It was about noon and you could see 2 people sleeping in a couple-sleeping bag.
Suddenly a hard bashing was heard from the front door causing both of them to wake up.
Both of them were naked and the smell in the air proved the strong love session they had last night.
Waking up Yuuki told Lucy to get dressed, while he put his pant on and took the Steel rod from the hardware section and slowly walked toward the front door and looked through the cracks of the wooden planks to see what's happening.
Yuuki was already sure what it was from the hard banging, but now seeing it he knew that it was a Zombie.
Lucy once dressed in her Gym attire like yesterday night came near Yuuki and looked through the cracks as well, and when she saw it she nearly screamed but Yuuki held her mouth and gestured her not too.
It was a grotesque pale-looking fat man with holes and bruises all over its bodies, and you could see some fat dripping off of a claw slash mark from his stomach, many flies seem to be flying around it, making it look more grotesque and disgusting, fortunately, the doors were shut tight otherwise the stench would be unsupportable.
" It's the Zombies isn't it," Lucy asked with a little frightened.
A part of her, Lucy really hoped what Yuuki said yesterday was a lie and it was only his nightmare, but now it has actually become a real nightmare.
" Yes," Yuuki answered and rubbed her shoulder seeing her frighten
Feeling warm from Yuuki and finally gathering some courage she asked
"How did they find us here??"
"It's because Zombies may be dumb but they have high Sensitivity and they can smell human beings, especially human blood "
" It's like they were made to hunt us down," Lucy said with fear in her voice.
Hearing her say that Yuuki had many thoughts but he left it for later since there was a pressing matter just in front of him.
" But don't worry I know how to get rid of them"
Yuuki then went inside and seeing him go inside Lucy followed as well since she didn't want to be anywhere near a Zombie, especially one that was constantly banging loudly on the door next to her.
Yuuki then took what looked like Parfum and started to put it on him and lucy and then he sprayed it near all the doors and wooden planks.
" Is that all it requires to repel a Zombie??" Lucy was shocked, however, she believed when the banging stopped and the Zombie left.
" Hehehe, not all solutions are complicated, you just have to find them and besides you have me the Great Zombie slayer hahaha" Yuuki proudly hit his naked chest and laughed.
" If that's so then why didn't you do it yesterday??" Lucy eyed him
As if a Flying Arrow hit him
Yuuki was embarrassed and answered in a low voice which was heard by lucy "It's because I forgot about it"
"What?? the great Zombie slayer from the future forgot such easy things?? hahaha" Lucy started teasing and laughing
Yuuki was embarrassed at first but slowly started to get annoyed by her constant teasing so he thought of using his secret attack, knowing what she was weak against and that is none other than 'tickling'.
"HAHHAHAHAH... ST...TOOPP... YYUUU...UUKII" Lucy cried as she laughed
" Then promise you won't tease me again"
Yuuki then let her go.
Lucy complained in a small voice and pouted " Loser"
Yuuki heard her and yelled " LUCY!!! DON'T LET ME CATCH YOU OR...!!" and chased her in the shop as she made a run for it before he could catch her.
after a period of running around, they were gasping for air.
" HUFF...HUFF....T...TRUUCCE" Lucy said
To which Yuuki nodded, and then they started laughing furiously.
Yuuki and Lucy could be seen sitting in a lotus position.
" Breath In...Breath Out..." Yuuki said
"You don't have to tell me, I do yoga every morning"
"Yes, I know then concentrate on your meditation"
After a course of meditation
"Yuuki, how does meditation helps you to fight Zombie"
Lucy didn't know why Yuuki wanted to do meditation, well she knows the benefit of meditation, such as calming calm and relaxing, but she can't seem to put this and fighting Zombies together.
" As you already know meditation clears your mind, and relaxes you, but what you probably don't know is that it strengthen your will"
"Ok.... but I still don't see the link between them," she said as she crooked her head to the side
Seeing how cute she was, Yuuki wanted to pet her, but he knew that it'd distract them from their topic.
Yuuki coughed "Cough...Cough... Well in evolution you need a strong body but most importantly strong will, since going through the process of evolution is extremely harsh"
Seeing as Lucy was still confused, Yuuki gave an example
"For example, If a person wishes to evolve using the blood crystal, but doesn't have the will power to go through the pain of mutation in your gene, then he/she will either become what we call a "Ghoul" or just die"
Lucy gasped a mouthful of air hearing that...
"Waait!! didn't you say last time that Blood crystal doesn't harm you??"
"Well touching them doesn't harm you, but when you try to absorb their essence and don't have the will power to go through the process of mutation than it's an entirely different case"
"And you didn't tell me about this earlier??"
"TEEHEE... I Forgot" Yuuki did the classic anime pose and he slightly hit his crooked head with his tongue out.
"That's soooo not cute!!!!!"
Lucy humphed and left however she found him extremely cute like that, but if she told him that, he'd act spoilt in the future.
Seeing that Yuuki hurriedly went after her, since he thought he really got her mad this time.
"Babe!! wait!! I'm sorry..."
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