Dear brother Constantine.
I hope that you are in good health, for me my health has not been so well. The death of the late Margrave, the blasphemer Joc Zalera. Has caused quite a bit of problems over here in the in the roughlands. You should of course know of the failed rebellion, but you may have not known that nearly the entirety of the blasphemer Joc Zalera's vessels join the rebellion.
Now say what you will about the blasphemous Margrave, and his heretical vassals. But they actually were very capable rulers. I cannot say the same about Alexan Zalera or his newly appointed vassals. That man does not seems to not have a single clue on how to rule properly and making things worse he is utterly despised by the local populace.
But this is not why I am writing to you brother, I am instead writing to you to ask for a favor. As you should know the inquisitors have been sent to deal with all the blasphemous heretics. I have to say that they were doing quite well at first. But as strange as this may sound Margrave Alexan Zalera is not resisting the actions of the inquisitors at all.
Now brother this may not sound like a problem, but it is. As you full well know inquisitors can be quite overly zealous at times and with the lack of resistance from the new Margrave, they have been emboldened. The inquisitors have been taking things much too far, they've been burning down entire villages and towns claiming that they were tainted by demonic powers. Not only that but they've been stealing children away not only from the heretics, but also from the faithful as well. What's more is that their punishments for the heretics are becoming unnecessarily cruel.
Making these actions worse is that, in the majority of these cases they give no proper reason. As for the towns and villages and never specify how they've been tainted just that they were. It doesn't matter how much I press them for specifics, they just give me the generic tainted by evil speech. As for the children they will not even tell me where they are taking them.
Things have been getting so out of hand that I have been forced to harbor heretics. The inquisitors actions have been becoming unnecessarily cruel and as a good man of faith i cannot allow such cruelty forced upon my fellow man heretic or not.
Brother Constantine I know that you have a considerable sway with the high inquisitor. I am begging of you to convince the high inquisitor to call off the inquisition upon the roughlands or at the very least to rein in their actions.
Sincerely father Paul