"Waow! it smells so good !"
Daniel entered the kitchen after some talk with Emil,
he walked to Aunt Phillis and asked if the food (dishes) were ready.
" Just some few minutes and everything will be ready. Is it time? " Aunt Phillis said without taking her eyes off what she was doing.
Daniel looked at his wrist watch and nodded " It's four o'clock, and we all have to set off latest by 4:30. Do you think you will be done in maybe five minutes? "
" Five minutes is more than enough. Can you help call the the maids for us? We told them to go very far from the kitchen, so they may probably be at the theater watching some soap opera" Aunt Phillis said with a chuckle.
" They went that far? " Madam Claudia asked with a frown. She wondered how they treat their servants for them to dare go to a theater at this time of day.
Daniel smiled and shook his head " Not that far, it's just here in the mansion. There's a mini theater at the far end of this floor.
"oh! " Madam Claudia looked at Daniel with shock written all over her face. She also felt a little shy.
Daniel turned and left the kitchen in large strides to the direction of the theater room.
No sooner had he left the kitchen than he saw the headmaid walking down the staircase. He told her to call some of the maids to the kitchen.
The headmaid left to the direction of the theater, Daniel stared in that direction for a couple of seconds and went upstairs.
He was amazed at how right Auntie Phillis had been !
"There's no shampoo here, please pass me one. I can't come out because am naked" Lina's voice rung out from the bathroom.
" Look to the top corner of your left, there's one there " Yvonne shouted back to Lina
Just as she completed her sentence, a knock sounded on the door, she walked to the door and slowly opened it.
"it's you?! "
" Disappointedly YES ! Were you expecting it to be brother? " Daniel smiled teasingly at the shy girl before him.
" We are all leaving to the venue at 4:30, so be ready..."
" I already know" Yvonne didn't allow him to complete his sentence and harshly interrupted.
" Al.. right. But why are you sounding harsh with me? " Daniel roamed his eyes in the room. He seemed to be looking for someone or something, but Yvonne was sharp to notice his real intention for coming there.
She chuckled " You aren't here to tell us the time right ?"
" Right !" Immediately the word left his lips, he regretted. He pressed his lips tightly together, made a turn and swiftly left.
Yvonne burst into laughter as she closed the door. She wasn't too loud thou. Only the walls and Lina could hear her laughter.
" What's making you laugh?" Lina who had just stepped out of the bathroom asked. She was sure she didn't hear her friend talking on the phone or playing any video. So, what could cause her to laugh this much !
" Your lover, he was here looking for you" Yvonne simply answered, she didn't want to divulge everything to her. She wanted Lina to find out herself. This way, she will be fulfilling Daniel's desire to see her.
" Who said he's my lover?! " Lina pouted her lips and turned around, hence Yvonne could only see the back of her head . She didn't want to be teased by Yvonne once she sees her blushing face.
" Isn't he?"
Lina shook her head in denial.
" Then why were you able to tell who I was speaking of ? I didn't even mention his name !"
Lina turned and stared angrily at her friend. Her look seem to say " if you say one more word, I will strangle you to death right here !"
Yvonne took a step back, turned and ran to the bathroom. She locked the door and burst into laughter
" Life is too short sister, don't be shy to accept your feelings for him. Cherish each day like your last day being alive. Today and this moment will never come back again. "
There was silence for some couple of seconds before Yvonne spoke again " You already knew my true feelings for Emil even before I realised it myself. So stop holding yourself back and go to him. He's probably waiting for you. "
" I will talk to him after your celebration. " Lina who was quiet all this while managed to say these words.
When the headmaid together with few maids entered the kitchen, Aunt Phillis gave them work to do. She then told Madam Claudia to go and get ready, after that, she also left to her room.
At exactly four thirty, different cars were driven out of the garage by different drivers. The servants were in their own attire and not the regular uniform they wear.
Because the mansion can't be left empty, few servants, both male and female chose to stay behind. Aunt Phillis wasn't happy with that, but because the decision were from their own free will, she gave in.
That's how it has always been.The people working in the mansion have never been treated unfairly, and they were given the respect needed. They are given rewards anytime they does something right, and vice versa, they receive punishment whenever they do the wrong thing.
" Stay with Yvonne and I in this car, mum. " Emil said as he pointed to a black Bentley.
" I will drive with Claudia, there's no need to worry about me " Aunt Phillis forced a smile, ' Why are you trying to make me the third wheel' she muttered under her breath.
Daniel walked to Lina and smiled "Shall we? " He pointed to a white Ferrari.
Lina nodded and took short strides towards the Ferrari.
Jonhny, the driver slush bodyguard Emil hired for Yvonne drove Emil and Yvonne. Their car took off first, followed by Daniel and Lina, Aunt Phillis and Madam Claudia followed and the last cars to take off were that of the servants.
That evening, seven different cars with different colours left the mansion and passed through the street of Country A to a very posh and luxurious hotel.
It was exactly five thirty when the seven cars entered the hotel's garage and parked.