Chereads / Claws and Fangs / Chapter 6 - Choices

Chapter 6 - Choices

(Maria's P.O.V)

The moment she's gone I drop to my knees to help Eliza. "I'm so so sorry, i didn't mean too." Eliza spits at me, a weak shot. "Weak. You are weak. You die. And i will laugh." I slowly apply pressure to her ribs making her whimper in pain. "You failed to kill me the first time, and now I have psyco to 'save' me from everything and anything, good luck." I rip the bottom part of my shirt and wrap it around a cut on her arm. She laughs. "I'll be seeing you again then, Shortcake." She sounds amused. "Shall i tell Ash you failed? Or will you simply move over at dawn?" She smirks darkly at me. I pick her up and wrap my arm on her shoulder, "you won't be telling her anything, you're going to the ER." I make my way down the hallway to the medic. "She needs help." I say and the medic quickly takes her into a room. I walk back to my room, numb and tired. I sit down leaning on the bed, I stare at my blood covered hands for who knows how long, until dawn I guess because as i'm about to get in bed Nora walks through the door smiling.

(Nora's P.O.V.)

I went back to my room and lay down. But I can't sleep. It's very possible, well it's most likely that tomorrow I'll be sharing this space with my little mate. I'll share a room with Shortcake. For there is no way she will kill Eliza. Unless she truly hates you now. My mind whispers Back. you pushed her, you made her do things she didn't want. Stop it! I yell back. I won't lose her, she needs to learn that they always come back. Wanting the kill, unless you kill them first. She wouldn't have done that if she truly didn't want to. Her hatred wouldn't have caused her wolf to come out unless it loved the blood she was feeding it. Unless somewhere in my little mate there was a blood lust. After only 40 minutes I get a call, she took Eliza to the ER. The medic said she left to her room. "What will I do with you, my precious Shortcake?" I couldn't help but muse aloud. I decided to give her the night, let her think. I couldn't sleep though. So, I called the seamstress, checking on my and madie's dresses. I also added a dress for my little mate. I choose dark green for her color. She wouldn't appreciate matching, so I made it different. Once dawn arrived I decided she could have no more time. She would be lady of the Court, and soon a lady of the council, hell soon she and I will be the queen of the vampires. It was only a matter of time. My little mate, you will truly be mine now. At my side, with all's support. No one will dare harm you then. She let Eliza live, she didn't keep her word. I told her that if she did this, I wouldn't have to keep mine. Will I still? I'll decide when I see her. I went over, and knocked on her door. There was no answer from her side, she knows why i'm here and I can't help but smirk. I open the door and sweep in. "No, leave me alone." I chuckle. "We made a deal, Shortcake. So, unless you want to go to the ER, and kill Eliza now..." I trail off. She looks horrified, and I can only nod to her. "Well…." she doesn't respond, and I chuckle. "Well then, your stuck with me, little mate."  She looks at her hand and bites her lip trying to hold back the tears. "My middle name is hope, they gave me this name because I was born at the end of a war, they said it was my job to bring peace everyone has their own type of violence. What I did, was terrible and I never want to do it again." I chuckle. "You're right, little mate. Everyone has their own violence. A vampire will always have blood lust. A human will always want to fire. A witch will always curse first. And a wolf will always want to bury its teeth in flesh. It is the way of the world. Though in this instance, it is my fault. Not yours. I pushed you to this, used your losses like ammunition. But if you dont stand up for yourself, so will everyone else in this hellhole. Protection is key, My Little Mate." saying this to her, I know It's true. I know she needs to learn this, but I feel bad. And it shows. Weak! My mind growls at me. "You can't change me to be like you, I spent my whole life fighting for peace and i'm not about to stop now." I sigh heavily and sit next to her. "You know when I was little, i would imagine me being with my mate and they would just hold me and tell me that everything is gonna be ok, but you used me." "I know i did Shortcake. I used you. I wanted to see how far i'd have to push. How long it'd take. When you'd break." i look down at her. She looks so broken. "If i can do it that easily. Break you, when all i wanted was your answer. Imagine how people like Eliza can hurt you." looking down at her I feel my expression soft en, there are tears in her eyes. I slowly start wiping tears from her face, surprisingly, instead of turning away, she leans into my touch. "Don't let anyone ever break you ever again." i said softly, while moving my hand from her face. So that it was behind her back. And slipping my other arm under her legs, i picked her up. I expected her to start thrashing about this point, but she's exhausted so instead she wrapped her arms around my neck. She seemed to have calmed down a little now, i walked her into our chambers. And set her down on the bed. We talked till about noon, getting to know each other, while i finally got to hold my little mate in my arms. I made her laugh quite a few times. She's ticklish, and i was drawing slow circles on her thigh, getting bigger. At about noon Shortcake fell asleep. Soon after i did too. I awoke at 5:00 p.m.. My Little Mate had shifted so that she had one of her arms over me. Pulling me close, and her head buried in the spot between my shoulder and neck. I held her like that until about 5:20, when she adjusted. She was even closer to me, one of her legs was over mine. And her face was now next to mine. Her lips only a centimeter away. I thought about how easy it would be to close that gap. How much i wanted to. But i didn't want to upset her, by doing so. I managed to refrain, until 5:30, when Shortcake woke up. She shifts a little bit and rubs her eyes. "Did I fall asleep?" She giggles and snuggles back into my side. How can her smile warm my heart so fast? She literally the cutest thing on this planet, hell in this universe. "You're smile is literally the cutest thing I have ever seen." I whisper in her ear. "I'm so glad I got to wake up with you in my arms. It's all I've ever wanted." I mean every word that I whisper in my little mate's ear, and I hope she knows it. Shortcake shifts so that she's sitting up trying to hide her red face. "What time is it?" She asks, looking around. "About 5:35 p.m. now." Little mate doesn't even seem shocked. "What's for dinner?" She asked, I couldn't help myself. "Well  we could get delivery," I paused, looking at her. "But, I'd rather eat out." She nods and slowly starts to get up from the bed. What I said totally going over her head. "About what I said, about rejecting you… I didn't mean it, I was just going through something and I needed someone to blame, it shouldn't have been you." now I'm the one who can't look her in the eyes. "Don't apologize to me, Shortcake. I pushed you to do that and I shouldn't have. I don't deserve your apology, and I never will, little mate." As I said this, I moved over. and pulled my little mate back down, and into my arms. Hugging her from behind. "I love you, Little Mate." I whispered into her ear. "Always have, and always will."