once a time two chlidren are making a project of OUR SCHOOL and he make on auto boom and
TEACHER:what is this John
JOHN:mam this is auto boom
MARK:mam this is our project
TEACHER:get out of my class
JOHN AND MARK:sorry mam
TEACHER:I say with your parents
and he went home his parents
PARENTS:John,mark your teacher call me to complante ,you take one firework tool
JOHN AND MARK :yes mom that is our project
MOM:slap,slap,your are a bad boys
JOHN AND MARK : sorry, mom
his come to home he very happily to say oneπππ
FATHER:John,mark one happy news
FATHET:I have 4ticket in firework show
J&M:jolly, Polly
and he go to the fire work show and enjoyed