Hi. My name is Olive. Olive Alibaster, but everyone calls me Liv. Ironic considering the story I am about to unleash upon you. You see this is the tale of how I, Olive Olivia Alibaster, died.
I was ,for all accounts and purposes, the queen B at Madam Calamity's Private Prep. You see Madam C's is where all the richest and wealthiest sent their "good" little girls and boys that they didn't want the rest of the world knowing existed. All unloved disappointments and torrid love affair mistakes. I was one of the latter or at least that's what I had been told anyway. My half brother, Ezra, used to tell me that it wasn't true and that I belonged with my family even more then he did but I never knew what he meant by that, at least not until I died. Erza was older then me by six years and i always felt like he knew more about my origin then he let on. Our younger sister, however was the complete opposite. CallaLilie hated me with a passion but it wasn't her fault. My step-mother Gladis trained her from birth to despise me. Her favorite nickname for me was abomination. I always thought she hated me because my father stepped out on her but boy was I wrong. Dead wrong infact.
My father was McAlister Jedidia Alibaster was the great-great-great-great grandson of the absurdly rich Jonathon Judia Francis Michael Alibaster. He was said to have been a prince of some unknow far away land that gave up his title and choose to live a quiet life away from the public eye after he was horribly disfigured is some sort of freak accident. His parents loved him so much that when they died they left the kingdom to his little brother but all their wealth and worldly possessions went to him. Despite his situation, Jonathan got married and had a son of his own at the cost of his beloved Gardinia's life. Apparently childbirth is a real cruel mistress.
That brings us back to me, the stain on my family's "pure" reputation. There is no way I'm the only "mistake" that has come from this long distinguished line of forgotten royalty, but whateves I'll take what I can get. My father adored Ezra and I, but he could not stand CallaLilie and I never know why. It's funny really, the clarity you get right before you close your eyes for good. You are literally given all the answers to every meaningful question you had while you were alive. Was I truely loved? Was I really that unwanted? Was I just some sick joke made for the gods own twisted enjoyment? Was I really an abomination? The answers were: Yes, I was loved more then I probably should have been; No, I was never unwanted by the people who truly mattered; No, I was not a joke and I wasn't made for the reason I always believed I was; And Yes, I was an abomination. Gladis had it right snaps for her. She was just wrong on the reason as to why and in what way.