It's been three days since my student unconciousness and his injury is almost healed. The test they moved to this week is very random and three student per group but four person per dorm and i hope my little student woke up this day or tomorrow. I don't know how to make up to my loved Touka and her son is a student of mine. I don't have much idea of your location and other deatail. Most of the place here in the kingdom i've been but there is no sign of you in the place.
Who is Touka? Why is she mentioned by my father in third day after i gained conciouness? The place is black again and there is only one colored blue light flying all around. Many thought came inside my mind and a new spells with higher attack and a low mana needed. After few moments, the place lights up and the light disappeared, then i saw teacher seating beside me while reading a book and holding a paper. I get up and i feel a little dizzy, the place is different from the dorm and my room at home. The place looked like a resort's guest room with a flower vase in the middle of the room. Teacher Shiatsu is sitting next to me reading some files while holding a ointment bottle.
"Ryuu, are you awake? Here some water and it's been three days since you lost conciousness and the test starts tomorrow morning at the open space. Go and rest to your dorm room later after you drink this medicine i've made." Shiatsu said.
"Ok, teacher and may i ask you something?(It is edible or not? It's an ointment and i can't drink it then i might be poisoned.)" I asked.
"Sure." Shiatsu said.
"Who is Touka? Why is she mentioned by my father and why is my stepmother is different from her?" I asked.
"Well, Touka is your real mother and something happened to here before the war and your father at that time leave your big sister and big brother to me then he chased the person who kidnnaped your mother but he failed and after seven years after the war, i accidently found you in the forest while i was doing my mission and then i reported to your father. He found out that you are his lost son because your mother is the previous host of the lost dragon soul. Only me and your father know about this in the kingdom and your mother as well." Shiatsu said.
"Then, what happened to my real mother?(why do i feel like teacher Shiatsu is involve with the explosion that day? and i think teacher Shiatsu is telling a lie and hiding something related to an organization and to my parent)" I asked with a suspecting lie to teacher Shiatsu .
"(Looks like i almost slip my tongue about the real information and i need to act) I-i don't know and still under the investigation." Shiatsu said.
So my real mother is still missing and her location is still unknown. My past and the road i need to take is still unknown, how come i came to this world? Who summoned me to this place? Teacher looks so sad and lonely, when i'm in my training, i keep on forcing myself to train more than usual these days. I want to know more about the past and the other things i don't know yet. The place is familiar but i don't know the place and the way through the town. The unknown keys and problem is still in process. Teacher looks so depressed and sad to some reason, i want to talk to him.
"Teacher, you look so sad, can i help you?" I asked.
"No thanks, it's just that i miss a person i love in the past. The only thing you can help me today is to train and rest on schedule." Shiatsu said.
"Yes teacher. I'll take my leave." I said after i get out of the bed.
As i walk towards the door, i heard the sound of crying behind me as i exit the room. Many teacher looked at me as they do their work, most of them is a friend of my teacher. Some of them keep on murmuring something about the past, the words i heard is different from the usual. The place is quiet than last time and i've been in bed for three days so this thing might be normal, the lesson started and less student i saw in the hallway. Some teacher keep talking although my teacher is their leader. I go to my dorm and my room mate is not inside due to the written exam they need to take. The place is more dirty than before, the clothes are on the floor and i don't even know which one is clean and dirty ones.
"Sigh. I don't even know what to do if i am not here to keep their behavior." I said.
"Creak" sound of the door.
"Who's there?" I asked.
"It's me, young master." Sebastian said.
"Why are you here and your clothes is all messy?" I said and asked
"Master is in danger and he ordered me to give this bag and some book about your family's hidden identity. About master's location is still uncertain for the time of being and i beg you young master, i couldn't protect master." Sebastian said.
"Ok, Sebstian go and take a rest after you change your clothes." I said.
"Yes, as you wish young master." Sebastian said.
"Sebastian, i have something to ask." I said.
"What is it, young master?" Sebastian said.
"Who is Touka? what is her relationship to me?" I asked.
"Touka is a girl famous at their time in this school, she is your real mother." Sebastian answered.
"What happened before i was born?" i asked while sebastian change his clothes.
"Sorry young master, i can't tell you what happened at that time and still many thing needed to know the truth from the investigation." Sebastian answered.
How did it happened? Where is my real mother and who is my stepmother at this time. Many people does'nt know about this kind of issue and many question. Many thing here has something wrong with it and most people is confused when i asked them about this issue. I only remembered is someone want to kill me through assassinate and my level is still lower than my enemy. The next day, i went out for making a spell magic while my roommates is asleep.
"My level raised to eight level of siver rank, my progress in magic is faster that anyone at room, most of them is silver rank level 2. Maybe i should not say about this to my teacher" I wispered then suddenly teacher appeared behind me unexpected.
"Ryuu~~ Is there something you like to hide from your teacher. Please tell me or you won't get any meal this day and in exchange you will do the most intence training that you will never forget." Shiatsu said with frightening gaze and killing intent.
"Gasp!! Te-te-teacher, how come you came?" I said and " I feel like goosebump" i wispered.
"What are you murmuring about? Tell me what you said last time." Shiatsu said.
"It's just that my magic level is faster that last time, i gained another four levels." I said
"Wow! Then your the star of our school and your the youngest child that is in silver rank on level eight. My hard word paid the good results." Shiatsu said while spining loosely.
"Is there something that made him crazy or just the happiness teacher have." i wispered.
"Wait, what is the topic again? Oh yeah, wait i forgot again." Shiatsu said.
"Teacher, we've been talking about my magic level up faster than before." I said.
"Wow! Then your the star of our school and your the youngest child that is in silver rank on level eight. My hard word paid the good results." Shiatsu said while spining loosely.
"Why did he said and do it again?" i wishpered and "Maybe i should call a mental doctor to mend teacher right away." I said then a man with a medium body built, a height of five feet and six inches, green eyes and a brown hair.
"Oi, Shiatsu keep your image as a teacher in front of your student or i straighten your behavior at my office, if you have balls to then i'll do it now and in front of your student." Arashi said.
"Ah, principal! Sorry for being improper." Shiatsu said while massaging principal's shoulder and offering some tea in a hurry.
"Not only principal." Ashime said.
"Ashime?!" Shiatsu said while his mount is wide open.
"Don't just stare blank, Shiatsu. My wife is a bit over protective when it comes to students and her love ones so don't worry about it, Ryuu." Arashi said.
"My litter monster student, walk beside my husband and watch then you'll learn a little about combat mode." Ashime said.
"Ok, teacher Ashime." I said and i walk next to principal and watch how she teach my teacher Shiatsu a lesson.
Teacher Ashime kicks and punch teacher Shiatsu while running away from teacher Ashime. Principal keep laughing and enjoying the fight, after few hours, teacher Shiatsu admitted his defeat and gave up as my teacher. Teacher Ashime and principal Arashi took me in as their student. They changed my schedule from training to lesson. They changed my lesson to more advance than any other students in the school, they rearranged some files and data then they buyed a private place for me to trained. It's been three months since i came to this school and sebastian holds my meal balance and health, as for my teacher they hold the most part of my training even the principal help. I didn't saw my dorm mates for another three months, maybe they have many task to do . My level raised by three levels so rank titanium level 1, my training routine is very hard that nobody dares to join me but the training they gave me is very easy, almost like a matter of life and death training to others. The girls in the school keeps watching me until i finished the first set of my training some of them gave some rice ball and so on. They call me as their handsome man sometimes they call me perfectionist. Within these three months i kept on thinking about my mother and the real reasons behind it, sometimes i spaced out because of overthinking it. My mental count surpassed other students and teachers at my age, most of the male students wants to challenged me but most of them lose the match. While i was cooking some meals to sell some even challenged me but i refused them, one of the students from second year inner student is a famous beauty, her eyes is big colored violet and a black hair a bit shorter than the boy and a boy just the same grade level as her challenge me for the first time. He looks handsome, bright brown eye color, blond haired and taller than me for about five inches or eight. He is the leader of the second year student, he might be handsome but he has many secret from the public even from his pairents.
"Hi kid, can i challenge you? This is my first time to challenge you so please accept it." Deidara said.