Before we fuse do you have any question?
Murphy : Yes 2, what was the winged band that appeared when my powers awakened?
Cerulean : It's a device that makes you unable to use your divine will when you are not a god but I think they will never let you take it of, but its also a blessing in disguise since it will allows you to learn to have a better control on your abilities.
Murphy : Will anything happen to me after we fuse?
Cerulean : No you will still be yourself but you will inherit some of my personality traits. Now that you have no more question we can start the fusion.
Murphy : Cant I just dissolve since you came from my clone?
Cerulean : No its not possible since im not your clone anymore.
Murphy : Do you have any last word? Its kind of weird to say that to myself.
Cerulean : Don't let anybody decide your fate and please don't spam my favorite spell (ouroboros).
Murphy : I'll try my best
Cerulean then approached Murphy and putted his hand on his head, and he started vanishing progressively and became more and more transparent while Murphy was feeling like his soul will explode from overload. Cerulean then told him that if he want to choose a weapon he just have to ask the Origins god to led him to his palace, he also told him that when they came to take him back to his world he must choose between showing himself weak or never show any weakness.
(Author : I was planning to make him fight with a Tanto as a main weapon and a dagger but if you have any suggestion, im all hears)