I use to get bullied. some of my most vivid memories are of my brother's knocking my two front teeth out. One time my little cousin and brother wouldn't stop messing with me so I cried to get them in trouble. My older brother got me stuck in our fold out couch and wouldn't let me out so I ended up under the couch. I slept there for hours. Like 3 or 4. This is when I found out what claustrophobia was because I literally freaked out until I calmed down. I went through all the emotions, I thought I was going to die, I'd given up on ever getting out of the couch or ever breathing air that wasn't hot again. I'm probably 7 years old at the time and I'm being dead serious btw. I literally thought I was going to die because I couldn't breath. Do you know what happened next? I noticed I could breath cooler air deeper into the couch. As I fought to get out of the couch, to no avail because my brother was stronger and about 2 and 1/2 years older than me, I figured out being down in the couch wasn't so bad. I got cool air to breath, my brother left me alone and I got a nap out of it. I even got to get out when I woke up! Yay!
Oh you thought this was going to be a happy ending? Well spoiler alert. It doesn't end well. That's around the same time my brother's knocked my 2 front teeth out on 2 separate occasions. One held me down and the other drop kicked me in my mouth. There's 1 tooth. The other? My brother wouldn't stop playing around and caught my tooth on the edge of a pillow. Both front baby teeth gone within a week of each other.
Fast forward a year when my cousin and brother wouldn't leave me alone. They pulled my chair out from under me. I fell and hit my head and started crying. It hurt bad enough to cry but not as bad as I cried to get them in trouble. This actually worked, they left me alone and they got in trouble. That's as happy of an ending you'll get.
I'ma be honest and switch gears here. My parents weren't the best. They did drugs and drank alcohol. We were all pretty poor. I never could figure it out back then. I also couldn't figure out why I had to deal with random freaking people going in and out of the house at any given time. At first and at times it was cool. I got to meet people and sometimes they'd play with us. Video games or dominoes or cards, stuff like that. Sometimes they'd give us a dollar or two or candy. Sometimes they'd be shooting at each other out front of our house after one tried to steal a gun from the other. Yes my brother and I saw this. I was probably 12 at the time. One time a guy was waving a gun and pointing it at my dad's face while he had him pinned on the ground. The whole time our dad is kicking him without an once of fear. My brother and I have no idea what to do at this point and I think I picked up something I intended to use as a weapon. Maybe a bottle. Our mother told us to stay back. Believe it or not, our dad is still alive to this day.
So, I use to get bullied in school. In Third grade I thought this guy was my friend. To this day I don't know why he wanted to fight me. We got into a scuffle, mainly grabbing and pushing and then it was over. I got jumped, sort of. This was probably 3rd or 4th grade. I literally did nothing and bothered no one. Someone comes up behind me and puts my hood on my head. They push me into a group of people who keep pushing me around the group and laughing. What's so funny? I'm crying and confused and everyone's having fun pushing me around. I'd really love to insert teacher saving the day here but I don't think that's what happened. I'm pretty sure I took my hood off and stopped bouncing helplessly off of other people. Once they saw my hood was off they left me alone. I was ready to fight to get them to leave me alone. This never happened though because, I'm assuming, they had their fun and it wasn't worth fighting over. I was glad it was over and I didn't have to fight anyone. Sort of happy ending.
I almost got jumped for playing football too good which made zero sense because I was playing "killer man/ kill the man," whatever you want to call it. It's everyone versus the person with the ball. You get tackled, you throw the ball up and the next person with it tries to score without getting tackled. Simple enough. I was doing good and the kids I was playing with seemed ok at first. I barely knew any of them. I can't recall exactly what happened but as I remember it, I was asked if I wanted to fight one of the guys. I didn't, I wanted to play football. The next time I have the ball, people are trying to tackle me still but also trying to swing on me, literally punch me. At first I'm like "Whatever, they just can't tackle me and I'm doing good." No. They wanted me to fight this guy and he wanted to fight me.
So I left. I went home. I get to my street from taking the long way and guess who took the short way? The guy who wanted to fight me. Ding you win! They say "Hey, we won't jump you if you fight him."
So my thought process is this. Can't escape now and let them know where I live. They know the street but maybe not the house. No one is here to help me. I have to fight him or they are going to kick my ass. I'm scared. I don't know how to fight. They said they wouldn't jump me If I fight him. I guess I have to do this.
Wild little kid fight ensues with two kids who can't fight. We both swing wild and miss each other. His friends are saying "swing straight!" We grab each other and fall to the ground. Little kid struggling ensues.
At this moment I'm legit panicking and adrenaline is full blown. This dude is extremely strong, I can't get up or away from him. He's trying to force my head into the sidewalk. I was bleeding a little from my head scraping the ground. I cannot escape. What do I do? I have to act quick or he's going to overpower me. I scratch his face.
I scratch his face with my freaking finger nails. I'm being 100% honest. Believe it or not, it worked! He screamed and we stood back up. His friends "Nah, fight on y'all feet, fight hands up, and swing straight!"
My whole outlook changed of the situation. Here I am fighting for no reason with people that literally want to see me lose and see they're friend win. They are even coaching him on how to kick my ass!? Well, let's see what swinging straight does for me.
He got the message too. We both swing and connect for probably the first time this fight. I think I made his nose bleed and his punch hurt. Oh, but the victory I got from that connection could not be taken away. I hit him hard enough to make him stumble back and this made his friends step up. I did some quick thinking which went like this. "Whooo! I just punched him! I think I just won the fight! What are they doing? Umm no, I'm not getting jumped I'm going to get my brother's." I ran straight home and proceeded to tell my dad all about the fight and my adrenaline was still pumping so of course I wanted to go finish the fight now! Plus I'd have back up this time. I didn't go back. To this day I still think not going back was the right choice.
Some time after this event, I was getting messed with and I got my dad. I don't think it was the same kid though. He was going to talk to the kids parents who were messing with me. Some of the family of the kid started acting aggressive so I picked up a huge rock. As I walk with my dad, one of the boys runs up and tries to punch me from behind. He grazes my cheek and misses for the most part. I just wanted to throw this segment into the story to say "Wow. You couldn't hit someone who was unaware of you? How about stop bullying me and be a better person in general so I don't have to get my dad." I know, it's been years and years, I just wanted to let my readers know that this is the real me and how I really feel about my past.
Not everything was bad and not all of the bad is being mentioned. There was good and I know my life could have been worse. Knowing all of that doesn't change my past, it still happened and I'm still going to write about it.
Anyway, This is just some of the things I've been through. If you want the good version of my past (summed up like this of course to about age 11 or 12) Leave me a star, show me some love! I'm new to Webnovel so I don't know what things I should go for. I honestly just want people to read it so if you do that then I'm happy :)