"BAAAAAA!!!!" The long-wool goat man Screamed to the heavens as he collapsed onto his hands and knees. The other members of the herd goat man nodded their heads somberly. Off in the distance one can see a particularly large demon beast forcing its legs to go as fast as it possibly can, to make them go… In the other direction of the goat men.
Rubbing what best qualified as the bridge of his nose… was joc contemplating just killing himself. He had been stuck with these goat men for the past few days and he found them to be incredibly insufferable; more specifically their bleating. The thing that made them even more irritating is that he has no clue where they came from. The last thing he can remembered before waking up on one of their back, is being possessed by that madding voice.
The herd of goat men gathered around the long wool goat man "baaa.." "BAaa" "baaA" "BAaA" the other goat men consoled, as they pat on his back to reassure him. Joc for his part just glared at the herd, if he still had eyebrows or normal eyes they would be twitching with irritation. "Can…you…FUCKING SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU GOD DAMN SHITTY GOAT FUCKERS!" Joc screamed at the heard. In response the goat men gathered around joc…"baaa…" The largest of the goat men bleated, as he patted joc shoulder reassuringly; it took all of joc's willpower not to punch the goat man in the face.
A particularly stout goat men pulled a piece of smelly meat from God knows where and offered it up to joc. "...…no thanks…" joc refused as he lightly pushed the goat man's hand away.[…I shouldn't hold it against them…its…just how they fucking communicate…but it is fucking annoying as shit… They mean well....well… Think they do…. just Think about that joc…] the offering from the stout goat men had quelled joc's rage.
From today's display as well observations from previous days, joc learned a great deal about these strange goat men. First of all they don't understand any language he can speak, but seemed to be able to communicate to each other by bleating. Secondly they seem to have some sort of attachment to him and refuse to leave him alone; this is why joc is stuck with them if he tries to walk away they will follow him. Thirdly they like meat, raw or nearly rotting either seems fine to them. Fourthly they don't appear to be able to use magic but seemed to be extremely adept at fighting even if it's just in a brute force way. Fifthly they seem to hold the same utter despise of red foot rot as he does.
Last of all there are very good at attracting demon beasts … But that's most likely due to their lack of hygiene and refusal to let go of rotting meat. But one of the most truly remarkable things about them though, is that they are just as good at scaring away demon beasts as they are at attracting them. Which is strange considering how belligerent demon beasts are, it is nearly an impossibility to scare off a demon beast without wounding it. But yet the very sight of these goats instills terror into the beasts, the beasts respond as if they were staring at a nightmare incarnate.
Joc raised his clawed and made it quick series of movements. "…haa… Again fucking nothing, why the FUCK can't I use magic, I can't even feel ANY GOD DAMN MANA! Is it this shitty body, or was it the madness caused by that DOG FUCKER MONGREL CUNT OF A VOICE!? Maybe I'm truly dead and I am in the afterlife…some fucking sort of purgatory!" joc had started to clenched and unclenched his clawed hand in rage as he ranted to himself. He still couldn't understand anything that was going on, he couldn't comprehend the insanity in the series of events that happened in the past few months.
Joc stopped and took a few deep breaths, he would've tried to close his eyes; But this new body of his was physically incapable to do so. [… I need to find some of those Southerners… they know fucking something… They may be able to fix… Whatever the fuck is wrong… Problem is… HOW THE FUCK DO I FIND ANY…] joc's body tensed up, he really wanted to punch something at this point to vent his rage.
But suddenly before he could continue his train of thought, the same stout goat men who tried offering him the rotting meat, presented to him a slightly dirty red foot rot's tuber. Joc just stopped and stared down the goat men, his breathing heavy and labored. He clenched his fist straining his clawed fingers in the process drawing red blood from his palm and struck the goat men square in the nose. A Sickening snapping sound resounded from joc's fist, the goat men in turn simply cocked her head in confusion, seemingly unfazed.
"BaAa?" The stout goat men turned her head and ask her fellows. "BAAaa" "baaa" both the largest and long wool goat men responded simultaneously. The rest the herd just nodded along, of course he would be mad, no one would like being presented red foot rot. " BaAaa!" The stout goat men sequestered away the red foot rot somewhere in her wool and then proceeded to re-present the rotting meat.
Joc for his part simply gritted his jagged teeth and with his unbroken hand took the rotting meat which had bits of curly Brown wool stuck to it. "BaAa!" The stout goat men bleated happily while nodding her head. "baaa" largest goat men said while nodding his head. The stout goat man also started to nod its head; of course that's why the largest and long wool goat men are the heads of the herd.
Not only are they are the smartest but they clearly have a deep understanding of the creator. It was no wonder why the creator was agitated, he was hungry. He was simply being politely refused the meat at first. The herd had started to nod their head and bleat in agreement.
[… Someone….fucking kill me…]