Chereads / Overseer's Asylum / Chapter 21 - Hive Lara: The Shock

Chapter 21 - Hive Lara: The Shock

Takashi was stunned and wasn't able to move since he had taken a look at its face his whole body weakened because he was thinking of the pain it had gone through to look like that. Then someone struck the creature from its back in the neck ripping its head off its body, the head fell off along with the body to the floor but it still didn't die as it kept moving with its hands and legs as its feet like an animal. Meanwhile, the head didn't move. It didn't feel obvious to both of them. Takashi then looked over to who it was and it was a lady about his age in his mind. She had green hair with grey eyes her right hand formed into a crystallised spear while she held her left hand on her right elbow. Takashi asked, "I haven't seen you anywhere around here, who are you?"

The lady said, "I can't say my name, you haven't seen me because I was with Lara on the 68th floor and there were 2 others also"

Takashi didn't remember Lara telling him about them till he remembered the 1 time Lara said, "Thanks for those extra marshmallows you brought, the others liked it during the tea party", Takashi felt it was just her imagination that she was talking about at the time Takashi was 20 years old and Lara was 11 years old.

After Takashi left the floor and went down to the 67th floor through the elevator after the door shut, 4 people jumped off the ceiling and landed on their feet. The girl who was the 1st the land down said, "I won and I saw that you haven't even jumped when I did so I get the extra marshmallows with Lara", and then giggled at the others. In 2nd there were 2 a boy and a girl they didn't care what she said since they just glared at each other thinking who landed earlier among them. the boy said, "No way! You landed before me... I did beat you?! C did you see that!"

C the girl who landed 1st after seeing that nobody listened in on her except Lara since she was in the middle of it all. C said, "No! Why would I when I know I landed 1st"

The other girl said, "I know I Landed before you both losers" and then she stared away at the boy who landed last and continued, "What do you think Perry I won this didn't I?"

Perry said, "No... C won it and Seth and you landed later at the same time unfortunately and I lost!"

Seth said, "No! Not again... I can't ever win..."

C smiled and said, "You all are so kind to give me the win... I will not share", she raised her right palm to show a gesture of blocking.

Meanwhile, Perry went over to Lara and asked, "Can I take some of those marshmallows now?"

Lara said, "Sure!", and she handed her 8 of them. Perry went over t each and every one of them and shoved 2 in each of their mouths. They didn't spit it out but took a bit into it to taste and see what it was, they got to know it was marshmallows but C didn't like what Perry did, So, in a screeching voice C said, "Per! 4 of it was mine how could you just do that!"

Perry replied, "Because I did so"

C didn't say anything back since she was in awe but the other girl said, "Thank you... Perry!, I always knew you would share", she said blushingly

C said, "To make it clear to you Cathy! It...! was...! mine...!", C said that while she was in pain thinking that she had won and lost at the same time.

Cathy smiled and laughed and then said, "Hehe! Thanks, C!"

After hearing, Cathy say thanks C smiled and replied, "It is Ok though Perry was right to do that..." and then sighed and then continued, "Perry!... Vengence is mine!"

Perry smiled and said, "Some other time", then turned over and walked to Lara

Cathy and Seth looked at C who glared at Perry's back and nodded in agreement with Perry and held onto her hand Cathy on the right and Seth on the left dragging her closer near to Lara and Perry.

Perry asked Lara whispering, "Did you give what I gave you earlier to Cora?", then he moved away to see her reaction. Lara nodded yes and said, "C! Cora gave me something to give to you", As she put her bag down and took out a necklace with a star emblem with C in the centre of it.

They all heard the elevator opens, Martin enters in and says, "Perry, Seth and Cathy come with me. Lara and C I will take you both later, I have something else for you both to do"

Then Perry and the others left with Martin. Lara and C spend their time playing Card Games and Tag. Till later only Perry and Seth returned. C thought Cathy would be joining them both. C then noticed Perry and Seth didn't speak a word after entering the room, she couldn't ask them anything as Martin also entered and said, "We have to hurry and move down fast...", So rushed to the elevator saying nothing to each other. At the time Lara couldn't notice any of this since she was born inside the Pieces and had never been outside the walls. C felt something bad was going on. C was thinking, "Perry looked off, Seth always seemed like that ever since we were kids and that Cathy isn't with them is also worrying... Maybe she will be in the Lab with us... I hope"

Lara then looked at Martin holding his right hand with both her hands and asked, "Pa! where is Cathy?", Martin then looked back at Lara and then C who wanted to hear where she was and said, "In the Laboratory... She failed one of the tests and is in the ICU in Mark's room beside us, You can go later after the tests to check on her", He wanted to lie about her but he couldn't since Lara was the one asking.

Martin was thinking, "C I know you are desperate to check on her... Lara's and C's abilities are crossable in Mark's understanding, So, I have to see if the World Tree can be formed out of it", and then opens up. C and Lara looks at each other and as they got off the elevator C used her ability to reach the top. Her ability is to create a crystallised sword out of the ground or any part of her body it is a world root and a blade. C created a crystallised sword which was a sword staff, she created 2 of the staff and then held onto the staff as it grew longer to elevate her way up. Lara on the other hand looked at Martin if he would let her use her ability. Martin nodded in agreement and then she walked into the wall she vanished right into the wall and reach the wall in the middle of Mark's and Martin's rooms.

C hasn't actually been Lara using her ability. Lara had won the race and was waiting for C to reach. C was pretty confident that she had got this in the bag till she looked and saw Lara was no longer there and Martin was making his way up the stairs, when she looked up she was shocked to see Lara had already made it up there after she reached she gave Lara a fake smile and said, "You... win this time...", she said this while shivering.

Lara didn't like it when C seemed a bit off after Lara appeared to C out of nowhere.

Lara tried to shake C's hand but C ignored it and it was all silence till Martin walked up the stairs and said, "C what you just saw was only a small percentage of what Lara is capable of, She is a Sole Root"

C just nodded and said nothing to it and kept hearing. Martin saw C's face and understood she was a bit afraid of Lara, he was thinking, "I am sorry C I know this test will probably hurt you and I might have to send you too to Mark, I know you will be ok after that but the pressure it will put on Lara is a problem", and then stares off at Lara and Lara back at him. Lara smiled slightly understanding a bit of what was to happen. Martin kept thinking, "I am proud of you Lara... I know you hate me", then looked over to C and said, "C come in with me and you too Lara"

Then they enter Martin's office, there are 3 capsules with humanoids with no faces in them, all the humanoids had masks with a tube to give oxygen to them. next to the capsules was his desk. but the tests weren't about to be held over there. Martin went behind the capsules and pressed the button on the wall which opened up a door that was 17 ft tall almost the size of the room which was 21 ft. they enter a lab with 3 beds, medical lighting on top of each bed and a table with many medical pieces of equipment alongside a microscope.

Martin said, "Lay down on the bed next to each other. I will be back in a while" after he had left the room C looked at Lara to see how she was doing. Lara was looking over at the roof whilst raising both her hands with tears falling from her eyes.

C said, "I am sorry I just didn't know how to accept defeat since that was my 1 and only lose", she said while smiling at her and Lara looked at C after she wiped the tears from her eyes.

Lara said, "It is ok!... *sniff* *sniff* I was just having a staring contest with the ceiling", C then glared at her and replied, "Really? You think that was a good excuse?"

Lara then said, "Then what about the one you said?! It was a joke!"

C got angry and said, "I had nothing other than that to say to seem like it was the truth, Lara!", then they laughed it out as that brought them closer. They then talked laying in bed till Martin came back.

When Martin came he brought 3 others that being Mark, Cora and Sophie. Sophie was one of Cora's Colleagues and was close since they were children and so did C know her. Since Cora helped Lara while she was growing up so did Sophie.

Martin said, "C, Lara I am about start the test. You just have to lie down while we get on with the test. Tell me if you feel any difficulty during it."

Cora brings a blood transfusion device and Sophie brought a table behind the head of the bed. Mark Adjusted a heartbeat sensor on C's right side and another one on Lara's left side. Cora went and got an injector and took Lara's blood and injected it in the blood transfusion device and SOpie injected it into C.

Then Mark said, "Set it for 5 seconds!", Sophie then brought some blindfolds to cover Lara's and C's eyes. Cora set the timer for the blood drops for 5 seconds per drop.

After the timer was set and half of the blood drops entered C without any complications Lara was carried out of the room to the 68th floor whilst she was unconscious Mark carried her. Meanwhile, C was moved to Mark's room for ICU.

C was asleep after being satiated by anaesthesia as they moved her to the ICU, beside her Mark came to check on Cathy. He checked on Cathy's heartbeat sensor and saw it wasn't on, So, he switched on the monitor and saw it wasn't beating anymore.

Mark shouted saying, "Cathy needs medical attention now!!!", then Cora and Sophie rushed in...