Chereads / Dark Crow Rising / Chapter 251 - Incline 11: Nin

Chapter 251 - Incline 11: Nin

Did that thunder just say my name? Or was I just hearing things...? I might have been because now I was completely and utterly screwed... I was about to die, again...

Turned out my magic wasn't going to be of much use and now I was about to be cooked alive. At least until this creature was then struck by lightning which drove it into the ground. Like I have so many times throughout this fight. And there was only one person I knew with lightning magic...

"Einervaene...?" I mumbled in disbelief as I slowly got up. Her screams soon being heard just before the sound of rocks smashing was heard too.

"Another one? And here I haven't even finished with the last! But, enough playing around. I am done here." the creature began to say before it just flew up and away. My eyes tracking it towards the airship as I felt its power grow more violent. Was it going to destroy it...? It was, wasn't it!?

It was going to destroy my only way home...

"I WON'T LET YOU!" I roared up into the sky as I watched fire engulf the airship. That bubble around it disappearing steadily as it did so. I needed to hurry and I needed to get up there now!

So, I crouched down a little while trying to breathe out my pain. Growling long and hard as I let my magic gather up inside of me. And then, I went up with a bang that shattered stone and knocked over burnt trees. The air around me rippling as I went up before it too made a bang.

My magic soon extended out from my right leg, which I had cocked back. And while I was growing ever surer of the idea I might miss. I was not going to let this be how it ended. I would get home!


And then, another bang filled my ears as I managed to hit something. Hard shards of something hitting me as I flew off before crashing on a mountain. The cold snow feeling ever so relaxing on my burnt and tired body. The screams of that creature filling the air.

"UNDERLINGS! GRAB HIM AND PULL BACK!" It then ordered before I was then picked up and brought beyond the clouds. Something being screamed up at me before my eyes just sort of closed. Yet, I hadn't fallen asleep or anything... I was just sort of in a tiredness limbo...

And it carried on like this until I felt myself, strangely, be put down gently. A soft and warm touch surrounding me before I was then brought deeper into some kind of cave. And after a short while of having something cuddle me... I woke up and showed as much confusion as I could.

My eyes quickly shooting themselves open when I saw what was huddled up on me. It was that creature that had attacked us and yet here it was... Sleeping on top of me and peacefully snoring away. A soft warmth emanating from it as it slept there.

However, much to my building fear, my chitters seemed to disturb its slumber and it woke up. I was borderline about to scream in terror before it just started licking me with its long tongue. From face to upper chest. That fear and terror quickly making way for the confusion that I let out just after.

"Ehhhhhhhh...!?" was all I could say or get out at all as this happened. A soft, gentle laugh leaving the creature before it looked at me with a familiar gaze. What it would likely call a loving one but I saw as blatant lust... What had I done?

What had I done!?

This thing had been trying to kill me and now it was just lying on top of me. Like Rose would have once upon a time before we got to the Academy. Thankfully, it stopped licking me and it began to get off of me. Only to seductively stretch itself out before me.

Admittedly, if I wasn't terrified and quaking in my boots, I might have enjoyed the show before me. As, it turns out, despite the blatantly odd and strange scaly and reptilian portions this creature had. It was a very voluptuous and beautiful thing... With its human-looking parts being soft and bountiful in all the right places.

"I take it you are impressed by what you see, hm?" It asked me as it came back down on top of me. Slowly dragging its enormous breasts across me before it put my face in them. My uncontrollable chitters seemingly contributing to the soft moaning it was making. Thankfully, it backed off again.

"W-Where am I...?" I asked It. Yet, I was under the impression I might not get an answer. I don't know why, it must have just been my fear talking...

"You are in my... Your cave, Mate." It began to say before it stopped itself. A loving sigh leaving its mouth after it called me 'Mate.' And while I did not show it, inside I was fuming with frustration as this meant... Yeah, it could have only meant one thing...

This was going to be Rose all over again...

"What do you mean by... Mate?" I then asked It as it returned to laying on me. Bringing, admittedly, a much-desired warmth as this fear was making me more suspectable to the elements. Her own body shivering before one of its reptilian claws rubbed its head. Dried blood falling from it as the claws passed over.

"You broke my horns... That means I am now yours to do with as you please. Any desire you have, my body will satiate." she explained just before she rubbed against me intensely. One of her claws slowly picking away at my clothes and tearing them off.

"Noted, can you get off?" I said to It before I started to slowly get up as I was free of her once more. A long sigh leaving me before I was then hugged from behind with arms and wings. Her large breasts that were very much greater than Einervaene's cushioning my back. Her giggling entering my ears shortly after.

"Mate, just to make it clear, I am available whenever you want me..." she told me with evident lust in her words before her tongue licked me again.

"My name is Nin..." I then told her as I stepped out of her grip. Something that surprised me in that it wasn't as strong as I thought it was going to be.

"So the man who broke my horns is called Nin..." she said slowly as she walked up to me, her hips swaying side-to-side as she approached, "The man who can use me however he want is called Nin?" she finished with as she stopped just before me. Her eyes nearly in line with mine which bothered me somehow.

I guess I was used to being the very tall one, not the slightly taller one...

"Yeah..." I quietly said as I resisted the urge to back up.

"Well, Nin, my mate, the one you will be making scream is called Salahma. Remember that, I might want you to say my name when we have sex." she explained with a smirk before walking off. Her thick tail guiding my head so it was pointed at her rear as she walked off. Even if I was looking away. But the laughter she was letting out certainly got me to look at her.

My body freezing up slightly as I was had seen those orange eyes of hers looking back at me. She had been watching me look away... Was that bad? Was this going to anger her?

"Don't worry, as long as you are assertive around me, you won't have to worry about a thing." I was told just before she went away. These words having a different meaning to me as I had just felt sharp stings throughout. Painful stings they were, lots of them there was. In pain I would be for a while now...

"Why am I not healing...? Isn't she stronger than me? Ah!" I questioned while looking down at my body. An incredible sensation of discomfort filling my gut as I stared at the burns on me. It had made my otherwise black-ish carapace pale and goopy. Had she melted it in our fight...?

I need to find a means to heal myself, though, if I don't get these injuries sorted then I am... Well, the meaning might change a little as she had been quite blunt about why I was here. But, I was screwed if that was the case. Screwed in two ways.

But, I suppose I can handle it for now, just play it safe and the others should find me. Perhaps, going by how this place was just filled with magic aura's... I could just let my own magic out? Let it be a great torch to guide the others closer and closer towards me...?

Assuming they are still alive, I don't recall much of what happened after I landed on the mountain top. Had the others been killed? Was Einervaene likely dead? I remember she came down to help...

"Einervaene!" I then let out suddenly as I sprang into action. Panting out the pain as I went on a brief dash about in hopes of finding her. But, I just couldn't keep it up and I slowed down so I could hiss. The pain having built up too much.

And, unfortunately, it might be the case right now that I have to linger around this Salahma. Maybe her magic will help me heal up. Of course, it was unlikely going by my current state. Or maybe that just meant I was her near equal?

And that she only beat me because she was more skilled with magic...? No, that couldn't have been it. I felt feeble before her and my attacks did nothing but that last one. When I broke her horns...

When I was filled with nothing but rage at the prospect of losing my chance to go home. I had it in me, but, would I be able to get it all out? I was going to die in that fight yet that power just did not come out. I thought I had gotten over this issue with Lari but maybe it was a little more complex?

I then suddenly jumped as a jaw loudly snapped itself near me. A chorus of mocking laughter following it as I straightened myself out. As I did so, I became timid and looked at the mockers with tightly-knit movements of my claws. Cautiously keeping an eye on them as they moved closer.

Their green scales and colouring making it clear that they were a lot different to Salahma. Maybe it was because of their magic? She was orange-reddish and used fire but these creatures coming up to me were green. So did that mean it was all wind magic...?

"You best watch yourself, one slip up and the Mistress will be mine!" one threatened me with before another thing started attacking it.

"She'll be mine!" it said before more and more started joining in. A fight quickly breaking out between them as they all debated one thing. A thing that was likely going to be getting very angry if I was to guess...

"STOP FIGHTING UNDERLINGS! AWAY! THE LOT OF YOU!" Salahma roared in anger as she came on over towards us. Her body pressing up against mine as these underlings of hers dispersed. An annoyed growl in her mouth before I got another lick.

"Are they always like this?" I asked her as I watched them watch me with envy and displeasure. A very unnerving atmosphere if I was to say. It being clear they would likely kill me in my sleep. Maybe that is why Salahma slept on me as well?

To stop my assassination...

"Only whenever someone gets a chance to get inside me." she whispered to me as her claw grabbed my private spot. Thankfully, my osibindah biology saved me as theirs was locked away behind carapace. Well, at least until they wanted to use it. Something I ended up discovering when showering one day...

Lari just sort of appeared in my thoughts and it popped out... But, thankfully, that was in private, away from her. Even more thankfully, I was too scared to get those kind of thoughts right now. Even with such an impressive bust consuming my arm.

"Someone has been inside you before?" I then just sort of asked without much thought.

She backed away as if she was embarrassed, "I got desperate and I let an underling... Actually, little one! Little one!? Come to Mama!" she then began to call out. But I got the meaning even if she did not elaborate much. She got horny one day and did it with one of these underlings.

Though I suppose now she would never be horny!

"Heh..." I ended up letting out as I just sort of thought of a means to at least alleviate my worries.

"What's funny!?" Salahma asked me, her tone making it seem like she thought I was laughing at her. Well, I was, just not at what she had said.

"Nothing..." I squeaked out before chittering rapidly.

Her glare coming very close to my face as I did so, "Mama!" something then said to get her attention. Her expression milding out as she turned to face it.

"Hello, little one." she greeted in a calm and apathetic tone as she bent down to pick it up. A little creature like her in her arms as she turned around to face me. It was closer in look to one of the underlings, though. Green scales and all that with the human parts being distinctly boy-like.

"Hi." I said with a small wave as I stared at the nervous creature. Not really sure what to make of it as it felt odd looking at a half-reptile half-human thing. Even if Salahma's attractive body helped me ignore it, it still bothered me. Which, I suppose I had no right to do given my body...

"This is my son." she explained before a loud snap filled my ears. My eyes becoming practically glued to the limp body now in her hands. Everything about me had frozen up. I did not even follow the body as it was thrown away.

The sounds of tearing flesh and crunched up bones following it...

"Tha... Th... That was your son!" I barely got out at first until I just forced it out. But, this cruel thing before me, this Salahma. She just walked up to me as if what she did was erotic!? She was now trying to seduce me after murdering her son!?

"Was, now I get to have many more sons and even daughters with you. I hope you can last a while, because I am going to be very busy with you." she whispered into my ear with her hot breath being followed by her tongue. If I could still do it, she'd probably be tasting nothing but my sweat. However, instead, she just tasted my carapace and the flesh under it.

A taste she seemed to quite enjoy as even though it did not feel nice for me, mostly because I was scared. She kept guiding her tongue between my carapace and slobbering over my twitching flesh. If I was not terrified, I might have asked her to stop. But, for now, I was just going to let it happen.

Thankfully, she was done quite quickly, so I could relax a little. Well, I say that, but, the reality was clear and blatant. I would do no relaxing around here, especially given what I just saw. So I could only pray the others got here quickly...

By the gods... Someone save me, I can't get out of this on my own. Running would see me butchered and that assumes I could run! I was too injured to do anything right now...

Actually, how did she expect me to have sex with her when I was struggling to walk!? Actually... Maybe this was my opportunity!? To see if I can convince her to help me heal with her magic, or to at least take me somewhere where I can!

"Salahma..." I started off nervously as I began to walk with her. My eyes sometimes moving to the edge of their sockets. It was clear we were being followed.

"Yes, my Nin?" I was asked back with just as she pressed herself up against me again.

"So you want me to have lots of sex with you, yes?" and the moment I said the breeding word. The underlings began to, well, squawk in fury.

"QUIET!" Salahma roared at them before doing a complete tonal shift, "Until your back breaks and my hips dislocate." she whispered as her tongue prodded my mouth.

"How am I going to do that exactly, like this...? I am in a lot of pain right now and I can't exactly do well in, you know if I am..." I said to her before gesturing to my various burn marks and points of melted carapace. Screaming in my head as I was hoping so badly that she would take it and heal me.

"You make a good point..." she said ponderously before she then picked me up and rushed us to somewhere. A cloud of grey puffing up into the air around us before she then went on top of me with a smirk.

"Wha..." I let out in utter confusion. Some disappointment as well as it seemed like she was not going to heal me.

"We'll just do it here then! You can rest your strong, fertile body on this soft ash and I can do all the work... Don't worry, I don't mind, so long as a child is in me once we are done." she explained as she slowly went back and forth on my crotch. A slight blush appearing on her face as she leaned back.

"I'll bear this in mind, but, give me some time to at least heal, okay?" I then asked her in hopes of getting her off of me. Only for her to then stop moving before she then slowly moved her claws up. And, once they had passed her breasts, the scaley bra-like parts of them disappeared into flickering embers. Her darkly coloured nipples protruding outwards once her claws were out of the way.

"Are you sure?" she asked me as her tongue rolled out of her mouth and slithered down. Its end so very close to flicking away at the hardened bit of flesh at the tip of her breasts. Her claws soon pressing into them to squish them and elicit pleasure from her. Those moans adding to that question of hers...

Are you sure?

Yes, I was sure, and I was going to answer.

"Not now." I told her before flinching back slightly. Expecting this to suddenly get forceful, but, no, she obeyed and moved off of me.

"Of course, sorry for pushing you too far." she said to me before rubbing up to me with a soft purr. Embers once again flashing about her breasts before she went off. Those scale bra things back before a growl came from her. Not her mouth, though.