Chereads / Overseer's Asylum / Chapter 25 - The Dome Finale: Setting

Chapter 25 - The Dome Finale: Setting

Back in Tube 2, They had already gotten off the tube and saw the egg in the middle of the room. The Egg had "VI" written on it. But Rebecca and James didn't give much notice to it.

As Rebecca was looking at the egg from where she was standing next to the tube with James which was afar, George and Jean were pushing the egg around to each other on opposite sides.

Rebecca asked, "So, What should we do if we come across him again?"

James said, "If Jamie were here... he would want us to beat the s*** out of him... but we know that Danny could beat us... So... We should get away from him and try our best never to come across him!... Or till we meet Jamie at least"

Rebecca nodded yes and said, "Didn't have to think twice about it too"

And then their Gs beeped and Viceroy said, "This is a Dome where you face what is in the egg in this case, It is the 6th Mytes thirio, the weakest of the rest but it is special too. It is you that you be facing. So, now I will be leaving since the egg is about to hatch and I have another place to be", and then their Gs beeped off.

Rebecca said, "Well! We got to face ourselves before we get out of here now", And the egg started to shake around, it was about 7 feet tall and 4 metres wide. And then it stopped shaking around and melted apart and formed 4 white Mannequin-like bodies the same body shapes as James, Rebecca, George and Jean each.

Jean was confused and asked, "So, What, should we arrange them in order where we stand?", and After she said that her mannequin hopped 3 times to show it could move on its own.

They stood silent for 2 seconds to process the shock and George asked, "Are they our personal Butler then?", as she said that Rebecca's clone's right hand was raised and pointed at Rebecca and shot a step in front of her.

Rebecca then said, "Well! Maybe not!"

James said, "I will take your clone out and you take mine"

Rebecca said, "No! I will take care of her myself, and you take off yours"

James said, "Sure!", and then rushed towards his clone, So did his clone do the same.

Rebecca took out her pistol from her pocket and her mag from her waist belt which had 6 pockets and all 6 of them were for mags.

George didn't do anything and stood his ground as James passed by him to clash off with James's clone just a bit ahead of him and then looked over at his clone to see it slowly walking towards him. He then ran back to the tube in fear saying, "Jean! Please help me!"

Jean said, "What do you mean!? Help yourself using your ability. I have to deal with mine first and then If yours is still there I can help then"

Jean then saw her clone just staring off at her, that was when she pointed her left index at it and the clone did the same. That left Jean confused thinking, "No way! It has our abilities too!", but then the clone tried to shoot itself and nothing happened that relieved Jean. And then the clone pointed the trigger at Jean and tried to fire but this time the ability of it activated and a bullet was shot that just missed her and passed her just to the right side of her belly. James on the other hand was trying to look for the weakness by stabbing all across its body and saw that none of the attacks faced it. He had stabbed it in its head in the temple, in its chest, stomach, neck and even its foot on the right. Rebecca didn't immediately go for her clone instead she went for George's clone by shooting it in the back and saw that it got stunned for a few seconds and stood there and started to regenerate the cells it lost.

James looked over as Rebecca shot and saw that she had cracked it and said, "Dame! You don't miss a vital point"

Rebecca smiled and said, "Do the same", and then she turned her attention over to her clone.

James didn't think twice and quickly took its knife away and then used it with his left hand to slit the back of its neck then it started to melt as James said, "I am done here"

Rebecca said, "Same here", But her clone was still standing. She rushed in as the clone kept shooting and she kept evading her shot since she could read herself attacking. When she got in close range with it, she pushed the clone's hands away and then tripped the clone and pinned it to the floor to take a shot at its back. And while George had already taken the clone by using his spikes to cover him from it, piercing the clone entirely.

Rebecca looked over at George and saw his clone was already defeated and then she looked over at Jean, who was down on the floor and the clone getting close to her body to finish her.

Rebecca shouted, "James!! GO! Help Jean!", James saw that Rebecca was serious and moved his attention over to Jean and saw she was down, So, he rushed over to help immediately. As he got close to her he got shot from the ground on his Achilles and went to the ground screaming in pain. As he fell to the ground he left hold of his knife.

James looked up and saw the clone of Jean standing in front of him and said, "I am the 6th Mytes thirio, I like to read others and catch them when they are unaware of me...", As it tried to continue Rebecca interrupted it by shooting it right in the jaw.

Rebecca said, "My bad James I didn't want you to get hurt for my mistakes!", she said as she shot again but this time in its temple.

James said, "Damn it! Rebecca this... is not your mission!... but mine! And you decided to join in and I am responsible here"

Rebecca snapped out of it and stopped shooting, The clone was not down but regenerated its face back and it continued, "Awww!!! What a touching...", Again as it tried to continue this time James tripped it with a whirlwind and then taking his knife that fell off his hand and stabbed in the back of its neck.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, their Gs beeped and Cora said, "Hi! I am Cora...", Rebecca interrupted her and said, "Get to the point!"

Cora continued, "Umm... I am sorry! but we don't have any Doctors that can help James, we are instead going to help with the other 2 kids and she will be coming soon to pick them up... if that... is ok with you? please?"

Rebecca did reply to it instead James said, "It will be alright! I just want the kids to be safe... I understand what Martin is doing this all for. Jamie doesn't trust him but I do and so does the Colonel"

Cora said, "Of Course! we will take care of them since they have succeeded in the test!"

James asked, "What? Since they did? If they hadn't what would have happened?"

Cora replied, "Oh! no, no, no, no I didn't mean anything twisted there, I meant the kids will be taken to the mainland ourselves"

James kept silent for a few seconds, and then asked, "I should be doing what now then?"

Cora said, "You both can stay inside the tube it will take you down, there is no more test for them just a path out of the Pieces", and then their Gs beeped off.

George asked, "Does that mean I should also stay behind?... But I am well"

James said, "That is what they said, but if you want to join us you are more than welcome to join us, kid"

George looked over at Jean who was on the floor unconscious and then he said with reluctance, "I... think... I will stay"

After that George stayed with Jean while Rebecca held James close to her shoulder to help him to the tube.

While in Tube 5, they all had an egg that was the same height and width as an average human. Allan and Dean kept tapping on the egg to check whether it was hollow inside, and then later they both hugged it with a smile as if it were their egg. while Lara and Takashi were both talking next to the tube.

Takashi said, "They were pretty suspicious since the beginning"

Lara asked, "Wasn't Father watching all of it? What did he think of it all?"

Takashi replied, "I can't say, he did say or do anything maybe he didn't see or he had all of it planned since the beginning too"

Lara said, "And now the 2nd one... I remember that when I trained to catch its movement but now I will have to fight it, this is going to be a hard trial"

While Allan and Dean were talking about something else.

Allan pushed the egg to Dean and asked, "Which school did you go to?"

Dean said, "To Grand Westuroy School, and you?", he asked as he pushed the egg to him

Allan said, "That's the same school Alexa and I went to too,... I...didn't talk much then"

Dean said, "Hmm... no wonder I recognised, I did feel though you are the same kid who played with Augustine in the Dodgeball game we had against our seniors. Don't you remember you both were in the same team, Augustine was the last to get knocked out by the ball. But when Augustine thought the game was over you were there to take out all the seniors on your own, one after the other", and then Allan pushed the egg to Dean.

Allan said after a few seconds of thinking, "Don't remember... maybe you mean the wrong person. I don't remember that day if had met"

Dean pushed the egg to Allan and said, "You might not I kinda guessed because you didn't give any attention to the people around you that day or the days we saw you again, Augustine didn't like how you acted that is the reason he got the motivation to get better and overtake you"

That was when their Gs beeped and Perry, "Hey there! Lara... you know this one don't you? The 2nd one is extremely fast to catch, beating it is impossible. Beat it and move back in the tube to go down", then their Gs beeped off.

Takashi asked, "Was... he... always like this?"

Lara nodded yes and said, "He is too blunt and puts everything short but he was always kind too", she said that smiling.

Takashi was happy to see that she had some enjoyable moments back there.

As Dean kept rocking the egg it started to shake with him holding onto it. He left hold of it as Takashi said, "Dean keep away from it! And both of you get over here", Dean left it and went with Allan to join Takashi and Lara.

The egg cracked open and a person came out, this person looked familiar to Lara.

Lara softly said, "Cathy", Takashi saw that Lara was shocked to see this person.

There stood Cathy who was checking out her hands and looking down at her feet and said, "So... I died..., I am Sorry C", then she looked around and then saw Lara with a group.

Cathy used her telepathy and asked Martin, "Master, Why am I here?", Martin wasn't expecting Cathy to use her telepathy on her. At this time Martin was on the elevator going down and with him were C and Seth.

Martin then asked inside the telepathy, "Cathy! you know what happened to you right?"

Cathy said, "Yes!"

Martin continued then, "You were then converted to a Havek, a beast I had created and then after you were trapped inside my lab I turned on the air ventilation to crystallise and save your life, I did succeed but I haven't completed all of it yet. You are now a Mytes thirio the 2nd one that too, I want you to train Lara and her friends so they can crystalise you again. And after that, Mark will be coming to cut out your crystallised heart to then...", As he continued to explain Cathy stopped him in the middle and said, "I get the just of it, So, I fight them and I get to live again... then that is what I will do"

Martin asked, "Then alright! By the way Cathy... C and Seth are with me,... do you want to talk to them too?"

Cathy nodded in real-time no and said, "No, I want them to talk when I see them, I trust in you, Master", and then she stopped using her telepathy and then closed her eyes to ask Lara, "I am the 2nd Mytes thirio, You do know me don't you Lara?...", Lara did like the question it asked her.

Lara said, "Of Course! I know you, Cathy!"

Cathy smiled slightly with happiness and said, "So, this is Cathy... huh", and then Cathy was thinking, "Lara, I wish there was another way... I am sorry", and then she moved in wrapping speed to get behind Lara.

After she got behind her Cathy said, "Thank you...", Lara looked back and she saw Cathy's right hand turned into a blade.

Then Cathy stopped smiling and then said, "Thank you for showing your back", And then she cut her into 2 halves from the middle.

Cathy then looked over at Takashi and said, "1 down, 3 to go", as Takashi heard her saying that he activated his ability knowing too well that he was next. So, he slowed time and took both halves of Lara and got away from there. After he got far from her he shouted to Allan and Dean, "Don't just stand there get away! And check around you if you don't see her... Forget about me and Lara we will be ok!"

Allan was thinking, "But she got cut", and then left the topic to look at Cathy and said, "I dare you to cut me, Don't go after them"

Dean said, "Allan! I will help you"

Allan nodded no and said, "I got this"

Cathy then wrapped in front of him and saw that he had eyes on her still, she ignored it and tried to strike him with her right blade to slice his head but he dodged it bending backwards and then backflipping once to get space from Cathy.

Cathy said, "What the...", then saw he still had his eye open keenly and then looked around his terrain.

Cathy was thinking, "Why was he looking around?"

Allan said, "Come on! Is that all you can throw at me? then that sucks"

Cathy was annoyed and said, "So, you want to see all of it... I don't think you can keep up"

But Cathy was also thinking, "I maybe think he could keep up then too, but no way right? He is human? So no"

And then wrapped in speed that it looked like she stopped itself so that Allan hadn't kept up with her full speed.

Cathy was relieved to see he couldn't keep up. She sighed in relief and said, "Knew it!", then landed a hit with her hands but slowly since she had no intentions of killing him.

But she didn't hit him even then. It was an afterimage of him and her hand just went right past it.

Cathy screamed, "What the f***! He is not human"

Cathy then moved at normal speed to see where he was and didn't see him in front of her as she looked around she saw that he was behind with his left hand on her back. It felt like her life was being sucked out by just one touch. And took his hand off her forming his palm to crystallise but de-crystalised immediately as he took his hand off her.

Allan didn't exactly know what happened there but he understood the just of it. Allan was thinking, "What... an ability? maybe I will try getting behind her and try it again. No, that won't work. My hand will just get numb like that I should understand it completely to use it"

Cathy was thinking, "Calm down... The kid isn't fast surely, If he were he could have taken me out in no time... never mind he couldn't do that. But what he did there at the last was supposed to end me, what was that? A fluke maybe. And maybe he predicted where I was going for. Since it was pretty obvious. But that doesn't explain how he disappeared"

She was thinking for too long that Allan had enough waiting and rushed to strike her and Cathy went full speed, again and again, she couldn't see Allan.

Cathy was thinking, "Where is he?"

After the 5th time using her full speed, she just stopped for a few seconds fortunately that was all the time Allan needed to get behind her and place his left palm again in her back.

Cathy asked, "How did you?..."

Allan said, "Sorry! But you were just too easy to read because you didn't come at me with the intent to kill"

Cathy was shocked to see that he saw through her, and asked after a sigh, "Well! I lose but how did you know? I killed Lara in front of you and still you could figure me out?..."

Allan said, "I know all about Lara, Takashi told me... She can't die, right?", and pulled his hand off her but this time he pulled out a crystal-like marble in his hand and his palm didn't crystallise like before.

Allan was thinking, "That is interesting..."

Cathy felt like she was lightweight after he took the marble out of her.

Cathy asked, "What did you just do?"

Allan said, "I don't know myself... but I think I have your life in my hand"

Cathy asked, "How can you say that?"

Allan said, "Because I can see your memories", he said this as he was seeing all the scenes of life she had with her friends and Lara.

Allan asked, "You are really Cathy, aren't you?"

Cathy said with a confused face, "I thought you understood that"

Allan said, "I didn't... anyways this is goodbye", he said that as he crushed the marble in his hand.

Cathy said, "Thank you...", she said that as she turned to dust.

Meanwhile, Josh and Noella were down for the count, leaving Danny to fend off the Grovelor with "I" on its head by himself...