A few days pass since our sexual interaction, James has only 4 days left in Belgrade and I want to make these final 4 days the best 4 days of his life (so far).
So to do that, I call over Andrea and we are off to the shopping centre.
"Gde ce mo? (Where are we going?)," Andrea asks me.
"Mozda u Victora's Secret? (Maybe in Victoria's Secret?)" I reply.
"A sto tu? (Why there?)".
"To je iznenadenje (That will be a surprise)," I reply, smiling at her.
"A to iznenadenje je za Jamesa, a? (And that surprise if for James, eh?)" She mocks me.
"Mozda... (Maybe...)".
"Hajdemo, sta cekamo... (Come on, what are we waiting for?)" Andrea says, leading the way towards the escalator.
We pass by many stores, Next, H&M, Zara, New Yorker, LC WAIKIKI, and god many more.
Finally, after passing a jewellery store, we arrive at Victoria's Secret.
"Evo smo... (Here we are...)," Andrea says, examining and looking through what is ion the display.
"Hajdemo u soping! (Let's go shopping!)" I say, entering the store.
We walk over to the first aisle, and from there we begin looking and searching for anything eye-catching.
"A ovaj? (This one?)" Ana asks me, picking up a red, lace lingerie. Wow, I really like it!
"A mozda ovaj crni? (Maybe this back one?)" I ask, pointing at the one beside where Ana got the red one.
"Ne znam, ja mislim da ce ti ovaj crveni biti bolja. Crvena je seksi boja. (I don't know, I think that this red one will be better. Red is a sexy colour.)".
"A oba dva? (What about both?)" I ask, as a smirk forms on my face. I see her sending me back a smirk.
"A tri? (what about three?)" she asks me, holding up a white lingerie.
I just widen my eyes, I think it is fair enough to say that my face says it all. I know she gets it when she begins laughing at my reaction.
"Mozda ne... (maybe not...)," Andrea says after calming down from her small laughing fit.
"Da... to je strogo ne... belo ne stoji dobro na mene... (yes... that is a strong no... white does not go well on me...)," I say.
she looks at me amused.
"Kako ćeš da znaš kad nikad nisi ni probala belo... (How your you know when you have never tried white...)".
"Zato što... znam... (Because... I know...)" I try and sound as convincing... but if anything, I sound otherwise.
"Aha znaš... al malo sutra... (oh sure you know...)" Andrea replies teasingly.
"Kupicemo ta tri i tačka... (We are going to buy the three. Full stop.)" Andrea adds, now acting like my mother...
"Ali šta ako mi ne stoje? (but what is they don't suit me?)".
"Ana, drugarice. Tebi sve jebeno stoji... (Ana, friend. Everything fucking suits you...)" Andrea replies, making me feel that bit more confident.
"Hvala, al nisi morala baš the psujš. (Thanks, but you didn't have to curse.).
But she ignores my statement.
"Hajde, šta još? (Come on, what else?)," she asks me.
"Ništa... to je to... (Nothing... That is it...)," I reply.
But I see her roll her eyes, she is not happy with my answer.
"Auu, sad trebam da ti i kupujem... (Geez, now I even have to buy you stuff...)," she replies.
Now I roll my eyes at her.
"Ne, nemoras... (No, you don't have to...)".
"Hajde, idemo u sekciju gde su brusevi i gaće. (Come on, we are going to the section where the bras and underwear are.)" Andrea says, basically dragging me by my hand down the store.
I can see some heads turn towards us as we make our way down the back of the store where the bras and underwear are.
"Evo smo, izaberi nešto seksi, nešto što će se svideti Jamesu kad te vidi polu gola... (Here we are, choose something sexy, something that James will like when he sees you half-naked...)," she whispers to me so that the people around us cannot hear her.
"Znam... (I know...)," I reply.
I take a closer look at the broad selection of bras and underwear that is displayed right in front of my nose, boy does the selection range... starting with the sizes, any size imaginable, and then to any type!... I have honestly felt like I was in bra and underwear heaven, but of course, Andrea being Andrea, she hurried 'my lazy ass up' (quote on quote) because she has another date with her, if I may say so, exquisite man. Darko.
So, of course, me being me, I didn't want this dazzling human to be waiting for his date for a random gal like me.
"Okay, a ovaj? (Okay, this one?)" I ask her, showing her the red lace bra and underwear.
"Mislim... nije lose... ali nije ni nesto, da kazem, specialno... (I mean... it is not bad... but it is also nothing special)," she replies.
Okay, at this point, she is getting kinda picky... but that is what I get for bringing Andrea to shopping with me, I should have known that this would happen.
"Cekaj, ajdemo ovde... (Wait, let's go here...)," Andrea says, walking to the other side of the shelf that we are facing. What do you know, more bras and underwear. I mean, we are in Victoria's Secret after all...
"A ovaj? (This one?)" Andrea kicks me out of my daydream, replacing it with a view of her holding a black pair of underwear and a bra to go along with it.
At first, I didn't really like it, but it is one of those things when the longer you look at them, you begin to become slightly more attracted to them. So I decide to along with my gut...
"Moze... (Sure...)," I reply. I see that she is delighted by the smile on her face.
"To je to? (Is that it?)," she asks me.
"Da. (Yes)." I reply.
And with a content smile on both of our faces, we head to the cash register. My only hope now is that these won't be too expensive.
"Dali ces veceras da ga iznenadis? (Will you surprise him tonight?)" Andrea asks me with a taunting look on her face.
"Ne veceras, ali cu zato uskoro. Pre nego sto se vrati za taj glupi Los Andeles... (Not tonight, but I will soon. That is before he returns to his stupid Los Angeles...)," I reply. The thought of him leaving me is now just making me angry.