Chereads / The Lost Dragon Soul / Chapter 4 - Class Room

Chapter 4 - Class Room

"The class is about to begin, please take your seat. We have four new transferee students." Ashime said while entering the class room then walks towards the teachers table and all of the students inside the class room sit quickly. Teacher Ashime

"Teacher, is the four new student same age as us?" Student 4 asked.

"Well, they are younger than you guys and this school year is their first time. Ryuu, Adari, Tsuriya and Harushi please stand up and introduce yourself in front." Ashime said then the four of us walked in front of everyone.

"Is that even true? Their first time of school.(i wonder if it is true)" Student 4 said.

"I am Katsuri Ryuu, aged 10. Nice to meet you." I said.

"Wow ,so young yet he look like the same age of us, right?" Sudent 2 said.

"Yeah, maybe he put something unto himself." Student 1 said.

"That is impossible. It may be a genes from one of his parent." Student 2 said.

"I am Kitsure Adari, aged 11. Nice to meet you." Adari said.

"I am Tokugawa Tsuriya, aged 11. Nice to meet you." Tsuriya said.

"I am Tsubuya Harushi, aged 12. Nice to meet you." Harushi said.

"So Ryuu is the name of that blue haired and the the youngest among us" Kitsuma said.

"Please take your seats and thank you for introducing yourself. So other student here is not allowed to hurt them unless it is a test, by the way Ryuu is son of Daichi." Ashime said.

"I didn't see that coming and since when did i take an exam to enter Akalenia magic school?(Father Daichi, what did you do with principal's wife?)" i wispered to myself while covering my face in embarrassment.


(Sneeze) "Did someone talk behind my back?" Daichi said.


"Did you hear that Ryuu is the son of Daichi?" Student 2 asked.

"Is that true? I heard him telling that he came from other place, is he telling a lie?" Student 1 asked.

"You guys are just repeating it from our teacher and Ryuu looked like his embarrassed. He look so cute." Student 5 said.

"Ok, stop your muttering class and let's start the lesson." Ashime said.

"Why does my questions always left unanswer?Why me?." Student 1 wispered himself.

"I'm supposed to be in your shoe you idiot." Student 4 said while clenching his hand.

So teacher continued the lesson for few hours, and half of the student is asleep. She ready the cristal ball from the lower drawer of the table while saying about the element and rank.

"Teacher, i think more than half are asleep." I said.


"Ok, class wake up!! How dare you sleep at my class, are you guys lack of sleep? Then line up and know your element by using the cristal  then walk to the training room." Ashime said.

"But why? We've been practicing our swordsmanship till midnight." Student 6 said.

"Just line up according to your number and know your element" Ashime said angrily.

All of us quickly line up according to school number and all of the other students know their element, mostly one element. Element has four main: fire, water, wind and earth, the other two element: light and shadow. There is some sub element such as ice and plants. According to the book, the person who has two element is called "duo element" and a rare situation is a posesion of four element is "quad magician". Some mage can merge two element into new element and the user rate is only 2% of 100% population of mage can do in one continent. Last five person to check the element.

"Kitsuma your next." Ashime said, kitsuma walk forward and place his hand on top of the cristal and the element showed is ice.

"So my element is ice, i'd prefer to have fire element too." Kitsuma said.

"Adari, your next and let us see the element you posesed." Ashime said. Adari walked forward and do the same as kitsuma do last time.

"Wow, my element are water and wind, i can combine this into ice." Adari said

"So Harushi has fire, water and earth. Tsuriya has light, wind and thunder. And Ryuu your the last one, please do just like they do last time." Ashime said. I walked in front of the cristal and multiple color appear inside.

" Teacher, what does that mean? The multiple color is strange than the others." I said.

"Then let's go to the my friend to test your element but before that we need to give an excuse letter to the teacher who will seperate the class according to element." Ashime said.

Teacher Ashime wrote a letter and then we walk to the training room to give a excuse letter to the teacher incharged. We left the training room and went to the place that has many building and dried plants on the way, the big building has a scary look and a big old gate. We enter the building and inside the place is very different than outside, it made me feel like i entered the wrong place. There is a man walking toward our direction, and he has a medium built body, a blond hair and blue eyes.

"Yes, the color i saw last time is multiple color and not the icon of the element." Ashime said.

"Is the color almost the same in the icon of the element?" Shiatsu asked.

"Yes, almost." Ashime answered.

"How many the color there is?" Shiatsu asked.

" More than the elements we have known." Ashime said.

"Then he is the rare one to find on the world.

Since, i have almost all of the element that we know, can i have him as a disiple, Ashime?(Maybe i can use him with my experement project from howlester organization)" Shiatsu asked.

"I have to asked the teacher in the training room." Ashime said.

"No need to asked her, i've send her a message about this matter and she agree about this matter, so i only need is your permit." Shiatsu said.

"Then i agree, if i can monitor his training plan, meal set up and lesson plan you have for my little student, as a teacher. Btw he is the last son of Daichi so grow him into a professional mage." Ashime said.

"Ok, i agree to the conditions you gave me." Shiatsu said.

"Ryuu, tomorrow go to the training ground i've already gave you the field number." Ashime said after giving the field number tag.

After that, teacher Ashime send me to the dorm room to rest for tomorrow's lesson. I'm alone at the room so i decided to train while waitting for my room mates. After few hours, my room mates arrived and wondered something is wrong while i was reading a book for tomorrow training. They look gloomy as i look to them and sleepy than normaly they looked sleepey.

"Guys, what happened to you guys?" I ask.

"Learning to make our own magic spell and controlling the magic are very hard to do." Adari said.

"Btw, why are here earlier than us? And why are you not in the training room last time? I saw you were with teacher Ashime giving a letter twice." Tsuriya said.

"But the result in the element is different than you guys.(Thats weird, we only went there once and who are those people looked like us?)" I said.

"What kind of result is it?" Tsuriya asked.

"Well, the result is like i posesed all kinds of elements even the element we haven't known. So my training is way too different than you guys do. More spells, seals to learn and training to do." I said.

"Really?! That means you have a big responsibility than us." Adari said.

"Yes, so i might not sleep here sometimes for some reasons and any case, i will teach and train you guys to the best version of yourself." I said.

"So even one of us is your enemy in the future, you will teach us and raised our level." Harushi said.

"Maybe but i don't want you to be my enemy. I have to verify who is my enemy, and today is the last day to take my medicine." I said.

"What kind of medicine is that?" Tsuriya asked.

"Sorry, i can't say and even the other teacher is unable to say." I said.

"Then we can't say the effects of the medicine." Adari said.

"Who is your teacher? and when do you start your training?" Tsuriya asked.

"My teacher is Shiatsu and tomorrow is the start of my training so in the future i might not sleep here due to training and less time i can spend for you guys." I said.

" Then starting tomorrow your shedule is unpredictable." Harushi said.

All of us went to our bed to sleep but there is an explosion near by and we ignored it. The next morning, i left the dormitory and wandered where the explosion happened last night while heading to the training ground we talk about with teacher Ashime. I can't find any trace of explosion so i keep myself quiet about the incident. My training is more advance than any of my classmates and i am teacher's first student. Teacher Ashime is monitoring my training routine and my meal as usual. After few days, my level raised for three levels then i am in the fourth level rank silver and i can't tell them about my real level so i lied about it even in teacher. My only goal is to get stonger wait for the enemy to come. The curse seal with a dragon look appear from my left hand to shoulder, since the last medicine i took. I don't have any news from my father and the test is few more days before it starts. It's been a month since i started training with teacher Shiatsu.

"Ryuu, when does the test takes place?" Adari asked.

"Few days more or maybe three or four, i guest." I said.

"Hey, Ryuu. Why did you left without saying to us in the past month?" Harushi asked.

"I though that you might get angry if i wake you up and you keep on snore so loud that i woke up early than you guys." I said.

"Harushi became talkative these days when it comes to Ryuu, hahahaha." Tsuriya said.

"Maybe, we should reward our self sometimes, right?" Adari asked.

"Yup, so who want some fried fish?" Harushi asked.

"Why fried fish?" Adari asked.

"Then fried salmon." Harushi said.

"That is a fish, you fish lover!" Tsuriya said.

"Hahahahaha..." I laugh.

"What are you laughing about, Ryuu?" Adari asked.

"Maybe, i should cook for you guys. And since you guys keep on talking about fish then i'll cook something like Harushi said." I said

"Nooo... Please not a fish, we been eating fish for month even from the cafeteriya." Adari said.

"Oh yeah, i almost forgot that we've been here for over a month and few days. I'll cook us some food." I said.

I walk to the kitchen and started to cook a curry after that i mixed the sauce into the rice then i moled the rice with meat inside. I made some juice from oranges i bought yesterday from the delivery. Then i bring the food to our room and tease them.

"I am done cooking the meal, fish is inside of it." I said.

"Nooo... This is the worse nightmare of my life. I guest, i should eat it, instead of getting more hungry." Tsuriya said while crying.

"Yeah, worse nightmare ever!" Adari said.

"I'd choose to starve than eating fish for the whole month and few days." Tsuriya said.

After few moments...

" Wow, meat. My favorite." Adari said.

"Yummy, fish?" Harushi asked.

"Maybe, but the meat i used is very rare so i served the good amount of it and the taste defends to the eater's taste. I don't know if my cooking is that good though." I said.