Chereads / Claws and Fangs / Chapter 8 - Secrets, and Options....

Chapter 8 - Secrets, and Options....

(Nora's P.O.V) 

"Speaking of drinks…..i'll needing to talk to you about….my uh...habits, eventually." I wasn't looking at her then. This was making me so uncomfortable.  "Hey, it's okay, I understand you have to do that." she hugged me around the waist. "We all have to do things, which is why I need to tell you something." Just as she's about to admit something the doorbell rings. "I should probably get that, tell me while we're eating?" i ask and kiss her head. "It's okay, it's not important." i just nod and leaves to get the door. Why would she say that if it's not important? "What am i going to tell her?" i hear her whisper. She must have forgotten about my hearing. It's definitely something! I can't help but think darkly, feeling my blood boil, as i think of her keeping things from me. If she wants to play guarded, we can too. The darkest part of my mind seems to whisper. No! She is mine, and play nice with her. It's reasonable for her to have secrets still. I try to reason, and calm myself down. It's crazy, because i don't even know when she became so important to me. It's like watching a snowstorm. You see the flakes falling, but you don't see how they're adding up. Then suddenly, your whole lawn is covered. All these little things have added up, she's my snowstorm. My Little Mate, MINE. I grab the cart of food, dismissing the maid. And bring it over to the table. We both got a chicken fried steak, with mashed potatoes and broccoli. I got her a strawberry daiquiri to drink. And i got a bloody mary, yes they're alcoholic. But i was hoping to cover up the bloody part of my drink. And to calm myself down, my mom lets me. Though she says smoking like her would be a better choice. With the whole live forever we don't have to worry about effects, but apparently one hungover council meeting, is one too many. Though there's been more than one. Whatever, i don't think that Shortcake would care for smoking. She seems to innocent for that. "Nora, you okay? You spaced out on me." I glanced back at Shortcake, who was now standing only inches away. How did I not hear her?  I just shake my head. "Hope you like your drink." I say, I honestly can't wait to see her reaction. Has she had alcohol before? I can't help but wonder. "I know I will." I can't help but chuckle, "Let's eat." I say, pulling out her chair. She blushes softly and takes a seat. Before I can say anything else she takes a gulp of her strawberry daiquiri. She freezes in her spot and slowly spits her drink back into her cup. "Sweet mother of the goddess what is this?" She whispers. I chuckle "It's a Strawberry Daiquiri." I reply slowly. "Have you never had alcohol before?" I ask, feeling perplexed. She goes red and gives me a small snort of laughter. "Not exactly." "Hmmm" is all say in response, i get up and grab a glass bottle of Bourbon, and a glass from a side table. "You wanted to tell me something before the food arrived?" I could hear her heartbeat quicken. "It's nothing I promise." I sit down with the stop-bullshitting-me look. "Because i'm a werewolf, i shift into my wolf, but when the full moon lands on an even date, she becomes me." I look at her, trying to determine how to take this. "Wellll, this shall be interesting." I say keeping my expression carefully neutral. "You're not mad?" I chuckle "now why would I be mad?" She looks really worried, i decided to lighten the mood. "What are you the opposite of cinderella?" I tease, she doesn't respond. "Turn into a real player at midnight?" I'm only half teasing now. She giggles a little and bites her lip. "Eden is well, a 'fun' girl." I chuckle darkly. "I wonder, since she takes over your body, does that mean that you can be a 'fun' girl, mate?" I said, trying to get her flustered. "She's a real good time according to my friends, not like the sexy way… at least I don't think." I gaze at her. "parties can be quite 'fun', if you're with the right people." I love seeing her flustered, and I just can't stop. The rest of dinner is me making her blush and her laughing her head off at her own jokes. After we finish up I put the dishes on the other side of the door for room service to take. "We should get ready for bed little mate." I whisper in her ear while walking to my closet. I grab a pair of black shorts and a tank top for me and one of my black hoodies and a pair of shorts for Maria. I walk over and find that she's standing on the balcony, watching the sunset. I set the clothes down on our bed and walked over to her, I wrap my arms around her waist and rested my head on hers. "Beautiful isn't it?" She asks, I couldn't help myself. I move her hair and let my fangs graze her neck. "Not as beautiful as you." I whisper, she shivers and I know its not from the air. "You don't really get views like this where i'm from." She says, she turns around and hugs me around my waist, I hug her back and slowly lead her back inside so she doesn't get a cold. We change is separate rooms because i'm sure she's not comfortable changing in front of me. Though i'm nervous about her seeing me without makeup on. I have this birthmark that covers up a lot of my upper right hand face. But, I want her to see me. Strange birthmark and all. So, I put my hair in a high ponytail, and walk out of the bathroom. The moment she sees me I can tell she is shocked and I get a little nervous. "You never told me you had a birthmark." She says and walks over to me, then she does something unexpected, she stands on her tippy toes and kisses my forehead, right on my birthmark. "It's beautiful, you're beautiful." I smile and kiss the top of her head, grab her hands and lead her to our bed. she quickly snuggles into me, on her side, arms wrapped around me, our legs intertwined, my arm around her back and the other around her neck, keeping her close to me. That's how we fell asleep, just holding each other occasional kiss or 'I love you'. I fall asleep after I hear my little mate's breath even and I could tell she was sleeping. 

After a few hours of sleep I try to pull my little mate closer to my chest but I didn't feel anything, I quickly sprung up and jumped off the bed to go look for her. I was about to call Maddie when I heard soft sniffles and singing come from the balcony. 

God knows what is hiding in those weak and drunken hearts

I guess you kissed the girls and made them cry

Those Hardfaced Queens of misadventure

God knows what is hiding in those weak and sunken eyes

A Fiery throng of muted angels

Giving love but getting nothing back

People help the people

And if your homesick, give me your hand and I'll hold it

People help the people

And nothing will drag you down

Oh and if I had a brain, Oh and if I had a brain

I'd be cold as a stone and rich as the fool

That turned all those good hearts away

She sings? She's beautiful, but she's crying? Why is she crying? I walk out and sit behind her, wrapping my arms around her. She jumps slightly but then leans into my hold. "Why are you out here little mate? You're gonna get sick." I whisper in her ear. She wipes her eyes and sniffles for a minute before answering. "I should have done more, to protect my pack. It's my fault they're all dead." By the end her voice cracks and she starts sobbing. "Damn it! Don't you dare sass at that again! No blaming yourself, or feeling guilty!" I'm acting as if she's a submissive, but I can't help it. I want her to stop this. Stop blaming herself. I get angry at the thought of who's fault it really is. How she's still alive, still fine, how I still haven't taken the time to repay her. And then my mind is made up. "Go back to bed, mate. I have something to take care of." I say, knowing that my voice is now serious. She looks startled, so I pick her up and dump her on the bed. Then I close the balcony doors and lock them. "I'll be back" I say, and then I'm out the door. Madie sees me, from the lounge area That's between me and the stairs. She whispers something to her mate. who nods and obediently goes back to their room. She stands and looks at me, waiting for her order. "Keep Eliza away." I say, with a dark, frigid voice. She nods, "I'll take care of things here. Now hurry up, and go make those Weatherson's suffer." I chuckle, and then I'm gone. Having used my speed to leave, before Eliza saw me.

((Time skip - 2 hours later) Nora's P.O.V.)

"What is wrong with you!?" My mother yells. "Well, at the moment, the thing that's wrong is that I, the soon to be queen, is being scolded. And by a non-royal, of all things." I smirk as my mother stutters in rage. "I am queen! Not you!" She yells. "You have no royal blood, or real claim to the throne! You sit their only because the law says I can't take it for another three days! And I swear when I do, you'll never set foot near my family again! And now that the only ally you had left is dead, which I might add is quite the bonus, no one will dare shelter you from me!" I bare my fangs at her, and she looks shocked. "Now get me some clean clothes you shite! And don't you dare bother Shortcake!" I mother glares at me, and stomps off. Now that the Weathersons are gone no one will dare try to betroth me to Eliza, she's just a low life now. She was gifted to me, for goodness sake, which in our culture is the second lowest, and dirtiest thing that one can do… or have done to them. Though the gift is always the one at fault, not those that gifted them. The only thing lower is a gift that gets fed on, and then traded. It's naturally expected that you feed on the gift, so that's just part of the gift thing. But if you feed on it, and then gift it to someone else…. Well that's bad, because only true royals can get gifts, cause we're the only ones who can control them. Because they become so addicted to the endorphins, they'll do anything for the tiniest of bites. I'll admit it, I love that Eliza is so clearly suffering from withdrawal. I just can't decide which would be better, to see her suffer from withdrawal….. or to do what my half brother did, over a period of a week you give them mass doses of your endorphins. Until they reach the point of no return. When they've lost so must blood, and had so much of your endorphins that they're need for endorphins drives them to become a blood whore. Which is treasonous, and will get them killed. One way or another…. "Here are your clothes." My mother says poisonously. "Good, you may leave now." I say coldly. She scoffs, but leaves all the same. I clean up in the bathroom that's attached to the royal office, and then head back to the royal bed chambers. Shortcake is in bed, and at first I'm relieved to see she obediently listened to me, but then I see that she's awake. And obviously aware of my presence. "I know you know i'm awake." She whispers. I slide into bed next to her and wrap my arms around her waist but she doesn't move closer, she doesn't shiver, nothing. No reaction. "I can, and will blame myself for what happened, it was my job to protect them and I failed. You can blame who you want, you can tell me to stop feeling this way, but it won't help, and I won't stop blaming myself until the day I die. You can be mad about it, you can yell, hurt me or anyone else, but it's not going to stop me." I chuckle. "Little mate, did you just give me permission to hurt anyone? You might want to rephrase that." I whisper in her ear. And I feel a shiver go down her spine. "You make it sound like you would listen to me if I told you not to." She sassed back. "Well, it's true. If you told me to, or if you told me someone hurt you….. I'd hurt them." I whisper, and she freezes. "In ways you've never imagined before." I whisper, and she gulps. "What happened to you? Who hurt you? Why can't you just be happy with me?" Maria asks, in a soft voice. I laugh, and my side hurts. I can't help but wince, Shortcake feels it and turns to face me. Shoving her shoulder into my side, in The process.  And i grimace. "Well right now, the answer would be… let me see here… what happened would be a fight. Who hurt me would be the former council member and x-leader of the ah… retired Weatherson clan. And the happiness part is 1, because I hurt and your shoving your shoulder into the healing wound. Which is slowing my healing process significantly. And 2, until your happy… I'll never be." I say, meaning every word. Even though I say them in a light manner. She moves away, I could almost hear a quiet whimper under her breath. "We both have been through bad times, but the way I look at it, you can either run and hide from it, or move on, no matter how hard it may be. I'm not saying I'm perfect, and I know things that very well might kill me, but I know that I have people to talk to about it. And I've moved on to trying to make sure that what happened to me, never happens to anyone else. When you've finally decided what you want, talk to me, until then." Before I could stop her she slid out of bed and walks through the door, I can hear her move into the room where she beat the shit out if Eliza. I chuckle. "Sweet dreams… I'm sure they'll be very lively in that room." I roll my eyes, when I hear a small surprised squeak come from that room. Knowing exactly what she saw I count to three, and hear her fall to her knees. Then I get up, and go over there to collect her. When i walk in she's staring up at Eliza. Who hung herself. She's not actually dead, but I won't tell Shortcake that. Since she'll be dead soon enough. So instead I just pick up my little mate, and carry her back to our bed. And unsurprisingly she doesn't struggle against me. Not that it would have helped, but… whatever. "W-what did you do?" She whispers, not looking me in the eyes. She didn't wait for me to Answer once we got to the bed she just shoved herself out of my arms and scooted to the far side of the bed. "THAT. WAS. NOT. ME." I say in a firm and final voice, and I know that it's not fair to Shortcake, but I've about fuckin' had it with this little routine of hers. "Just because something bad happens, or someone like Eliza tries to commits suicide… DOES NOT. mean that I did something." I put my hand under her chin, and force her to look at Me. I know that I'm being aggressive and controlling, but it's like I just can't help it when it comes to her, I'm always overbearing. "And even if I had…" I start in a low voice. "YOU WOULD KNOW." I say my grip on her chin tightening slightly. "Because we're SUPPOSED TO BE PARTNERS." I seith, and I feel my nails slightly pinching her skin. "But I've been trying to be nice and give you a break. But you… YOU JUST MADE YOUR BED, AND NOW YOU WILL LAY IN IT!" My voice rises slightly while saying this. "It's time you started actually acting like the lady of the court you will be!" I say, and release her chin. "Do you have anything to say to me?" I ask in a low, dangerous voice. "You said it yourself, we are PARTNERS, EQUALS. You say this but you treat me like dirt on your shoe, I want to love you I really do but you make it so FUCKING hard to. As for the lady of the court thing, Never, you will not force your ways on me, you can't make me act like a bloodsucking vampier because news flash princess I AM A WEREWOLF, I AM AN ALPHA so until you act like a luna, I will lay in the bed I made, but not with you." Maria moves to get up, but i grab her chin again. "News flash, little mate. I will be queen. And as my mate there are two options for you. Lady of the court, or consort. And I think we'd both prefer the first option.