There are 2 sides the kingdom, the nobles who think it is honorable to be a knight, and the ones who think it cruel to enlist children so young into the army. I was one of those people, thinking it was most honorable to have my son serve his kingdom, so I sent him away at the age of 8 to begin in his training to become a knight, and he became a knight, he made his mentor proud, and he made me proud. Until one day i found he had died not from the enemy but from himself, I had not thought of the guilt he felt in killing someone, I had not felt his despair, and his hatred. I sent him away at such a young age, to have him suffer, and I made him live in such a terrible world. I hated myself for it, and I never had the enthusiasm to be myself or talk to anyone anymore, then I met a boy who could have suffered the same fate my son did, I did not want to have him enter such suffering, I could not, so I took a chance, because if I let this happen again, I'm not sure I have the strength to stay alive.—journal of Henry Foster