Chereads / A lord betrayed born-again as a selfish demon! / Chapter 4 - A vow bound in hatred

Chapter 4 - A vow bound in hatred

Joc was now standing over a now even more mutilated and disfigured corpse. His breathing was rough and ragged, he had spent the better part of an hour beating and tearing into the corpse with his brand-new clawed hands. "….fuck that whoreson…rudlag….fuck my shit…. Brother…fuck that bitch harlot… NO … just FUCK the whole…Damn realm… Those shitty ungrateful sons of bitches…. Every last one of them…. The peasantry …the fucking peasantry…. Who are so unbelievably fucking stupid… They actually believe … Those cowardly bastards…. I am going to fucking make you all suffer…YES!....I am not going to be made the fool again…ah…ah..AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!"joc had started to laugh it was hoarse and tired. everything had coalesced in his mind now; He knew what he wanted, he knew what he had to do.

Joc was always an ambitious man, a man of desire. he had always strive for more, for more martial prowess, for more capable subjects, for better administrative skills. He would never be content with what he had, but always had striven for greater and grander things. But this did not make Joc a greedy man, for his ambition was almost always selfless in nature. The greater his martial prowess is the better he can defend his people and the realm, which as a Margrave it was his duty. The more capable subjects he had, the more he could delegate towards them, the better he can serve the realm. The greater his skills in administration the less he will have to take from his subjects and not waste the coin that he did take, what's more he could promote greater developments in the territories, that would benefit everyone.

But now this ambition had turned sour and selfish. Joc still desired greater martial skill, capable subjects and grander administrative skill. But these desires no longer held the same meaning anymore. The better his martial prowess is, the better he can put down those who enraged and wronged him, the better he could take what he wants. The more capable his subjects and servants are, the better they could serve him and his goals, as well as showing his grander. For after all the greater the prestige of your servants the greater prestige of yourself. The grander his skill in administration, the greater amount of wealth squeezes from others.

Joc was no longer the servant of the realm, because after all why should he be. For even after everything he had done, for all that which he had sacrificed for the realm and its people. He had been discarded; the fine cuts that were his achievements were trimmed from his legacy and instead fed to the envious pigs of greed, that which were his peers. What's more is that the Peasants were too stupid to recognize what was right in front of their faces. So why should he serve the people, the realm, WHY should he serve others; When those that he served didn't have a grateful bone in their body or have a single shred of honor.

No joc will no longer going to be the 'ideal noble' or that enlightened Aristocracy that he was. He shall serve no one but himself, he shall only is act upon his desires, upon his goals. He simply will not care for the well-being of others, for now he can see there's little to no point in it; His death had shown him that to be true.

Joc's laughter had subsided and he had a strange smile of relief on his face. [… Wonder how much I should them suffer… Well no matter that's a decision for another time…. But now on to more pressing business…. So first am going to need food, water and shelter..... I would partake upon the demon corpse.... I have before…but….. Even I don't think I can stomach... That wretched thing…. So best to go looking for some wild roughage... Considering where I am… Best look for... Those fucking horrid red potato looking things… Do hope this new body of mine.... has a pallet that can appreciate those fucking things... Also now that I'm thinking about it… why does everything in the fucking Hellland some shade of red… Makes it a pain in the ass to find anything… Especially demons…. And demon beasts…UGG FUCK!... Best get moving before some beast catches the scent of death and blood.. Rather not become a meal for one of those fucking disgusting animals] joc's new body was exhausted, but regardless he hastened his way from the place of his rebirth. He was not a man to let simple fatigue get the better of him.


With the knowledge that joc had obtained in his many expeditions. It didn't take long for him to find subsidence, in the form of the probably most loathed edible roughage in the Helllands, Simply known as red foot rot.

Red foot rot is a type of tuber that looks remarkably similar to a potato, but bearing a starkly different looking plant with many barbs, which like everything in the Helllands was a shade of red. The Red foot rot's tuber although looking very similar to a potato, tastes absolutely nothing alike. instead even though it appears to be more nutritious than an actual potato, it tastes absolutely horrid; akin to that of rotting wood with a great helping of bitterness.

Then there's its smell, which is the reason why it was named red foot rot in the first place. Because it's red and bears a scent akin to that of horrid foot odor. The thing that makes the smell even worse is the fact that so far there's been no found way to get rid of it. In fact there's only been ways found to make it worse, for example cooking. in actual fact cooking it doesn't only make the smell worse but also the taste. But there's even more about this damnable plant which makes it so reviled, that is even your breath starts to smell of the same scent of rotten feet after you eat it.

To compound this disgust is the fact that red foot rot is shockingly abundant in the helllands. Truth be told it's probably the only real major subsidence you could find in the hellands other than meat from local demon beasts which they themselves also tastes pretty horrible and have a distinctly abhorrent smell.

Actually in truth nearly everything in the helllands is horrible. You'd be hard-pressed to find anything that that either smells good, or tastes remotely palatable. Then there is the multitude of dangerously to mildly toxic plants and animals, The fact that even the streams and lakes you will find in the hellands have a brownish red tint to them and if you're not careful will eventually give you iron poisoning. That's actually the only saving grace of the helllands the abundance of iron. But considering how inhospitable it is, any actual mining operation would quickly get killed off by the local demon populations, the ravenous demon beasts, or to iron poisoning.

[…I FUCKING HATE IT HERE!… I FUCKING HATE THIS PLANT…. MADE BY, MY ONLY GUESS A JACKASS OF A MALEVOLENT BEING, WHO THOUGHT IT WOULD BE FUNNY MAKE THE ONLY TO GODDAMN THING TO EAT HERE A FUCKING POTATO LOOK-ALIKE, THAT REEKS OF ROTTING FEET…AND THAT TASTE LIKE ONE TOO!!! ...…WHY…why..did I have be reborn in this shithole of all places…I want… An actual potato….] Joc sat on the ground bitterly munching on one of the things he most hated in the world, Reliving the former traumas of his previous expeditions and crying at the fact that he will most likely for the foreseeable future have to survive on red foot rot.