Chereads / Love Separated by The Atlantic / Chapter 14 - Chapter Fourteen - Double Date...

Chapter 14 - Chapter Fourteen - Double Date...

The next day enrols and now James has only 3 days left.

Thank goodness Andrea remembered a place that is very beautiful that we should all visit, it is on the outskirts of Belgrade, in a small towny-village where some of my relatives live. Grocka.

The drive from here to Grocka will be about... half an hour to forty-five minutes. God, it has been a while since I last visited Grocka.

In this towny-village, there is a very fancy restaurant showing off the Danube river. It is very beautiful. I remember when Igor took me to that restaurant, I was amazed, most likely because it was my first time, but the view was spectacular.

I woke up, showered and got dressed but not alone. Andrea helped me and I kinda helped her, in a way.

"Kazi me, kad krecemo? (Tell me, when are we leaving)," I ask her.

"Uskoro... za nekih sat vremena (Soon in about an hour),".

"Hajde, trebamo da se spremamo, i meni treba pomoc. (Come on, we need to get ready, and I will be needing some help)," I tell her as we both head into my room.

She brought a bag with her clothes that she chose for her and me, in case if I don't have the 'appropriate clothes', as Andrea said.

"Sta imas? (What do you have?)," I ask her.

"Evo su neke moje stvari sto se meni mnogo svidaju, i nadam se da cu se i tebi svideti. (Here are some of my clothes that I like, I hope that you will like them too.)," Andrea says, tumbling all the clothes out of the bag.

I honestly doubt that I will hate anything that Andrea shows me because mine and her fashion taste are very similar, but of course, she can somehow find better stuff from shops that I didn't know even exist!

I scavenge through the pile of clothes, picking up a light blue pair of jeans that I can definitely picture with my brown, heeled boots and a very beautiful jacket covered with a dirty green colour, something brighter below the jacket and to top it off with a beautiful scarf.

"To? (That?)," she asks me, I can see by her face that she is not impressed.

"Da... (Yes...)" I reply. "Sto? Nije dobro? (What? Is it not good?)".

"Ma ne, nego sam mislila nesto vise... ovako... (No no, but I thought of something more like... this...)" She says, picking up a short, red dress, similar to the one she got me a few days ago.

"Hm? Sta mislis? (Hm? What do you think?)".

"Andrea, jeste da je lepa, mnogo je lepa, ali napolju je da se smrznes... (Andrea, it pretty, it is very pretty, but it is freezing outside...)" I reply. I don't want to freeze to death!

"Upravu si... (you are correct...)" she says, placing the dress down. "Ali ako ces farmarice, onda ti preporucujem... evo ove... (But if you want jeans, then I would recommend you... these right here...)" She hands me over a pair of jeans, they look even prettier than the ones I picked up a few minutes ago.

"Ah? Sta mislis? (Ah? What do you think?)" She asks me with a grin on her face. I think she can see be my face what my answer is. In other words, I am in love with them.

"Bozanstvene su! (They look divine!)".

"Znam, samo kupujem najbolje... (I know, I only buy the best...)" Andrea jokes around, interprating a rich person. She even rose her nose up. We break into bits of laughter.

"Okay, hajdemo jel nemamo puno vremena. (Okay, come on, we dont have that much time.)" Andrea says, picking up some bottoms and a top but she changes the top for something more cuter.

"Cekaj, pre nego sto pocnemo... (Wait, before we begin...)" I begin, but clear my thorat as I am eyeing down my chest.

"Oh... brus? (Oh... a bra?).".

I nod my head in embarressment.

"Gde si ostavila ona tri sto sam ti kupila? (Where did you leave the three that I bought you?)".

I walk over to my drawer and pull out the three bras and the three underwear that she bought me.

"Opa, i gace... (Oh, underwear too...)" she mocks me in a friendly way.

"Neznam koju boju... Ne mogu da se odlucim izmedu crvenih ili crnih. (I dont know what colour... I cant choose between the red ones or the black ones.)," I tell her, making it sound like this grand problem.

"Crvene sto- ne, hiljadu posto... (the red ones a hundred- no, a thousand percent...).".

"Hvala to puno! (Thank you so much!)," I giver her a quick hug before skipping over to the bathroom with the clean, red pair of underwear and the bra.

Within a few minutes, I change into the bra and under wear and when I look myself in the mirror I am stunned at how good these look on me. Now I cannot wait for James to see me in these, I can't imagine foe turned on he will get... God...

I exit the bathroom and walk back into my room where I find Andrea on her phone, giggling. She is probably texting... no, sexting with Darko...

I clear my throat for her to notice my presence.

"Zeno! Boze, kako ti lepo stoji... James ce da bude bas srecan veceras... (Woman! Oh my god, they look so good on you... James will be very happy tonight..." she says, as a dirty smile appeaes on her face.

"Perv..." I reply, but I get an eye roll as an answer.

"Jedva cekam da me Jmaes vidi! (I cant wait for James to see me!).".

"Sto mora da ceka kad moze i sad da te vidi? (Why should he wait when he could see you now?)," Andrea says.

I look around the room.

"Ne, nije ovde... (no, he is not here...),".

"Kako mislis da me vidi sad? (What do you mean he can see me now?)," I ask her.

"Posalji mu selfi... (Send him a selfie...)," Andrea tells me, rolling her eyes.

"Pa... neznam... (I... dont know...).".

"Boze, napravi da on bude zeljan tvog tela... a da ti i kazem, dobro je is za... ono veceras... (Gosh, make him thirsty for your body... also I got to say that it will also be better for... that thing tonight...).". I can see a big smile on her face as she is hoping for me to say yes, but if anything, I am straight up thinking otherwise.

"Ne Andrea... (No Andrea...).".

"Dobro... (Fine...)" she answers back.

"Ali barem mi pokazi kako hoces da mu poziras kad ste sami... (But at least show me what pose you are going to do when you get him alone).".

I chuckle before takimg my pose, I close my eyes, pop out my chest, lean more so on my right leg, raise my hands above my head and bite my lip.

I then hear her giggle.

"i... poslato... (and... sent...).".

I open my eyes wide when I came to the realisation to what she just said.

"Kome si poslala!? (To who!?).".

"Jamesu, naravno... (To James, of course...).".

Just then...

*Knock knock knock*

"Who is that!?" I shreik in fright.

"Ja cu... (I'll get it...)," and with we swift walking, Andrea is off to the door. I listen closely.

I kear her unlock the door. before opening it.

"James! Hey... come in... She will be done in a bit...".

Then I hear his voice.

"Oh look, she sent me something...".

Oh no... But I mean, I dont look bad, do I?...

I just wait for his reaction... Nothing... All I hear is quiet.

"James, are you okay?..." Andrea asks him.

"Y-Yeah, n-no, I mean... yeah, I am fine...".

Okay... he is turned on...

"I am sure Ana will be done... VERY SOON... right, Ana?".

"R-Right... yes..." I studder out, quickly putting on my clothes.

Finally, I come out, revealing a very handsome James, stitting on the couch across from me.

"It was about time Ana..." Andrea whispers to me... uncomfortably.

I walk over to James and I take a seat beside him, but the moment I do, I get a strange feeling, like something is off...

I can feel him move closer to me, I am expecting a kiss, but instead... a whisper.

"We will talk about the picture later," he whispers coldly, instantly, I felt my arousal spike. Even when he is bitter, he still sounds so hot and sexy...

Another moment passes before a second knock on the door could be heard. It is Darko.

Andrea opens the door, but he just pokes his head through.

"Are we ready?," Darko says with his strong, Serbian accent.

We all nod.

"I'll wait you in the car..." he adds, walking back our and closing the door.

"Lets go!" James says, smiling, but he does not even give me a glance. I felt my heart clench and twist as the pain soars through my body.

Why is he ignoring me?... Is he even ignoring me?... I am so confused.

I walk out into the snow, behind Andrea and James.

I can see Andrea slow down, coming back to me.

"A sta mu je? (And what is with him?)," she asks me.

But I just shrug, I try so hard not to cry, but as always, one manages to roll down my cheek. I rub it quickly away before entering Darko's car.

This is not how I wanted our end to end like...