Chereads / Towards Godhood [Hiatus again] / Chapter 3 - Power Unimaginable!

Chapter 3 - Power Unimaginable!

The voice calling him to barter belonged to a human male, and that human male was now dragging him back from the very edge of death to barter with him.

During said bartering, the boy had one thing in mind. 'I want to crush my torturer so hard that he'll wish not to have born.' Nothing else mattered, and the person bartering with him noted this.

"That can be done." The person had no problem with giving what the boy desired for a good return.

'Good. Now show me what you got.' The boy was happy, and soon he was exposed to the power that the person had, 'Wait! How much power does he hold!' He couldn't but exclaim when seeing all that power. There was so much power that he couldn't begin to reason it to himself.

'I'll have all of those!' Yet he didn't need to reason anything since he would be taking all the power that could be given to him.

"Are you sure? You don't need a per cent of this power?" The person spoke, his tone concerned.

'Give me everything you can!' So much power was being shown to him, and he wanted all of it now, 'With this, he will not survive long.' He already imagined how glorious his revenge would be.

"You said it yourself." After hearing confirmation, the person didn't try to talk him out of it, 'Maybe I'll get to see something good?' He wasn't exactly against this experiment.

Moments later the boy feeling twitching all over him was brought back into his body that was cold, 'So I was there for some time' He back in his being started warming up the body that hadn't run for a day or two. "It's nice to hear my voice again." He also noted that he could hear his own voice "I'm truly alive again, resurrected!" He laughed.

Having had his laugh, he focussed onto the current situation, "So how much power did I get? How much could my body handle?" The first thing to do was to test his power. "The wall shall do." He decided that the wall of his cell could be the dummy.

Lining himself against the wall, he turning his body into to the side, took his hand behind his chest, and when feeling confident released the punch, hitting the wall in a perfect ninety-degree angle.

'Fast!' He could only note this in his head as he watched how his hand left towards the wall at a speed that he couldn't react to. Then before the next blink from his eyes, the wall which had come into contact with his hand had crumbled, or more accurately disappeared.

"Too powerful!" He scared himself when he watched how the prison started to crumble before him, 'I might have underestimated the power I now hold.'

His casual punch was more like a massive siege catapult shooting at sticks, and so, in this case, the brick wall of the wall never had a chance to stop this punch.

The damage, he inflicted with the punch didn't even stop in that brick wall, as the new powers in him that weren't physical continued their way all the way to the outside, creating a hole, a major hole into the prison while anything, be it a brick or a living person evaporated.

His punch to which he hadn't used too much power in had by the time he came back from the shock made the entire prison wing where he was fall, resulting in its total destruction. Even the boy had his mouth agape when seeing the damage he had caused; nevertheless, there was a huge opening in front of him, and a few hundred inmates lay dead around it.

"Well, they died an unpainful death." The boy noted when walking along the path he had just caused, and as he was walking past the bodies, he mumbled the words that made him laugh a little.

"Tough luck." It hadn't been his wish to kill them nor theirs to die.

Also, while walking, he had the idea that he could investigate these powers. However, the only thing he got from inspecting the destruction was that various powers were being used. Not getting anything concrete out of his inspection, he got back to the revenge part which currently required him to get out of this prison.

This led him walking towards the direction where everyone else was going too, that being the biggest gate on the courtyard. Going there the boy took his time, not caring about his speed nor his stealth, 'Nothing can stop me here, so what should I fear?' Was his reasoning when strolling.

'I made a lot of noise with one punch' Looking around him he had noted how his prison break had caused a commotion.

His one-man prison break had, at this point, become a mass riot, as the prisoners who had survived the punch were now getting themselves out of the rubble and running towards the gate that was being used as the last stand spot by the guards in chaos. Everyone seemed to be very fond of the gate, yet unlike him, they didn't want to fight or something? 'They are all just standing there' He noted while strolling towards the gate.

Around him slowly strolling the other prisoners ran towards the gate like feral beasts, not caring about the skinny boy that walked between them. At least not until they saw some of their fellow escapees suddenly die when touching the skinny boy.

From this, the fleeing prisoners behind the dead ones learned to give him a wide passage when they passed him. They didn't have time for questions nor the want to test, they all wanted out of here, nothing more.

'Maybe I should hurry...but I don't want to cause too much commotion' He could get out of here in a second, but things binding him didn't let him destroy the whole place. Moreover, the real reason for him not using his powers was the fact that he didn't know how to control them at all.

Walking alone proved difficult enough.

'I don't want that to happen again either.' He referred to how, when becoming a cultivator, he had flown all around the cell because he couldn't adjust his power, 'What would happen now?' But he did wonder what doing so would entail. 'Is it the same or a hundredfold? A thousandfold?' He speculated.

Speculating this took him so much time that by the time he was at the gate, the prisoners trying to escape had amassed into a horde.

Those prisoners all wanted to escape, but when they saw that most of the guards were still feeling the urge to stop them, their motivation had decreased. Well, the motivation was there, but no one wanted to be the one who gets shot by the line of crossbowmen of the walls.

This want to survive had made them start biggering about who should run in first; however, when the boy came there, the people arguing stopped to look at the person, 'He's going to do it.' They all had a collective thought.

Soon a woman who was a few times the size of a regular man came out of the group walking towards the boy with a smile on her face, yet before she got to say anything, the boy knowing what she wanted took hold of her hand. "No, you."

The woman noticing her hand being taken prisoner like this was just about to say something, yet like everyone else before her who had touched the boy she died, not getting a word out of her mouth.

The others didn't realise this in time, but what they did realise and see was the next thing happening between the two which was the boy throwing the woman at a spear wall of men that were trying to hold the prisoners at bay.

Everyone could see how the massive body of the woman crashed into the spear wall sending the men in the spear wall into the air and to the sides.

Then from seeing this feat of strength, the prisoners got pumped up like never before, as to them, it would seem that they were getting out of here with the help of such an expert. So knowing there was no way they could lose many of the people who had been eager to jump in themselves made their minds and rushed towards the opening.

The guards on the wall had also seen this, yet they weren't about to give in so easily, they still had something that should stop the boy.

Especially the men manning a massive ballista on the walls acted by re-aiming their weapon towards the boy and shot at him, not giving this action a second thought. People like him were their job to kill.

However, the boy, who was the target of this attack hadn't taken this to account, seeing as he was moving with everyone else, minding his business.

So the bolt that was longer than the target came crushing down to his chest from out of nowhere, blowing up the ground around the boy enough that no one could see him.

Yet the men at the ballista celebrated, knowing that nothing inside this prison should be able to survive that, though they found themselves to be wrong, "But how? This prison doesn't hold anyone too powerful, so how is he fine after a direct hit!" One of them spoke out.

The boy, himself had felt something hitting him, yet when the dust cloud around him was no more, he saw metal and wood panned flat on his chest. He had taken no damage from the shot, sure he had slipped a step backwards, but that had been because he had lost the balance.

Nevertheless, now looking at the bolt stuck flat on his chest, he smiled happily before taking what was left of the bolt and threw it back at the ballista crew.

This time lady luck wasn't on his side since unlike last time the bolt missed the ballista and everything else by a few hundred meters, he noted looking at the bolt flying into the sky.

"That went wide" He stated before continuing to go and get the thing he had come here for. The thing, or actually a person was someone with a good rank, a person who would know the location of the man, and now back on the mission, he quickened his steps towards the fanciest looking coat under the gate.

His quickened steps sent him flying into the midst of the guard formation like a comet, though when there, the person wearing the fancy coat approached him instead of running? For some reason, this officer didn't seem to be afraid of him, or something for the officer drew his sabre while every other guard around him fled.

Then when the sabre was out, he immediately thrusts towards the boy still showing no fear, instead of fear the officer screamed.

The officer's bravery wouldn't last long, already starting to falter when his thrust met the boy's red robes since it stopped right after cutting through them.

Next, the officer felt how his hands felt empty, as in the sabre he had been holding onto had vanished. Feeling this, the officer looked upwards, only to see the boy smiling at him, and finally, he showed an expression of fear.

"Hello." The boy spoke and waited for a second before continuing. "Keep it quick. Where is the man that you freed a couple of days ago?"

Giving some time to adjust the officer could respond, although with much stuttering. "You mean the baron? The baron should be somewhere around the upper portions of the city."

"You don't know where he lives? You didn't call a carriage for him?" The boy was becoming frustrated.

"No, we didn't"

Hearing that the officer had no good clues for him, the boy walked past him, tapping on the officer's shoulder.

The officer's body then hit the floor with a thud, joining his fellow guards while the boy moved to the gate.

"How will I torture this so-called Baron if I can't even touch him?" The boy wondered, stopping in front of the gate for a moment as he realised that he should be able to walk through the gate which he did.

While the problem about torturing was on his mind, the problem of how to find him wasn't, as with his new powers, he could easily trace the right footprints left by the man, and from there the right carriage tracks.

In the end, it took him a few seconds to find the right carriage track he needed to follow, "I'm coming!"