‚There was the Zoo a bit back south.'
‚But I really shouldn't take more risks.'
‚However I would have to go around it if I want to look for Philipp before leaving Munich and when I'm already going around just peaking around won't be risky.'
And so it came that a few minutes later Philipp was sitting on a tree.
The tree was standing in a hill side.
For people not living in the south of Munich it should be explained that the Isar is a very old river. This follows with the fact that in its younger days it it river bed was somewhere higher and in other forms.
So it came that today there is, where once was a bay like area, now a comparably lowers area which was one huge Zoo.
Also it should be said that the whole south of Munich was on higher land. Around 30 meters. Most of the area has a smooth transition just not here at the river. Here was a Zoo enclosed by walls on 3 sides and one one by water.
On the southern side was where Hans was.
While trying to spy he also started sorting his crystals.
‚4 lvl 2, 56 lvl 1'
‚Level 2 has 1 of each except mana. And with lvl 1 we have ...'
‚13 strength'
‚12 agility and 14 endurance'
‚Aaaaaaaaaaaaand 10 Perception, 7 Mana.'
‚Gonna eat the Mana crystal as it seems to still show effective progress'
‚Shit that burns. Should it Mana crystal one after Another and not all together.'
‚Let's see. Stats are growing so slowly now.'
User Name:- Johannes Martin Schmid (The Shackled I )
Strength - 4.122
Agility - 4.115
Endurance - 4.123
Perception - 4.099
Mana Immunity - 42%
Strength Booster (2nd Tier),
Agility Booster (2nd Tier)
Clipping Glove (2nd Tier)
471 White Coins
St- 0
Ag- 0
En- 0
Pe- 0
Ma- 0
‚I can't see any animals outside. They must be hiding.
Can't do anything against that. Damm!
Lets get moving and hope I can meet Philipp.'
And so Hans went on.
Traveling with the street brought him in 2 minutes to his best friends neighborhood.
He moved in the middle of the street as it was right now the safest space from abnormals.
He just speculated that nobody has the same ability as him or some night vision equipment.
Closing in, on his friends street he came up to a block of buildings. 3 Stories high, two flats per floor, every flat big enough for up to 3 people living comfortably. As housing was expensive most flats hand 4 inmates.
Around these blocks it was mostly 4 headed families. Going to their other end of the street, two kilometers east you would similar blocks of buildings mostly with students.
Philipp still lived with his family. Quite well off. His family owed one of the last one-family houses in this neighborhood.
Their house stood more in the middle section of this road.
Trying being sneaky and not provoking most of the abnormals Hans reached Philipps house fast.
Standing on its roof he peeked into the windows looking for abnormals.
Not finding any he went in.
30 minutes later.
‚They seem to be one of the few lucky families. No turned abnormals were ever inside this house. They must have noticed packed and left.
Even if not, I cannot expect from him to leave his family for me. I just wished that somehow we could keep in touch.'
Hans over all plan was going into the alps in the coming summer.
Especially he thought about the western part of Austria. Here lived mainly 4 animals if you take out livestock.
Marmots, Capricorn and some of its relatives, falcons and eagles.
For eagles It has to be pointed out that today their population is only slowly coming back.
You can count yourself lucky if you see one while driving through the alps.
But by no means is it impossible. If your are staying over the weekend and your all day out hiking then if your deep enough in the alps and observative your chances to spot one are quite good.
Overall it came down to livestock. And in the alps he would be saved from the livestock turned beast.
For tonight Hans had planed to leave the strong populated areas and look for villages.
His first target were the villages surrounding a town to the east south east of Munich.
It was one many satellite towns around Munich supplying living space for workers.
This one was called Rosenheim.
A/N: all places described, exist and can be traced to better understand the travel of Hans.
And the first village targeted on his map was on the south of Rosenheim called Rohrdorf.
From Philipps place 4 minutes away was the start of a highway.
Having his agility halved, he could only start jogging. As his speed was now down to 20km/h he needed for the around 50km of way at least 2 1/2 hours.
So Hans changed his plan. He had the idea to search for single vehicles that didn't follow the curfew and for single Farm and ranches to collect crystals and look how the turned livestock was acting.
With that he wanted to extent the traveling time to 5 hours. Then it would be around 2 am and he would have still 5 hours to clear a part of the village to make safe perimeter.