Chapter 9 - The Truth part 1

A few weeks go by without any problem though I still get light headed now and then I feel fine overall, Kirito and I have gotten closer and so have Naiomi and me while most everyone else stayed away, I began to hear rumors that Kana didn't like me and has been speaking badly of me, over the weeks we have said nothing to each other not even a simple hello so I'm unsure why she has a grudge against me.

As far as everyone else in the student council I either get along with or don't speak much too. Suzaku and Kirito bicker every day when we're all in class together it never ends.

( I don't know if they are friends or enemies, maybe I should just ask Kirito about it sometime. )

I close my notebook as someone knocks on my door.

"Come in!"

The door slides open and Kirito walks in holding a sheet of paper, he hands it to me and I sit back in my chair to read it.

"What's this? Oh, the budgets for next month's clubs? Hmm"

I stare at it determining the best options.

"I think this will do for until next month they all look good for now."

I sign the bottom of the paper and hand it back to him. He smirks and takes it back.

"Yuki, what's your main nature type?"

Curious by him suddenly asking I respond.

"Ice is my main go-to but I can use electric too, why?"

He then slides the door shut and sits on the edge of my bed.

"Because did you know that there are only five mages that can use ice magic in the entire world? two of them died last year and the other is in hiding then there leaves you and someone else..."

Realizing where this conversation was going I couldn't help but feel tense.


Moments before coming to talk to her I was finally able to talk to my elder brother Lee about Yuki.


*knock, knock*

"Yes come in!"

I open the door and enter the room to find my elder brother sitting at his desk doing some paperwork, he looks up to see me and flashes me a smile.

"Brother Lee were you able to get any information on Yuki?"

He tosses me a folder and I catch it with ease. "Don't let anyone of the higher-ups know I've let you read this and don't leave this room with it..."

I nod to him

"I understand"

I began to read and my face darkened right away after the first few lines.

-Reading charts and notes to self-

Name Yuki Hiroshimae, Date of Birth: 8/29/3000, blood type O positive.

The heir to Gong corporate, Hiroshimae corporate, and half of Shing shares,

( Gong...How is she related and heir to the Gong family that's the richest family in the world and has the main impact on the outer circles of vampires and werewolves...)

I kept reading till I got to what happened a little over a year ago.


Yuki's Father Reo Hiroshimae and full-blooded older brother were killed by Kazuki shun Yuki's mother and her self were the only survivor's.

First son Kazuki Shun who was from a separate marriage, intending to kill Yuki and his mother as well failed when getting injured from Yuki as she protected her mother. The whereabouts of Kazuki are unknown.

-continues reading-

Reo Hiroshimae is really Reo Gong, he took on his mother's maiden name to secure his family's protection against anyone who threatened them.

Kazuki is Yuki's mother's first son from a separate marriage.

Reo's Blood children are

First born Ash Suki Hiroshimae-Deceased

Last is Yuki Rose Hiroshimae.

-Back to present moment-Yuki-

Kirito's face became serious.

"Yuki, what is your purpose for coming here?"

My tension grew even more but I remained calm. "To become stronger."

He looks at me unsatisfied with my answer and raises his voice a little.

"Why do you want to become stronger!"

I grew defensive at his tone and decided to try to end the conversation,

( I don't want to talk to him about this...I don't want him to get involved...)

My guilty conscience kept me going.

"Why does it concern you? What I strive for shouldn't matter to you so I don't understand why you are even asking!"

He hands me a photo and my heart sinks, it was of Kazuki the elder brother I once loved and looked up to. He was hugging his stepmother and half-sister as his father stood behind him smiling. Kazuki had tears in his eyes. It looked like a nice family reunion but to me, it made me livid.

( How dare he get to smile like that after what he's done! )

I snatched the photo and threw it in the trash can next to my desk, Kirito looked satisfied and I realized now I had fallen into his trap.

"So you do know him-?"

I interrupt him

"Yeah, so what of it? It has nothing to do with you! please leave Kirito I don't feel like talking to you right now!"

His face grew dark and his aura changed the atmosphere to what felt like ice and the tone of his voice grew dark.

"You don't have to be alone in this, Yuki I've read your file and-"

( He did WHAT!? )

"How dare you invade my privacy like that Kirito! You are so shameless!"

I felt livid towards Kirito at that moment, I felt betrayed that he would do something like this I was genuinely hurt and angry

(I never wanted you involved in this Kirito! )

I slap him across the face as tears swell to my eyes, he looked shocked for a moment but it instantly turned to looking livid, he stood up and I back up as he walks closer till my back is pressed up against the wall he stops in front of me placing one hand behind me on the wall while using his other to lift my chin so that we were eye to eye his lime green eyes had the look of determination, his cologne smelled good and I could feel his breath as he spoke

"I deserved that slap just then but you have to understand something Yuki, you have friends now and Comrades to look out for, the information I read is something the people your close to should know! You can't keep bottling up everything or else it'll be your downfall in the end! Plus this is serious!"

( Kirito...his words are so inspiring, I never knew this side of him...)

I lower my eyes feeling guilty once more.

"You're right I'm sorry..."

I pause for a second to gather my thoughts and then look back into his eyes once I began to spoke.

"My goal is to end him so he won't hurt anyone else!"

He looked startled for a moment and lets go of my chin frowning at my response.

"But are you truly prepared to take a life, Yuki?"