In a spacious and grandiose office, sitting at an ornate table inlaid with gold and silver, Was the young King Rudlag. In his hands were reports written by both his men as well inquisitional agents; they pertained to the current goings and activities of both the occupying forces and resisting forces.
"…haaaaa…fuck… joc you are truly are one spiteful specter. You're going to haunt me to the day I die… ha, knowing you will probably do so even after I die. You know I really should've listened to you… but no I had to ignore your most salient lesson…' Never make deals with the fucking cuntish Inquisition, or any wastrels of the clergy; because even the most fucking delicious looking of deals is going to eventually bite you in the ass.'… Never could fault you for not being memorable." Rudlag let out a tired sigh, as he mumbled to himself, turned his attention back down to the reports.
The picture his men and the inquisitional agents painted were vastly different. According to the Inquisition everything was under control and that they were making good time at rooting out the heresy that had took hold in the roughlands.
But according to his loyal soldiers, things were in fact spiraling out of control; mostly due to the actions of the Inquisition. Various reports highlighted the fact that the Inquisition was committing a borderline genocide. If a village was on reddish demon soil, that village would be earmarked for decimation, the killing of 1 out of 10 people. But if any villagers resisted or ran, the entire village's population would be burnt alive. It didn't matter if they were heretics are not, it appeared to be simply mindless killing.
That was simply the border villages, in the towns and cities they would round up children and cart them off to only God knows where. Also if any of the parents protested or resisted they would be called heretics and burnt at the stake.
To make things even worse they have started to poke the proverbial bear, by sending raiding and scouting parties into the demon lands; all while still burning down all the border villages. The only saving grace is that the demons haven't responded yet. But as sharply pointed out in the soldiers reports was that Only an idiot would think it's a good idea to aggravate the demons when you haven't got all things in order yet. Especially considering the fact that it appears that no one is manning the border forts.
The soldiers reports also noted, the only reason they haven't had mass revolts yet; is due to the fact that the Inquisition is spread thin enough, that they have been able to obfuscate with Inquisition has been doing. But things were now getting to a point where sweeping the Inquisition's dirty actions under the rug won't work anymore.
But to compound upon troublesome matter, is the fact that the remnants of the roughland Army have gone completely insane.
Rudlag sorted through the reports looking for the newest one from his soldiers. "ah, knight varen leek… Better have some damn good news for me this time." He said to himself, as he started to read the report from probably his most pessimistic of Knights.
'Notice: this here document is for only his Majesty King Rudlag Varnnse. Reading without the King's express permission is a crime punishable by death.
Written as of: dusk 9/7/324. Sent as of: dawn 10/7/324. Received and read as of:
type: military report. Written by: Sir Varen Leek of the Royal Knights, first squadron, first company.
Sent by: Page Holmes danson of the Royal Knights, first squadron, first company.
Seconded by: Sir John Mulch of the Royal Knights, first squadron, first company.
Your Majesty, I do not know how to put this to parchment properly. But things here have gotten out of hand, to a point that I did not believe was possible. Early at dawns break, on the day of our Lord, the seventh day of the seventh month, of the 324 year of the Varnnse calendar.
Outside the southern gates of Mulgar, the capital of the roughland March. Nine flayed and mutilated bodies of what are believed to be inquisitors laid in revoltingly elaborate effigies for the whole world to see. The skin of the nine bodies were stretched over crude wooden frames and carved into the skin where the words 'death or flight, the choice is yours' and 'this is for the innocence's you slaughtered'.
Four of the skins held the first statement and five of the skins held the second. Also according to eyewitness reports of guards on duty at the time as well as the testimony of multiple townsfolk; there were 10 individuals, who wearing what appeared to be red cloaks, and appear to be armed like that of the roughland Army, transported the mutilated corpses to a small hill just before the southern gate.
Another 20 individuals who appear to be townsfolk exited the gate carrying wood, twine and foodstuffs. The 30 individuals then constructed the effigies after which the townsfolk returned to the city and the roughland soldiers returned back to the wilderness.
It is currently unknown how the 20 townsfolk were able to enter and leave the city. The eyewitness reports also didn't give any identifiable information about the 30 individuals. These effigies as well as rumors about the actions of the Inquisition spreading through the town, appear to has sparked a riot, that we are currently, as I am writing this haven't contained yet. They are targeting the occupational forces both Royal, noble and inquisitional, but they seem to have prioritized targeting the Inquisition. Although we are currently attempting to contain the riot, it is my opinion that we will have to most likely abandon the city; If this becomes a trend we may have to pull out of the roughlands in its entirety.
Signed: Sir Varen leek'
Rudlag set down the report and buried his face in his ink stained hands. After a minute he lowered his hands and picked up the quill next to him.
'Received and read as of: midday 15/7/324.'